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Presented by Lorraine McInnes Photo taken by Greg Wright.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Lorraine McInnes Photo taken by Greg Wright."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Lorraine McInnes Photo taken by Greg Wright

2 1) Describe rattlesnake movement patterns at Bosque del Apache? 2) Do movement patterns and hibernacula differ between riparian and upland habitat?

3 Spatial Distributions Data analysis: Season and Gender variation, response to Temperature and Moisture fluctuations Habitat usage Data Organization

4 Old

5 New

6 Animal Movements Create Minimum Convex Polygons Calculate Movement Parameters Convert Locations To Paths Success!! 18 snakes- Routes and Home Range outputs


8 To get those results: Many repetitions, changes in excel and arcmap Learned many lessons on how to organize this kind of data Currently: Have an up to date, edited data file Simplified, step by step repeatable process to get weekly movement results.

9 Average size, all snakes (n=18): 31 ha, range 2-81 ha Average size, male (n=11): 35.2 ha, range 5-81 ha Average size, females (n=7): 24 ha, range 2-61 ha Male Female

10 NameAverage DistanceTotal Dist (m)Range No Move DaysTotal Days Bridge170.51534.541.2-382.31524 Chucky55.54993.71.9-34378168 Exit97.96901.32.2-736.72396 Feebooth59.15576.13.9-317.555151 Fireshop64.24363.74.4-612.541110 Hwy1Marsh68.04965.82.4-167.894168 Hwy1SVC72.06980.91.1-541.9169267 Hwy1Tool84.58872.61.9-338.163170 LFRdNewS67.94754.24.3-298.490162 MarshLoops125.612053.01.4-715.663161 MLoopOLD84.72712.01.4-435.24276 RR Trestle80.17292.43.5-390.178171 Sandog97.21360.22.2-476.93854 SBDAERR31.11741.11.9-290.2102158 Six Stall70.03150.62.4-241.159106 Smokey96.46938.55.8-780.830103 Spike123.48266.52.4-414.760128 Toilette76.14108.5.9-537.464120


12 Next step: Activity Clustering Statistical Analysis of Movements to describe movement differences by habitat, season, and gender *Revisit Spatial Statistics and Regression Analysis Virtual Courses

13 Hwy 1 and/or RR was crossed 81 times. Hwy1Tool-crossed road or tracks 22 times. Next highest number of crossings: 12

14 ArcScene-3D animation Animation in general Habitat-spatial join…veg type text to numeric value?! Hawth’s Tools-route issues continue

15 Refine movement parameters and generate more descriptive statistics Animate certain routes to better visualize movement, 2D, 3D- Flythrough tour Generate habitat use spatial join to determine which habitats the snakes were used more than others Field work: Characterize new dens and determine site preference based on various parameters-slope, aspect, elevation, proximity to roads, water, man-made structures, etc. Den Site Suitability model


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