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Cyanobacteria in Kaituna River, Banks Peninsula,

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1 Cyanobacteria in Kaituna River, Banks Peninsula,
New Zealand FARADINA MERICAN & PAUL A. BROADY School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand Online with Ecology of Cyanobacteria II (Chap. 30) Whitton BA (ed.) (2012) Springer, Dordrecht. Images (other than map) copyright of authors of article

2 CONTENTS 2 3 Kaituna River features 4 Maps of the region
5 View of the main river Views of first- and second- order streams Chroococcales: crust-forming morphotypes Chlorogloea, Hydrococcus, Radaisia, Cyanodermatium Oscillatoriales: crust-forming mophotypes Heteroleibleinia Nostocales: crust-forming morphotypes Rivularia Oscillatoriales: mat-forming morphotypes Phormidium, Oscillatoria 25 Nostocales: mat-forming morphotypes Anabaena 26 Chroococcales: mucilaginous colonies Placoma Nostocales: gelatinous colonies Nostoc Chroococcales: epiphytic morphotypes Cyanodermatium, Chamaesiphon 32 Oscillatoriales: epiphytic morphotype Tapinothrix Maps on p. 4 sourced from LINZ. Crown Copyright Reserved

3 * Indigenous vegetation in upper reaches; greatly modified
3 Kaituna River * Descends from about 900 m and flows into coastal Te Waihora / Lake Ellesmere * Volcanic catchment * Indigenous vegetation in upper reaches; greatly modified pastoral and horticultural land in lower catchment These slides illustrate: * Contrasting habitats along the river * A selection of cyanobacteria that occur as visible growths on substrata of rock, cobbles and sediment Acknowledgements Page 4 The map on p. 4 is from NZMS 281 Banks Peninsula, Edition 1, 1984, Department of Lands and Survey, New Zealand. The other information included here is part of the as yet unpublished doctoral study of Faradina Merican.

4 Te Waihora Lake Ellesmere
4 Banks Peninsula 43o 45’ S Te Waihora Lake Ellesmere 173o 40’ E Kaituna River 20 km

5 5 Mount Bradley (arrow) with Parkinson’s Bush visible to the left of summit. Native forest is in gullies at higher altitudes. Valley bottom vegetation is highly modified. Looking down to Kaituna Valley from slopes of Mt Bradley. Agricultural activity includes cropping and cattle and sheep grazing. Parkinson’s Bush (arrow) through which a first-order stream flows. Kaituna River close to where it enters Te Waihora / Lake Ellesmere.

6 6 The deeply shaded first-order stream that flows through Parkinson’s Bush.

7 7 Left Second-order stream passing through deeply shaded forest Right Unshaded where crosses a track.

8 8 Left Lower reaches of the second-order stream Right Kaituna River in the valley bottom These stretches flow through greatly modified catchment. River bed morphology changes from cobbles to fine-grained sediments covered by extensive beds of aquatic angiosperms. Riparian vegetation is reduced and there is little shade.

9 CHROOCOCCALES - Crust-forming morphotypes
9 Family Entophysalidaceae Subfamily Entophysalidoideae Genus Chlorogloea Chlorogloea sp. Colonies microscopic, with irregular outline. Cells arranged in rows within colourless to pale yellow-brown mucilage, usually distant from one another but often more densely packed in the peripheral regions of the colony, some with individual envelopes. Ecology Epilithic on cobbles in unshaded second-order reach. 9

10 CHROOCOCCALES - Crust-forming morphotypes
10 CHROOCOCCALES - Crust-forming morphotypes Family Hydrococcaceae Genus Hydrococcus Hydrococcus cf. rivularis Colonies one to two cells thick with cells forming pseudofilaments. Cells blue-green, µm in diameter, irregularly shaped, embedded within common mucilage. Mucilage colourless, thin and firm. Ecology Epilithic on cobbles in unshaded second=order reach. 10

11 CHROOCOCCALES - Crust-forming morphotypes
11 CHROOCOCCALES - Crust-forming morphotypes Family Hyellaceae Subfamily Hyelloideae Genus Radaisia Radaisia sp. Cells forming pseudofilaments. Apical cells large and distinct, dividing into baeocytes. Cells olive-green, irregular in shape, embedded in common mucilage. Ecology: Epilithic on cobbles in unshaded second-order reach. 11

