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Integrated Information Platform for reservoir and subsea production systems Piloting DDR web services DDR core team meeting IBM Stavanger Tuesday the 09th.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Information Platform for reservoir and subsea production systems Piloting DDR web services DDR core team meeting IBM Stavanger Tuesday the 09th."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Information Platform for reservoir and subsea production systems Piloting DDR web services DDR core team meeting IBM Stavanger Tuesday the 09th of January, 2007 Jone Aarre & Øystein Haaland

2 Integrated Information Platform for reservoir and subsea production systems 2 High level project plan (MPR activity information) Web Services pilot - DDR ”Extending the Ontologies...” Identifying areas for good use of web services Agenda

3 Integrated Information Platform for reservoir and subsea production systems 3 High level project plan

4 Integrated Information Platform for reservoir and subsea production systems 4 Web Services pilot - DDR

5 Integrated Information Platform for reservoir and subsea production systems 5 SOA and Web Services can also be implemented on SOIL Will require  Specification and piloting of Web Service Architecture  Implementation of Architecture Will facilitate  Web Service enablement of existing as well as new applications  Sharing of Web Services across companies Will support  Integration of processes across companies  Implementation of Integrated Operations SOIL Web services on SOIL License adm. serv. Production rep. serv. Well mon. services... TietoEnator Schlumberger Baker Halliburton AK ABB, SKF, ROXAR. Statoil Hydro BP ConocoPhillips NPD...

6 Integrated Information Platform for reservoir and subsea production systems 6 Background for choosing DDR... Given the availability of the DDR XML schemas, and the fact that the MPR project/data is still in it's early phase we agreed it would be smarter to focus on the former Thus we can obtain good assistance from CapGemini as they have performed the XML coding and is today actually working with services around DDR. (DNV input is also appreciated.) The CDRS (Common Drilling Reporting System) solution stands out as the best candidate area.

7 Integrated Information Platform for reservoir and subsea production systems 7 Web Service pilot - I To be implemented and hosted by IBM Demonstration of usage / value of performing an RDL->XML Schema mapping  The schemas will be used ”as is” wrt web service definitions  Perform a Proof of Concept (PoC) of a centralized catalogue-service Pointer to each participant’s implementation/application The data shall as a principle be fetched from the actual producer, i.e. No need for interim / temporarily / duplicate storage

8 Integrated Information Platform for reservoir and subsea production systems 8 Web Service pilot -II 2 – 4 suppliers (legacy + Peloton?)  Statoil  Hydro  ExxonMobil  ConocoPhillips Every supplier can be a consumer as well  Including PSA of course (Petoro is also key.) Would like to use DDR (CDRS) as a service  It’s already in use, well-known and terms and definitions are understood & available

9 Integrated Information Platform for reservoir and subsea production systems 9 Required components Service Registry  Containing information about services (WSDL) Authentication service  Secure(d) access to a central hub  Encrypted communication (SSL) Lightweight web-client  For any participants who does not want or can set up their own, dedicated servers for web services  For uploading of DDR XML files  Requires corresponding web service front-end

10 Integrated Information Platform for reservoir and subsea production systems 10 ”Extending the Ontologies...”

11 Integrated Information Platform for reservoir and subsea production systems 11 Semantic Web Services for IIP 1) Discovery Finds reporting web service for given report and data provider 2) Mapping Maps inputs/outputs and does any required conversions 3) Composition Example: Adds and sequences signing and encryption services to satisfy policy requirements and constraints.

