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Hinsdale-Clarendon Hills Police Consolidation Study Community meeting | September 27, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Hinsdale-Clarendon Hills Police Consolidation Study Community meeting | September 27, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hinsdale-Clarendon Hills Police Consolidation Study Community meeting | September 27, 2012

2 Agenda  Introduction  How the discussion started  Why consolidation?  What a consolidated department would look like  Potential cost savings of a new department  Next Steps

3 Agenda  If you have a question before, during, or after the presentation, please raise your hand and a staff person will bring you a note card. The note cards will be read aloud by a presenter to the audience and responded to during the Question and Answer Session after the presentation. We will not be taking verbal questions.  After the meeting all of the questions we receive and our responses will be put on our website so residents who could not attend the meeting can have access to the information

4 Why Look at Consolidation?  How the Process Started  In summer of 2009, Hinsdale invited Village Presidents and Managers of surrounding communities to a meeting to discuss possibilities of shared services.  Consensus was to focus on Police Services as this is our largest budget item in all municipalities.  Municipalities established basis for shared services/consolidation  Cost control  Maintain High Service Levels  Maintain Local Control  Equal Representation in Governance  The 4 municipalities continued to work on a shared service plan through April 2011.

5 Why look at Consolidation?  To allow for an implementation of a plan, in April 2010 Hinsdale moved its dispatching to SWCD, so all municipalities were on the same communications system.  In May 2011 the CH Police Chief resigned which prompted Hinsdale and Clarendon Hills officials to consider a shared service model between the 2 communities (similar to our Fire Services Agreement).  In summer 2011, the Police Chiefs explored the potential for a shared service model between the 2 communities and recommended a consolidation model that would produce substantial savings for both communities.  In October 2011 the 2 Villages publically announced that they were engaged in discussions regarding the possible consolidation of the 2 Police Departments.  In January 2012, the 2 Villages received a grant from the ICJIA for phase 1 to aid in the consolidation process.  During 2012 the Villages have continued to define the model which will be explained by the Chiefs.

6 Chief of Police Deputy Chief Operations Patrol Shift #1 Days Sergeant Patrol Officers Patrol Shift #2 Nights Sergeant Patrol Officers Patrol Shift #3 Days Sergeant Patrol Officers Patrol Shift #4 Nights Sergeant Patrol Officers Power Shift Officer Deputy Chief Administration Investigations Det. Sergeant Investigators 1 FT Juvenile Officer School Resource Officer Crime Prevention Dare Officer Hinsdale Organizational Chart 25 Sworn Officers Authorized 24 Sworn Officers Currently

7 Chief of Police Deputy Chief Vacant Sergeant Detective (1) Patrol Officers (2) Sergeant Patrol Officers (3) Vacant Patrol Officers (3) Clarendon Hills Organizational Chart 14 Sworn Officers-Authorized 13 Sworn Officers-Currently

8 Calls for Service by Time of Day Comparison Jan 1 2012 thru July 31, 2012

9 Calls for Service by Day of Week Comparison Jan 1, 2012 to July 31, 2012

10 Today’s Patrol Staffing Levels Hinsdale Clarendon Hills  12 hour shift schedule  6 am to 6 pm and 6 pm to 6 am  1 Sergeant  3 Patrol officers shift  Additional Power Shift  Wednesday thru Saturday  4 pm to 2 am  Total Patrol Staffing : As many as 5 officers and not less than 3 officers.  8 hour shift schedule  7 am to 3 pm, 3 pm to 11pm and 11 pm to 7 am  1 Sergeant  2 Patrol officers.  Total Patrol Staffing:  As many as 3 officers and not less than 2 officers.

11 Consolidated Patrol Staffing  Patrol Officers work 12 hour shifts  1 Sergeant  5 Patrol Officers  Power Shift Tuesday through Saturday 4 pm to 2 am.  1 Patrol Officer As many as 7 officers working but not less than 5 officers at any time.