12 CHROOCOCCALES - Crust-forming morphotypes
12 CHROOCOCCALES - Crust-forming morphotypes Family: Hydrococcaceae Genus Cyanodermatium Cyanodermatium cf. fluminense Colonies microscopic, two to three cells thick, with cells forming pseudofilaments spreading horizontally over substratum. Cells yellowish-brown to purplish at the periphery, (4.0) µm wide, µm long, irregular in shape, usually slightly separated, embedded within common mucilage. Mucilage colourless, thin, firm. Ecology: Epilithic on cobbles in shaded second-order reach. 12

13 OSCILLATORIALES - Crust-forming morphotypes
13 OSCILLATORIALES - Crust-forming morphotypes Family Pseudanabaenaceae Genus Heteroleibleinia Heteroleibleinia cf. pusilla Filaments blue-green when single and yellow-brown when in dense aggregations, with one end attached to substratum, 1.0 – 1.5 µm wide and maximum length of 50 µm. Trichomes constricted at cross-walls. Cells isodiametric to shorter than wide, lacking granules. Sheath thin, firm, hyaline. Reproduction by trichome fragmentation and release of fragments through open end of sheath. Ecology Epilithic on cobbles in unshaded second-order reach. 13

14 OSCILLATORIALES - Crust-forming morphotypes
14 OSCILLATORIALES Crust-forming morphotypes Heteroleibleinia fontana Filaments vary from short and straight to long and slightly curved. Trichomes µm wide, distinctly constricted at cross-walls. Cells always shorter than wide. Apical cell rounded. Sheath thin, firm, hyaline. Ecology Epilithic on cobbles in unshaded second-order reach. Also frequently noted in low abundance from crust component in lower reaches. 14

15 OSCILLATORIALES: Crust-forming morphotypes
15 OSCILLATORIALES: Crust-forming morphotypes Heteroleiblenia cf. kossinskajae Filaments 1.5 μm wide, pale blue-green, straight to curved at the free end, sometimes distinctly bent at attached end; attachment structure unclear. Filaments are shown as attached to cells of other algae. Trichomes indistinctly constricted at cross-walls. Cells more or less quadrate. Apical cell somewhat elongated and narrowing slightly towards tip. Heteroleibleinia cf. versicolor Filaments pale blue-green, long, straight to flexuous, 5.0 – 6.0 μm wide. Trichomes µm wide, constricted at cross-walls. Cells mostly shorter than wide. Apical cell rounded. Sheath distinct, 1.5–2.0 μm wide, firm, hyaline, without lamellation. . Ecology Both morphotypes are epilithic on cobbles in unshaded second-order reach 15

16 OSCILLATORIALES - Crust-forming morphotypes
16 OSCILLATORIALES - Crust-forming morphotypes Family Pseudanabaenaceae Genus Tapinothrix Tapinothrix cf. varians Filaments attached to substratum at their base, 4 μm wide, densely aggregated, forming brownish-yellow clusters. Trichomes constricted at cross-walls, narrowing to a fine hair of varying length towards the apex. Cells shorter than wide. Sheath thin, firm, hyaline to yellow-brown. Ecology Epilithic on cobbles in unshaded second-order reach. 16

17 NOSTOCALES - Crust-forming morphotypes
17 NOSTOCALES Crust-forming morphotypes Order Nostocales Family Rivulariaceae Genus Rivularia 5mm Rivularia sp. 1 Colonies forming in runs over cobbles, distinctly circular in outline, mm diameter, flat to slightly raised, black. Filaments in densely packed clusters. Ecology: Epilithic on cobbles in unshaded lower reaches.

18 NOSTOCALES - Crust-forming morphotypes
18 Rivularia sp. 1 Trichomes blue-green, short, tapering towards apex, constricted at cross-walls, µm wide towards base. Cells isodiametric to shorter than wide, with homogeneous contents. Apical cell rounded to slighlty elongated but not forming terminal hairs, µm wide. Heterocysts basal, subspherical µm wide. Sheath thin, firm, hyaline. Ecology Epilithic on cobbles in unshaded lower reaches. 5µm

19 NOSTOCALES - Crust-forming morphotypes
19 NOSTOCALES - Crust-forming morphotypes Rivularia sp. 2 Trichomes blue-green, tapering towards apex, constricted at cross-walls, µm wide towards base. Cells isodiametric to shorter than wide, with homogeneous contents. Apical cell usually ending in long multicellular hyaline hairs, µm wide. Heterocyst basal, subspherical, µm wide. Sheath thin, firm, hyaline. Ecology: Epilithic on cobbles in unshaded lower reaches.

