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Using a Goal/Action Architecture to Integrate Modularity and Long-Term Memory into AI Behaviors Marc Atkin John Abercrombie.

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Presentation on theme: "Using a Goal/Action Architecture to Integrate Modularity and Long-Term Memory into AI Behaviors Marc Atkin John Abercrombie."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using a Goal/Action Architecture to Integrate Modularity and Long-Term Memory into AI Behaviors
Marc Atkin John Abercrombie

2 Why Do We Want Better AI? Bad AI is always noticed
AI often inconsistent between games – why can’t we build on previous work? The AI is a big part of what makes a game world immersive and fun

3 What’s Stopping Us? What makes AI complex?
AI has many possible reactions to many situations Many behaviors are operating on the AI at any given time Hard to account for all the possible interactions

4 The Basic Idea: Use Modularity
It’s not just for coding anymore! Produces AI that is easier to understand and debug Produces AI that it reusable within and between projects The key point: Design the AI architecture so that it facilitates modularity

5 Part 1: Tyrion

6 Tyrion An architecture for specifying and executing AI behavior
Implements a language in which to write behavior Encourages hierarchical, modular design

7 Resources, Goals, and Actions
Goal: A description of a desired world state Action (or behavior): A method for achieving a goal Resource: An entity required to perform an action

8 Resource Hierarchy Team Squads Vehicles Driver/Gunners Characters

9 Resource hierarchy Team Strategic level Squads Tactical level Vehicles
Driver/Gunners Individual Units Characters Legs/Arms/Head Motor Control

10 Action/Goal Hierarchy
Attack Goal Squad Attack From All Sides Attack Goal Character Attack Goal NormalAttack FlankingAttack Legs / Arms MoveTo Goal FireAt Goal MoveTo Fire Weapon

11 Action Structure Goal satisfied by action Selection heuristic
Evaluates appropriateness of action in a given situation Message callback functions for child actions Message callback functions for sensors Body (Unreal script latent code) Typically executes over a number of game ticks

12 Action Idioms Simplify writing action bodies
Encapsulate commonly performed tasks Examples: WaitForAllGoals WaitForAnyGoal

13 Execution Model 10 times a second: Iterate over every resource:
Order unmatched goals by priority Find actions that achieve them Tick every running action Tick every active periodic sensor; send messages If an action completes, mark its goal as achieved/failed; send messages

14 Part 2: Building Modular Actions

15 SWAT4 What is SWAT4? First person tactical shooter
Player is team leader Single player – player commands four officer AI’s Object is to kill or subdue all enemies, and rescue the hostages

16 What Makes Up the SWAT4 AI?
Hierarchical resources for organizing behaviors Squad Tactical Character Individual Motor Control Movement Weapon Layer behaviors to form more complex behaviors

17 Modularity in SWAT4 Start from the ground up – Motor Control
The Legs - Movement Resource Basic Movement – move to a position, move to a particular object, follow another AI Lower body rotation The Arms – Weapon Resource Aiming – aim at a position, to a rotation, at something Item usage – (i.e. guns, grenades, toolkit, explosives)

18 Modularity in SWAT4 The Character The Squad Controls arms and legs
Plays special full body animations The Squad Controls individual characters, tells them what to do so they can work together

19 Reuse Tyrion framework encourages tasks to be broken apart into sub-tasks Higher level behaviors use lower level behaviors to accomplish complicated tasks Lower level behaviors can be used over and over again by different higher level behaviors i.e. Movement, aiming, weapon usage

20 Layering Each behavior on a resource is responsible for controlling everything below it i.e. Officers move in a formation while aiming at points of interest in the world (Fall in Command) Using multiple characters in a squad allows group to work together to accomplish more

21 Organizing Behaviors Use of action idioms
waitForGoal, waitForAllGoals, waitForAnyGoals, waitForResourcesAvailable Parent action posts child goals to accomplish tasks on the same resource or one lower in the hierarchy

22 Organizing Behaviors In SWAT4 the Squad posts child goals on characters (the officers) Character behaviors usually post child goals on movement and/or weapon resources Each action can wait for child goals to complete using action idioms

23 Example: Move Squad to a Point
Squad behavior (MoveSquadTo): Posts MoveTo Goal on each officer WaitForAllGoals(MoveToGoals) Character behavior (MoveTo): Posts Aim Around Goal on weapon resource Posts MoveToLocation Goal on movement resource WaitForGoal(MoveToLocation)

24 Stack Up (on a door) User points at door, gives command
Squad behavior determines points for Officers to stack up at Each officer locomotes to point given - while looking around or aiming at the door if they are able 1 1 2 2

25 How Stack Up Works Squad Behavior (Squad Stack Up) Post Stack Up goal on each officer Pass Stack Up Point as destination parameter WaitForAllGoals(StackUpGoals) Character Behavior (Stack Up) Post Aim At Door goal Post MoveTo(StackUpPoint) goal WaitForGoal(MoveToGoal) Result: Movement & Weapon behaviors act independently of each other

26 Move & Clear Inherits from the Stack Up behavior
Re-use functionality of getting AI’s stacked up on the door Adds new behaviors: After finishing stacking up (but not trying the door): Officer near the door opens it Another Officer told to start moving as soon as the door is opened Team then moves through the door into next room to points specified by a designer

27 Breach, Bang & Clear Inherits from the Move & Clear behavior
Open Door behavior replaced: first officer blows door open using C2 explosives or a breaching shotgun Second officer throws flashbang grenade into room before entering Squad organizes characters Some basic character behaviors are reused across many commands i.e. deploy grenade, deploy shotgun, or deploy C2

28 Squad StackUp Squad Move & Clear Squad Breach Bang & Clear
Squad Behaviors Stack Up Squad Move & Clear Move & Clear Squad Breach Bang & Clear Aim At Character Behaviors Open Door Move To Throw Grenade Aim Around Movement & Weapon Behaviors Move To Deploy C2 Use Grenade Deploy Shotgun Move To Move To Inherits From Child Behavior Move To

29 Summary and Results Framework is key to organizing use of system
Time to prototype and develop AI behaviors reduced Interesting SWAT4 Stats: Number of Squad Behaviors: 33 Number of Character Behaviors: 65 Number of Weapon Behaviors: 10 Number of Movement Behaviors: 11 Number of Months Programming: 16 (May 2003 – September 2004)

30 Part 3: Long-term Memory

31 The Problem of Forgetful AI
“Oh hello – have we met before?” State machines don’t remember past events What’s a natural way to represent task-related memory?

