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chapters 10 & 11 taxonomy, classification and prokaryotic diversity

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1 chapters 10 & 11 taxonomy, classification and prokaryotic diversity

2 organism grouping identification classification binomial nomenclature
organism similarity

3 identification: morphology & biochemical testing
differential staining & physiology (bacterial enzymes) Gram negative bacillus lactose fermenter decarboxylates lysine Shigella produces hydrogen sulfide Salmonella lactose non-fermenter citrate utilization Escherichia no citrate utilization butanediol fermentation Enterobacter no butanediol fermentation Citrobacter

4 identification: serology
Ab/Ag interaction slide agglutination ELISA

5 identification: blots
western (immuno-)blot protein gel antibody probes seroconversion with HIV antibodies confirmation of plasmid transformation 5

6 identification: flow cytometry
laser “reads” single cells interspecies differences conductivity fluorescence Ab-stained cells

7 classification & identification: genetic analysis
DNA base composition ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequencing DNA fingerprinting DNA-DNA hybridization

8 classification: hydrogen bonds & %GC
experimentally derived denature DNA read 260nm abs of 1× >> 2× from DNA/RNA sequence

9 classification: NA sequencing

10 Identification & classification: sequencing

11 identification: RFLPs

12 classification: nucleic acid hybridization

13 Method Classification Identification morphology no yes staining yes (Gram) biochemical testing serology flow cytometry NA hybridization (yes) %GC DNA fingerprinting rRNA/rDNA sequencing

14 Chapter 10 Learning Objectives
Define and differentiate taxonomy, phylogeny, identification and classification. Categorize each of the following in terms of the classification and identification of bacteria: morphology, differential staining, biochemical testing, western blot, serology, ELISA, flow cytometry, DNA fingerprinting, %GC analysis, rDNA (rRNA) sequencing, DNA-DNA hybridization. Know why each does or doesn’t work for classification and/or identification. If given the percent similarities for a group of organisms and a blank phylogenetic tree, be able to place the 4 organisms appropriately onto the tree. How has rDNA sequencing and the work of Carl Woese changed the way organisms are categorized based on their similarities? How do RFLPs allow for the identification of unknown bacteria?

15 chapter 11: domains Bacteria & Archaea

16 the prokaryotes: domains Bacteria and Archaea

17 Domain Archaea Korarchaeota ___________________ Euryarchaeota
Pyrodictium Sulfolobus Euryarchaeota Methanobacterium Halobacterium Crenarchaeota

18 microbial diversity habitat variety ___________________
_________________________________________________________ metabolize highly unique substances integral to many ___________________ cycles nutrient “fixing” into organic molecules in situ PCR >billions of bacteria/gm of soil 30-50% of aquatic plankton are Archaea 5000 non-eukaryotic formally described (cf. 1/2 million insects) 18

19 Chapter 11 Learning Objectives
What are the general characteristics shared by all prokaryotes? In general, what can be said about the habitats of Archaea? What roles do prokaryotes play in the environment? Where do they live, what do they contribute to the biosphere? What has in situ PCR told us about microbial diversity?

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