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Neural Connectivity from

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Presentation on theme: "Neural Connectivity from"— Presentation transcript:

1 Neural Connectivity from
Multiple Spike Trains 충북대학교 물리학과 신경동력학 연구실 한승기, 임태규, 류선영

2 Neural Encoding & Decoding
Network stimulus spike pattern Encoding Decoding Multi- electrodes Visual cortex

3 Spike Trains from Multi-electrodes
- Simultaneous measurements - Spike sorting - Neural coding-population coding - Neural connectivity

4 Functional Connectivity : Cross-Correlogram
C12()=<S1(t)S2(t+)> Excitatory offset peak Inhibitory offset trough Common ex. central peak Common in. central trough 1 2 s + 1 2 s - 1 2 + 1 2 -

5 Phase Analysis for Spike Trains
mean phase velocity phase plot 1 2 2(2) 1(1,2) 1mod2 2mod2 2 spike interval = 2  2 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 time trajectory : 1 & 2 t 2 6 4 10 8

6 Phase Sensitivity & Directionality of Coupling
Phase Velocity Directionality Phase Sensitivity

7 Morris-Lecar Model K+ Ca2+

8 Spike Trains Interspike-Interval Histogram Phase Plot

9 2 1 Excitatory-Excitatory Coupling Cross-Correlogram
Phase Sensitivity 1 2 g21 = 0.5 g12 g1=0.5 g2=0.1 g1=0.5 g2=0.5 g1=0.5 g2=0.9

10 2 1 Inhibitory-Inhibitory Coupling Cross-Correlogram
Phase Sensitivity 1 2 g21 = 0.5 g12 g1=0.5 g2=0.1 g1=0.5 g2=0.5 g1=0.5 g2=0.9

11 Effective Coupling : Phase Model Analysis
Excitatory coupling Vsyn = 20mV Inhibitory coupling Vsyn = -80mV

12 Effective Coupling Dependence on Vsyn Dependence on g2

13 Network Analysis - neural network with 12 neurons
- all-to-all connections

14 Excitatory-Excitatory Coupling
1 12 0.395 0.195 2 1 0.409 0.215 6 1 0.143 0.188

15 Inhibitory-Inhibitory Coupling
11 5 -0.484 -0.251 8 5 -0.219 -0.004 11 8 -0.161 -0.228

16 Inhibitory-excitatory Coupling
5 1 0.474 -0.310 11 1 0.433 8 2 0.207 -0.225

17 Estimation of neural connectivity
Amplitude of the effective coupling vs coupling strength

18 Excitatory-Excitatory Coupling
Phase Analysis Cross-Correlogram

19 Coupled CR Oscillator Systems: Electric Circuit Experiments
g21=0.015 Vo2 - Coherent resonance oscillator Noise excitable system Optimal noise intensity Synchronization PRL 83, 1771(1999) PRE 59, R3791(1999) V1 V2 t

20 Estimation of Connectivity
Cross-Correlogram Cross-Correlogram : peak height Phase Sensitivity : amplitude

21 Time locked ERP components

22 Dynamic dependencies between components
t > RT 0 < t < RT

23 Summary Multiple spike train analysis - phase model analysis, effective coupling Network connectivity - neural network with 12 neurons - electronic circuit: coupled CR oscillators - cortical maps: independent ERP components

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