12 Integrated Information Platform for reservoir and subsea production systems 12 Discovery  Find the best overall match using available clues WordNet based similarity matching Domain heuristics (i.e. camelCaseNames) Ontology based inferencing –Cards, slots and chips are different things in Las Vegas and Silicon Valley –“Høy” in the agro-cultural area means something else than what it does to a Wall-Street broker…. –“Christmas tree”…..ho-ho Semantic Service Discovery UPCCode, Due Date, Qty ACME Inc. Check Inventory XYZ Inc. FindItemAvailability Check Availability

13 Integrated Information Platform for reservoir and subsea production systems 13 Mapping ACME Inc. Check Inventory UPCCode Delivery Date Qty Yes/No XYZ Inc. FindItemAvailability EANCode Due Date Qty Yes/No Check Availability UPC Date Qty Yes/No

14 Integrated Information Platform for reservoir and subsea production systems 14 Mapping: Semantics can help disambiguate EANCode UPCCode UPC Version A UPC Version E EANCode EAN 8 EANCode EAN 13 subClassOf is a Due Date Delivery Date sameAs

15 Integrated Information Platform for reservoir and subsea production systems 15 Request ACME Inc. Signed&Encrypted OrderDocument Purchase Order Processor Service Order Confirmation Document Digital Signing Service Encryption Service Order Document Signed Document Plain Text Document is an instanceOf Semantic Web Service Composition using AI Planning Order Document Order Confirmation Document input output Composition Acme policy requires that all POs be signed and encrypted

16 Integrated Information Platform for reservoir and subsea production systems 16 Example: Oil Field Sensor Ontology recognizes Detector Parameter Channel ParameterOps ParameterReport Parameter hasParameter subClassof Configuration ontology Event Event ontology Well Product Area Device Channel hasProductionArea hasDevice hasChannel Data ontology hasTarget pointsTo Downhole Pressure Wellhead Acoustic Wellhead Choke Type A Type B Type X Type Y Type P subClassOf IBM Detector B DHP Channel Acoustic Channel Choke Channel Sand Production EUROPA A4 DHP EUROPA A4 Acoustic EUROPA A4 Choke MARS A24 DHP MARS A24 Choke MARS A24 Acoustic Partial ontology for oil wells sensors

17 Integrated Information Platform for reservoir and subsea production systems 17 Oil Field Ontology - Details

18 Integrated Information Platform for reservoir and subsea production systems 18 Service Requester Semantic Service Registry Ontology Repository Annotate services Select suitable ontologies or Create domain ontology Annotate service requests Select suitable ontologies Publish Discover Inferencing Engine Registry Publisher Semantic Matcher Service Finder Service Composer Service Provider Semantic Annotation Parser Query Processor Semantic Directory Services & Composition Semantic Web Services: Architecture

19 Integrated Information Platform for reservoir and subsea production systems 19 Daily Drilling Report – suggested sections 1.Header information 2.Wellbore information 3.Status 4.Bit data 5.Mud weight 6.Pore pressure 7.Present operations 8.Survey 9.Operation/mode 10.Log 11.Core 12.Well test 13.Well Formation Test (WFT) 14.Lithology and shows 15.Equipment fail 16.Well Control Incident 17.Preliminary stratigraphy 18.Perforation intervals 19.Gas readings

20 Integrated Information Platform for reservoir and subsea production systems 20 Identifying areas for good use of web services

21 Integrated Information Platform for reservoir and subsea production systems 21 WebService usage scenario SOAP Partner Reporting Application Partner Reporting Application Web Service Internet SOAP Baseline Info SOAP Secure Access IIP Services Broker (w/orchestration & governance) WSDL Description Publish Find SOAP

22 Integrated Information Platform for reservoir and subsea production systems 22 For our understanding The DBR data generation process  Collection  Formatting  Reporting/Distribution Usage of XML schemas  Current  Target

23 Integrated Information Platform for reservoir and subsea production systems 23 Issues to cover

24 Integrated Information Platform for reservoir and subsea production systems 24 Objectives Identify (and define??) viable web service candidates  Usage scenarios (brainstorming) Understand data flow Agree on pilot implementation team & resources  Data sources  Connectivity  Security (SOIL / Internet access)  Infrastructure  Hosting / Catalogue services Relation to MPR ++ (for potential re-use) Verified project plan

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