32 Two Types of Memory Task memory: Cognitive memory:
What needs to be done The context of the current action Represented by the set of goals Cognitive memory: Sensor data that has accumulated during the AI’s life time Represented inside sensors and actions

33 Tribes: Vengeance First-person shooter
Emphasizes speed and freedom of movement (jetpacks!) 3rd in the series

34 A Day in the Life of a Grunt
A Grunt AI with three goals: PatrolGoal (priority 40) AttackGoal (priority 50, dormant) DodgeGoal (priority 90, dormant) AttackGoal will activate when an enemy is sighted DodgeGoal will activate when a visible projectile will hit the AI

35 Patrol Goal Attack Goal Dodge Goal Patrol is executing 40 legs arms

36 X Patrol is executing 40 Enemy spotted! Sensor wakes up AttackGoal 40
Dodge Goal Patrol is executing 40 legs Enemy spotted! Sensor wakes up AttackGoal arms X 40 50 Attack executes; posts subgoals for legs & arms legs 50 arms

37 X X X Patrol is executing 40 Enemy spotted! Sensor wakes up AttackGoal
Dodge Goal Patrol is executing 40 legs Enemy spotted! Sensor wakes up AttackGoal arms X 40 50 Attack executes; posts subgoals for legs & arms legs 50 arms Projectile spotted! Sensor wakes up DodgeGoal X X 40 50 90 Dodge executes; needs legs; arms continue executing Attack! legs 50 arms

38 X X X X Patrol is executing 40 Enemy spotted!
Goal Attack Goal Dodge Goal Patrol is executing 40 legs Enemy spotted! Sensor wakes up AttackGoal arms X 40 50 Attack executes; posts subgoals for legs & arms legs 50 arms Projectile spotted! Sensor wakes up DodgeGoal X X 40 50 90 Dodge executes; needs legs; arms continue executing Attack! legs 50 arms X Dodge finishes: legs resume Attack subgoal 40 50 legs 50 arms

39 Seeing the Big Picture Task memory: An AI’s goal set constitutes the “big picture” of tasks to be accomplished Failed or interrupted goals hang around Cognitive memory: actions potentially contain lots of stored data High level actions have long life span; their data sticks around for that time, too

40 Seeing the Big Picture Explicit goal representation: AI can reason about remaining tasks Behaviors can be chosen that achieve multiple goals Separate rules decide when to remove unachieved goals

41 Part 4: Collaboration

42 Why Collaborate? Increases productivity
Both working on FPS’s starting at about the same time using the same engine (Unreal) Development teams based in Boston (SWAT4) and Canberra, Australia (Tribes) Teams shared code for rendering, networking, and more Tyrion was an already tested system

43 How to Work Together? Communication Shared Codebase Perforce
Programming (of course!)

44 Communication Initial technical design document was written in Australia, then discussed via between offices for weeks response time was usually a day (due to time difference) More complicated work could be accomplished over the phone An in-person visit helped SWAT4 make greater use of Tyrion’s features

45 Communication: Lessons Learned
We underestimated the amount of time required for effective communication During design phase, both of us spent about 1/3rd of our time communicating – less later on We underestimated the amount of time required for “tech support” Collaboration allowed both teams to identify weaknesses in Tyrion that we would discuss and address

46 Shared Codebase Shared code between offices to speed development of both Tribes & SWAT4 One shared codebase, which both projects could integrate code from or to

47 Perforce Very useful program, allowed for easy collaboration between offices We didn't have to worry about sharing the code, we got to worry about the code itself!

48 Programming Marc did most of the implementation
John's prior experience in Unreal helped optimize and streamline the code We both felt comfortable editing the code in the shared codebase for our own needs Code today is clean and well commented, although it does contain a few #if IG_SWAT and #if IG_TRIBES3 preprocessor definitions!

49 Programming: Lessons Learned
Would have been nice to have shared a common AI base class Both games exposed weaknesses that were addressed Early in SWAT, the idle goal needed to be satisfied by two subclasses of the base Idle Action class Change was made to system to allow subclasses of actions to satisfy goals Claiming leaf (motor control) resources issue

50 Programming: Lessons Learned
Inheritance vs Building Blocks Building blocks: new behaviors are implemented by combining simpler ones Inheritance: Change an existing behavior by sub-classing  Tyrion didn’t intend for this Not everyone will use your engine the way you intended Having multiple ways of accomplishing tasks allows clients to create and innovate Engine’s strength determined by client’s effective use

51 Collaboration Results
The shared development of using Tyrion worked well We feel both games had challenging and fun AI Its use has made prototyping AI behaviors easy and quick! Marc got to wake up at 7 a.m. in the morning for a fire alarm while staying at John's house

52 The Future We move on to new projects, and will continue to use Tyrion
Still finding improvements and new ways of using Tyrion Engine Improvements Better goal/sensor integration Make AI more “designer-friendly” Shared AI subclass

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