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Phillis Wheatley By Jackie. “Phillis was kidnapped from her Senegal, Africa home when she was 7 or 8. She traveled to Boston on a slave ship and was sold.

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1 Phillis Wheatley By Jackie

2 “Phillis was kidnapped from her Senegal, Africa home when she was 7 or 8. She traveled to Boston on a slave ship and was sold as a slave to John Wheatley to help his wife around the house. (Wheatley, 756)

3 In order to get her collection of poetry published the publisher required a letter from “seventeen men in Boston verifying that the poems were really Phillis’ original writings.” (Lewis, Web)


5 Works Cited Lewis, Jone Johnson. “Phillis Wheatley, Slave Poet of Colonial America: a Story of Her Life.” Web. January, 20, 2003. “Phillis Wheatley, America’s First Black Woman Poet.” Archiving Early America. Web. January 17, 2003. Phillis Wheatley-Boston Monument. 2003. Our Heritage Magazine, Boston. Web. 2 Feb. 2003. Rogers, Jay. Phillis Wheatley: Precursor of American Abolitionism. 2008. Forerunner, Chicago. Web. 2 Feb. 2003. Wheatley, Phillis. The World Book Encyclopedia. World Book, Inc.: Chicago. 2002. 756-757. Print.

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