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Taxonomy Order in Diversity. Taxonomy: the science of classifying organisms into similar groups based on their characteristics and evolutionary history.

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Presentation on theme: "Taxonomy Order in Diversity. Taxonomy: the science of classifying organisms into similar groups based on their characteristics and evolutionary history."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taxonomy Order in Diversity

2 Taxonomy: the science of classifying organisms into similar groups based on their characteristics and evolutionary history

3 Number of Living Organisms 1.7 Million Species Identified

4 -One third are parasites

5 Biodiversity: variations in genes, species, and ecosystems

6 Carolos Linnaeus -Founder of Modern Taxonomy -based on similar body structure -placed organisms into groups called taxa -used the language of Latin

7 Eight Major Taxonomic Groups -Domain  Largest Group -Kingdom -Phylum -Class -Order -Family -Genus -Species  Smallest Group

8 Species -A group of organisms which share similar characteristics -can breed with one another -and produce fertile offspring

9 Human Classification Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata -Subphylum: Vertebrata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Hominidae Genus: Homo (man) Species: sapiens (wise)

10 Phylogeny – evolutionary history of organisms -Share common ancestors -phylogenetic trees: diagram showing relatedness of all species

11 Phylogenetic Tree Gills Lungs scales Warm blooded


13 Binomial Nomenclature: “two name naming” Scientific Names: Universal Language of Latin 1.Combination of genus and species. 2.Capitalize genus/lower case species 3.Underline or Italicize Ex. Homo sapiens or Homo sapiens Purpose: Reduce confusion of common names

14 Common Scientific Names (Canis familiarus)

15 (Gorilla gorilla)

16 (Felix domesticus)

17 (Canis lupus)

18 Scientific names are given to… 1. Describe the species Swima bombiviridis - the bombing worm

19 2.Location of the 1 st discovered species Ex. Pronghorn antelope (Antilocapra americana)

20 3.Named after the scientist who discovered it Ex. Panthera tigris corbetti (Jim Corbett)

21 Family Names -Plant families end in “aceae” Ex. Poeaceae (grasses) -Animal families end in “idae” ex. Hominidae (humans)

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