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TOWER BRIDGE Karina Yerdzhonova Form 7v Teacher E.M.Samokhina.

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Presentation on theme: "TOWER BRIDGE Karina Yerdzhonova Form 7v Teacher E.M.Samokhina."— Presentation transcript:

1 TOWER BRIDGE Karina Yerdzhonova Form 7v Teacher E.M.Samokhina

2 Even those who have never been to England, immediately will recogize it. Every year it is visited by thousands of tourists. The residents of London, who pass the bridge daily, most likely, don’t think about its history. Tower Bridge is one of the symbols of London.

3 History of Tower Bridge, which should not be confused with the nearby London Bridge, is associated with the nearby Tower of London. In 1872 the British Parliament considered a bill to build a bridge across the Thames. Although the governor Tower was against this idea, the parliament decided that the city needs another bridge, which would effectively harmonized with the architecture of the Tower of London. Tower Bridge, as it is today, owes its appearance to the decision of Parliament. The history of Tower Bridge, which should not be confused with nearby London Bridge, is associated with the nearby Tower of London. In 1872 the British Parliament discussed the bill on building a bridge across the Thames. Although the governor of the Tower was against the idea, Parliament decided that the city needs another bridge, which would effectively harmonize with the architecture of the Tower of London. Tower Bridge, as it is today, owes its appearance to the decision of Parliament.


5 At the request of the municipality the city architect Horace Jones drafted a drawbridge in the Gothic style, which should have been built downstream from London. Under such a bridge could easily pass the ships on their way to the docks up the Thames. The bridge had one feature that many thought the original decision. The bridge - 244 m, the height of the towers - 65 m. The central span between the towers, length 61 m, consists of two lifting wing.

6 The bridge was bred by hydraulic motors, which is also a lift to the top of pedestrians and includes devices to regulate traffic. The hoisting mechanism was powered by steam power, which is produced twice as much is needed.

7 Tower Bridge is adorned with two towers that are connected by two pedestrian crossings, raised to a height of 34 meters above the roadway and 42 feet above the water. The roads on the both banks of the Thames lead to the bascule bridge. These huge canvases weigh approximately 1,200 tons each and are disclosed, forming an angle of 86 degrees. Thanks to this ships with carrying capacity of 10,000 tons are free to pass under the bridge


9 Thank you!

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