20 NOSTOCALES - Crust-forming morphotypes
20 NOSTOCALES - Crust-forming morphotypes 5µm 5µm Rivularia sp. 3 Filaments bright blue-green, densely packed together, tapering towards apex, constricted at cross-walls, µm wide at base. Cells shorter than wide, with homogeneous contents. Apical cell rounded to slightly elongated, terminal hair lacking, µm wide. Heterocyst basal, subspherical, µm wide. Sheath thick and yellow-brown towards apex. Ecology: Epilithic on cobbles in unshaded middle and lower reaches.

21 OSCILLATORIALES - Mat-forming morphotypes
21 OSCILLATORIALES Mat-forming morphotypes Family: Phormidiaceae Genus: Phormidium Phormidium cf. uncinatum Mats extensive, forming in riffles over cobbles, yellow-brown, up to 5 mm thick, slimy. Trichomes pale blue-green to brownish yellow, long, straight to flexuous, actively motile, (7.0) 8.5 – 9.0 (10) µm wide, not constricted at cross-walls, abruptly attenuated and bent towards apex. Cells shorter than wide [L:B 1:2-(3)], cross wall frequently granulated. Apical cell rounded to conically rounded with calyptra. Sheath occasionally present, thin, hyaline. Ecology Mats on cobbles. Dominant in unshaded lower reaches. 21

22 OSCILLATORIALES - Mat-forming morphotypes
22 OSCILLATORIALES - Mat-forming morphotypes 5mm Phormidium cf. chalybeum Mats patchy, forming in riffles and runs over cobbles, blackish olive green, up to 4 mm thick, slimy. Trichomes blue green, long, straight to very slightly flexuous, motile, (7.5) µm wide, constricted at cross walls, gradually attenuated towards apex. Cells isodiametric or ± shorter than wide, cross-wall sometimes granulated. Apical cell conically rounded to slightly elongated, calyptra lacking. Sheath lacking. Ecology Mats on cobbles in unshaded lower reaches. 22

23 OSCILLATORIALES - Mat-forming morphotypes
23 OSCILLATORIALES - Mat-forming morphotypes Phormidium cf. bekesiense Mats extensive over silt covering cobbles and boulders in pools, blue-green, up to 4 mm thick, slimy. Trichomes blue-green, long, straight to slightly curved, actively motile, µm wide, not constricted at cross-walls, occasionally with very slight attenuation towards apex. Cells isodiametric or shorter than wide, cross-walls lacking granulation. Apical cell rounded to obtuse rounded, calyptra lacking. Sheath occasional, thin, hyaline. Ecology: Mats on silt. Dominant in the partly shaded middle and lower reaches. 23

24 OSCILLATORIALES - Mat-forming morphotypes
24 OSCILLATORIALES Mat-forming morphotypes Oscillatoria cf. limosa Mats patchy, forming in riffles over cobbles, brown, up to 5 mm thick, slimy. Trichomes olive-green, long, straight to very slightly flexuous, motile, (10) (13.5) µm wide, not constricted at cross-walls, occasionally with slight attenuation towards apex. Cells isodiametric or shorter than wide, frequently granulated at cross-walls. Apical cell broadly rounded with calyptra. Sheath occasionally present, thin, hyaline. Ecology Mats on cobbles in unshaded lower reaches. 24

25 NOSTOCALES - Mat-forming morphotypes
25 NOSTOCALES Mat-forming morphotypes Family: Nostocaceae Genus: Anabaena 5µm 5mm 5µm Anabaena cf. inaequalis Mats extensive, forming in pool on silt, blue-green, up to 3 mm thick. Trichomes bright blue-green, long, flexuous, motile, µm wide, constricted at cross-walls. Cells barrel-shaped, always shorter than wide, occasionally with some granulation. Apical cell conically rounded. Heterocysts intercalary, isodiametric, µm wide. Akinetes µm wide, µm long, first developing a few cells distant from, rather than immediately adjacent to, a heterocyst or mid-way between heterocysts. Ecology Mats on silt in unshaded lower reach.

