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Welcome St. Albert Citizen’s Patrol Society Introduction and overview.

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2 Welcome


4 St. Albert Citizen’s Patrol Society Introduction and overview

5 The St. Albert Gazette

6 History The community rallied together as a result of increasing property crime in Grandin Leading the group, Nancy Nelson formed the “Neighbourhood Patrol” in 1998 Starting in Grandin, the Volunteer group experienced success in many ways The group has evolved and is now known as the St. Albert Citizen’s Patrol

7 Principals of the Organization Mission Statement To provide a service in the areas of Community Policing and vandalism discouragement. Our aim is Crime Prevention. We are the eyes and ears of the community for the Police. Members must be 18 years or older Members must patrol in groups of 2 or larger. Members will communicate with Police and each other via Cellular Phones Members will wear a reflective vest identifying them as “Citizen’s Patrol”

8 Keeping the Organization credible All volunteers must submit to a security clearance check by the RCMP. All must agree to conditions of conduct outlined by the Patrol. Volunteers will remain non-confrontational and if possible restrict themselves to observing and reporting.

9 Equipment Requirements Highly reflective vest that identifies the individual as “Citizen’s Patrol” Cellular Phone Note-pad, flashlight, map or other helpful items

10 Current community involvement Grandin / Riel Lacome Park / Mission Sturgeon Forest Lawn Deer Ridge Heritage Lakes


12 Funding Early on, the group raised funds through community business groups The Gold Dust Casino believed in the program so much that they wanted to do their part with exclusive financial support No fund-raising makes more time for patrolling.

13 A TYPICAL SHIFT Volunteers meet at locations throughout St. Albert for Equipment pick-up A Call is made to RCMP Dispatch to sign in (phone # and location is given) Volunteers will Patrol their own geographical area by foot, bike or vehicle A call is made to Dispatch to sign off

14 IF TROUBLE OCCURS Notes are taken, descriptions & information are gathered A call is made to Police Volunteers restrict themselves to observing and reporting

15 HELP AVAILABLE If Police experience the need for extra eyes on the community, the Patrol is always willing to help: Lost Kids / Elderly Suspects at large Suspicious vehicles or persons Impaired drivers

16 458-4307 RCMP


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