12 Consolidated Police Department Organizational Chart Police Chief Deputy Chief Administration Investigations Sergeant 3 Investigators 1 School Resource Officer School Liaison Officer/Crime Prevention Deputy Chief Operations Patrol Sergeant Days 5 Patrol Officers Patrol Sergeant Days 5 Patrol Officers Patrol Sergeant Nights 5 Patrol Officers Patrol Sergeant Nights 5 Patrol Officers Power Shift 1 Officer -3 Sergeant Deputy Chief Police Chief Total authorized sworn prior to consolidation 39. Following consolidation 34. Positions Reduced: 1 Chief 1 Deputy Chief 3 Sergeants

13 Standardization Process and Training  Consolidating agencies requires standardization of practices that includes:  Policies and Procedures  Reporting and documentation  Evidence collection  Equipment such as mobile video recording systems.  Training  Policies and Procedures  Ordinances  Geography  Organizational Structure, Processes, Lines of Authority  Village Practices  HR related issues

14 Consolidation Efficiencies  No change in police response times. May actually result in improved response times.  Increased staffing during simultaneous calls for service for each community.  Increase investigatory resources.  Supervisory span of control will be 1:6  Increased efficiency in specialized units.  Reduced redundancy in administrative positions.

15 Governance of New Department  Intergovernmental Agreement  Defines organizational relationships  Defines financial obligations  Determines processes for the resolution of conflicts  Provides for the dissolution of a consolidated department, if desired  Provides for an equal partnership between two “sovereign” entities  Not a new unit of government- new department would have to compete for resources and be subject to community oversight just as today.

16 Governance of New Department Current Model Chief of Police Reports to Village Manager Chief of Police Police Department Staff Proposed Model Chief of Police Reports to Joint Law Enforcement Committee Chief of Police Police Department Staff

17 Governance of New Department  Joint Law Enforcement Committee  Would meet in sessions open to the public  6 members:  Village Presidents (from each community)  Village Trustee Representatives (from each community)  Village Managers (from each community)  Rotating Chairmanship  Tie votes or disputes resolved via a previously agreed upon arbitrator  Oversee departmental budget, overall direction and department standards, and supervision of the Chief of Police  Most decisions made at Chief of Police level, just as today  Village Managers would still provide for day-to-day coordination between joint police department and other Village departments with the Chief of Police

18 Governance of New Department  Consolidated Board of Police Commissioners  Similar to current Boards of Police and Fire Commissioners  Representatives of each community appointed by the Village Presidents  Oversee the testing processes for new hires and promotions, as well as discipline  Currently 3 member Board of Police and Fire Commissioners in each community.  Would have a merged commission that would handle police issues only  Make up of committee still to be determined

19 Governance of New Department  Pension Fund Board  Under state law: current board has 2 active employees, 1 retiree, 2 village president appointees  New board would have same make-up under law, with each Village President appointing one-at-large member and the other members elected by pension participants

20 Cost Savings Estimates of Merged Department?  Annual Combined Cost Savings Estimate of $700,000 to $800,000 depending on various factors including:  Timing of attrition based staffing reductions to 34 total sworn officers  Which personnel retire  Cost Savings Estimate does not include any potential savings from reduction in capital equipment or facilities. Current plan is to initially keep both facilities operating as normal.  Cost Sharing of the Savings between the communities will be based on a model that would include a combination of population and call volume.  As a result of the consolidation, a combined Pension Fund would be created.  Municipalities would retain current liabilities  Municipalities would share proportionately future liabilities  Costs would be actuarially determined  Actuarial Assumptions would need to be adjusted to match

21 Next Steps  Further revision of financial model and Intergovernmental Agreement (ongoing)  Further development and presentation of a bill in Springfield to remove legal barriers to consolidation (November, 2012)  Union negotiations with employees (Current contracts expire April 30, 2013)  Further Public input and decision by Village Boards to proceed with discussion and merger (December, 2012)  Implementation

22  10 Minute Break

23  Questions and Answers

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