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Cake, fox, bike, clock, hen, stone, plane, pot, pet, nose, door, crab, bar, lake, floor, box, sock, rose, star, fish, book.

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Presentation on theme: "Cake, fox, bike, clock, hen, stone, plane, pot, pet, nose, door, crab, bar, lake, floor, box, sock, rose, star, fish, book."— Presentation transcript:



3 Cake, fox, bike, clock, hen, stone, plane, pot, pet, nose, door, crab, bar, lake, floor, box, sock, rose, star, fish, book.

4 BE (быть, являться, находиться) AM IS ARE

5 1.1. Ben … a pilot. He … a pilot. 2. I… a cook. I… a sad cook. 3. We … From Moscow. Moscow … nice. 4. She … not good. She … bad. 5. Pete … old. He … weak and sad. 6. … you from Paris? 7. Betty … from Rome. 2. 1.I… from Leeds. 2.She … from Paris. 3.We … from London. 4.He… from Minsk. 5.Mary … good. She … from Boston. 6.I … happy. 7.He … sad.8.Tom and Ben …from Berlin.

6 Скажи, как Каte и Mark говорят о том, что им нравится. Образец:I like roses.

7 Замени картинки словами: 1.I see a. 2. Spot is my. 3. His is black. 4. It is a red. 5. We see a. 6. It is a good. 7. Don is. 8. I am from. 9. It is a.

8 Вставьте пропущенные буквы: H.rse, do.l, qu..n,.lane, coc., be.l, M.drid, r.n, cra., p.lot, ra.bit, ro.e, nos., lak., eg., po.t,, mi.k, flo.r, str..t, m.g, j.m.

9 1.dradmi 2. ldoonn 3. oswmco 4. ripas 5. ostbon 6. mero 7. idnia 8. insmk 9. fariac 10. mericaa


11 My farm. It is my farm. It is big and good. It’s green. I see a black horse, a white sheep, a little chicken and a hen. I see a wood. I run in the wood with ( c) my dog. His name is Spike. Spike is not bad, he is good. Spike is red. His nose is black. I love my dog. 1.It is my park. 2.It is big. 3.I see a horse, a sheep, a duck and a cock. 4.Spike is my cat. 5.Spike is good. 6.I and Spike are happy.

12 Разгадайте ребусы:,, 10,, ;,,, ; b=f; n=t; + L;, +



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