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Unite four Nucleotides and Nucleic acids 05 级生物技术一班 游琼英 20052503420.

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1 Unite four Nucleotides and Nucleic acids 05 级生物技术一班 游琼英 20052503420

2 Nucleic acidnucleotide phosphate Nucleoside base Pentose ( 戊糖 ) { {


4 Base contain three kinds of Pyrimidine( 嘧啶 ) and two kinds of Purine( 嘌呤 )

5 five main kinds of base 胞嘧啶 脲嘧啶 胸腺嘧啶

6 腺嘌呤 鸟嘌呤

7 Complementary strands of DNA,two polynucleotide chains associate by base pairing to form double-stranded DNA, A pairs with T, and G pairs with Cby forming specific hydrogen bonds,

8 PENTOSE Ribose( 核糖 ) H Deoxy-ribose( 脱氧核糖 ) Can you find the differences between they ?

9 D-ribose (in RNA) 2-deoxy-D-ribose (in DNA) The difference - 2'-OH vs 2'-H This difference affects secondary structure and stability About ribose and deoxy-ribose

10 nucleoside they link to each other at 9 and 1’

11 They connect with each other both at 1 and 1’

12 Nucleic acids  Polymers linked 3' to 5' by phosphodiester bridges  Ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid  Know the shorthand notations  Sequence is always read 5' to 3'  In terms of genetic information, this corresponds to "N to C" in proteins


14 The backbone structure Phosphodiester bridge( 磷酸二酯键 )

15  Phosphodiester bridge( 磷酸二酯键 ), 1\convant bones 2\link a nucleic acid reside to another 3\3’-OH to 5’-OH

16 The simple one From 5’ end to 3’end 5’end 3’ end

17 The basic feature of B-DNA  Remember that there have 5 features and 6 parameters  1. Double-Helix is Antiparallel Two Chains Right Helix  The diameter of the helix in B-form DNA is 2 nm  2. Deoxyribose-phosphate (脱氧核糖 - 磷酸)  backbone lies on the outside and bases on the inside  Parameter 2 : A Rotation ( 转角 ) of 36 Degrees Per Base  Parameter 3: Adjacent Bases are Separated by 0.34nm  Parameter 4 : 10 Base Pairs Per Turn  Parameter 5 : 3.4 nm Per Repeat  Base Obliquity (碱基倾角) 0 Degree  3. Two Kinds of Grooves in the Surface  大沟 (major groove) ,小沟 (minor groove)  4. Bases are Restricted Pairing on the Inside  5. A Pair of Chains are Complementary Sequences B form DNA is the most usual one in the six forms of DNA

18 What forces make they together? 1. Horizontal power—hydrogen bond (氢键)  2. Perpendicular power — the stacking of bases (碱基堆积力)  3. Neutralising negatively charged phosphates of two chains — ion bond (离子键)

19 Restriction endonuclease( 限制性内 切酶 )  Come from bacteria  can recognize the specific sequence  Cut the DNA into pieces  Contain palindromic structure( 回文结构 )

20 1\The restriction endonuclease can recognize the specific sequence 2\agglutinate together by “sticky” ends( 粘 性末端 ) Being used in DNA cloning and termination( 测序 )

21 Chain termination method ( 末端测序 法 )  Base on DNA polymerase reaction  Run for four separate reactions  Contain dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP  Also contain ddATP,ddCTP,ddGTP,ddTTP,one of which is P-32-labelled.

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