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Phenotypic Characterization of EMS Induced Mutants in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Karnam Venkatesh Co-authors: SK Pawar, R Kumar, R Singh, SK Singh, V.

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Presentation on theme: "Phenotypic Characterization of EMS Induced Mutants in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Karnam Venkatesh Co-authors: SK Pawar, R Kumar, R Singh, SK Singh, V."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phenotypic Characterization of EMS Induced Mutants in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Karnam Venkatesh Co-authors: SK Pawar, R Kumar, R Singh, SK Singh, V Tiwari and I Sharma Directorate of Wheat Research Karnal (Haryana)

2 Relevance of Mutant Phenotypes Ever Increased No. of Genome Sequencing Projects Trends in Plant Science April 2014, Vol. 19, No. 4

3 Large No. of genes are Unknown Trends in Plant Science April 2014, Vol. 19, No. 4  Only 9% of genes in Arabidopsis are experimentally proven  Most of the genes in all other sequenced genomes are only predictions  E. Coli (43%) and in S. cerevisiae (30%)

4 Material and Methods  DPW-621-50 : Released for IR-TS conditions of NWPZ  Treated with 0.7 % ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) at DWR, Karnal.  4000 mutants generated  600 M 2 plants studied for altered phenotypes: IPGRI wheat phenotype descriptors.

5 Traits Studied Phenology Days to heading Days to Maturity Colour/pigmentation Height Floral mutants Spike length Symmetry Threshability Floral parts Yield Traits Color Size Shape

6 Results: Altered Phenotypes Height mutant Wheat: Plant HeightRice: Plant Height Zhang J, Liu X, Li S, Cheng Z, et al. (2014) The Rice Semi-Dwarf Mutant sd37, Caused by a Mutation in CYP96B4, Plays an Important Role in the Fine-Tuning of Plant Growth. PLoS ONE 9(2 Range: 15 -150 cm

7 Chlorophyll mutants Results: Altered Phenotypes e.0075299 Light-Induced Yellow Leaf 1 Gene Plant Cell Physiol (2003) 44 (5): 463- 472. OsCHLH Front. Plant Sci., 11 August 2014 | doi: 10.3389/fpls.2014.00386

8 Spike Variations Open floret, deformed glume, twisted awns etc.. ABCDE model of flower development Stamen less mutant of Rice Coen, E.S. and E.M. Meyerowitz, 1991. The war of the whorls: genetic interactions controlling flower development. Nature 353: 31-37. Spikelet symmetry variations

9 Threshability: Easy and Hard Zhang Z et al. PNAS 2011;108:18737-18742 Free threshing Q gene mutants in wheat Q gene copy no variations Spike Variations

10 Spike length variations Spike Variations Rice: dwarf11 loci mutants Brasinosteroid biosynthesis pathway The Plant Cell March 2005 vol. 17 no. 3 776-790 Q gene mutants in wheat Range: 2 -18 cm

11 Shrivelled and unfilled grains =173111 (Last update: May 27, 2014) Beak Shaped Grain mutant GS5 encodes a putative serine carboxypeptidase and functions as a positive regulator of grain size Source-Sink Variations

12 Conclusions  Identified altered phenotypes for a large number of traits  Role in breeding for wheat improvement (High Tiller and Bold grain mutants)  Understanding the functional basis of genes  Openness of spikelet’s and male sterility could possibly find a role in hybrid wheat development

13 Acknowledgements  Omics Group  Research fellows  Colleagues at DWR-Karnal Thank you

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