26 CHROOCOCCALES - Mucilaginous colonies
26 Family: Hydrococcaceae Genus : Placoma Placoma cf. regulare Colonies purple blue-green; young colonies up to 0.1 mm diameter, solid, developing into mature colonies up to 10 mm diameter, consisting of a membranous sheet folded into a somewhat cerebriform, hollow sac. * For microscopic structure, see: Broady PA, Ingerfeld M (1991) Placoma regulare sp. nov. (Entophysalidaceae, Cyanobacteria) from New Zealand streams. Phycologia 30: Ecology: Epilithic on cobbles in unshaded second and fouth order reach (upper and middle) . 26

27 NOSTOCALES - Gelatinous colonies
27 NOSTOCALES Gelatinous colonies Family: Nostocaceae Genus: Nostoc Nostoc verrucosum Colonies extensive, forming in runs over cobbles, clusters of coherent, more or less hemispherical masses, yellow-brown, firm and leathery. Trichomes generally pale blue-green but dark blue-green at the periphery, long, flexuous, interwoven, 4.0 – 6.0 µm wide, constricted at cross-walls. Cells isodiametric or shorter than wide, heavily granulated at the periphery of the colony. Apical cell rounded. Heterocysts intercalary, spherical to slightly elongated, µm wide. Ecology: Epilithic on cobbles and pebbles in unshaded lower reaches. 27

28 NOSTOCALES - Gelatinous colonies
28 NOSTOCALES Gelatinous colonies Nostoc sp. 2 Colonies forming on cobbles in runs, darkish green, more or less circular in outline, often with a ring-like gap between the central region and a broad peripheral region, firm. Trichomes blue-green, long, flexuous, interwoven, µm wide, wider at the periphery of the colony, constricted at cross-walls. Cells isodiametric to shorter than wide, granules lacking. Apical cell rounded to occasionally conically rounded with very slight elongation. Heterocysts intercalary, 5.0 µm wide. Ecology Epilithic on cobbles and pebbles in unshaded lower reaches. 28

29 CHROOCOCCALES: Epiphytic morphotypes
29 CHROOCOCCALES: Epiphytic morphotypes Family: Hydrococcaceae Genus: Cyanodermatium Cyanodermatium sp. 2 Colonies microscopic, epiphytic, abundant on “Audouinella-stage” of Batrachospermum (left, growing as epilithic crust), 2 – 3 cells thick, indistinctly forming pseudofilaments. Cells bright blue-green, subspherical, larger (2.0 – 3.0 μm wide) towards ends of pseudofilaments, smaller cells ( µm wide) generally slightly separated from one another, but tightly packed at periphery of colony, embedded within a common mucilage. Mucilage thin, firm, hyaline. Ecology Epiphytic on filamentous red algae in shaded upper and middle reaches. 29

30 CHROOCOCCALES - Epiphytic morphotypes
30 Family: Chamaesiphonaceae Genus: Chamaesiphon Chamaesiphon cf. incrustans Often abundant attached to cell walls of Cladophora sp. Cells pale blue-green, club-shaped, straight to very slightly curved, narrowing towards base, µm wide. Exocytes spherical, up to 3 formed at apex of mother cell, released through apical opening of pseudovagina. Pseudovagina thin, firm, hyaline. Basal pad of mucilage can be detected by careful examination of specimens. Cells can be packed closely together. Ecology: Epiphytic on filamentous green algae in unshaded upper and middle reaches. 30

31 CHROOCOCCALES - Epiphytic morphotype
31 CHROOCOCCALES Epiphytic morphotype 10 µm Chamaesiphon cf. incrustans var. elongatus Often abundant attached to cell walls of “Audouinella-stage” of Batrachospermum. Cells blue-green, club-shaped, slightly curved, narrowing towards base, 6.0 – 7.0 µm wide, (20) µm long, often densely aggregated in groups, sometimes solitary. Exocytes spherical, formed at apex of mother cell, released through apical opening of pseudovagina. Pseudovagina thin, firm, hyaline. Basal pad of mucilage often visible. Ecology Epiphytic on filamentous red algae in shaded upper and middle reaches.

32 OSCILLATORIALES - Epiphytic morphotype
32 OSCILLATORIALES Epiphytic morphotype Family: Pseudanabaenaceae Genus: Tapinothrix Tapinothrix sp.  Filaments epiphytic, basally attached to Cladophora filaments. Trichomes heteropolar, µm long, with a broad base ( μm wide) and tip attenuated to a fine multicellular hair (1 μm wide). Intercalary cells 3.0 – 4.0 μm wide, distinctly shorter than wide. Apical cells generally narrow and elongated. Basal cell larger than others, more or less isodiametric and broadly rounded. Sheath thin, firm, hyaline. Ecology Epiphytic on filamentous green algae in unshaded second-order reach. 32

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