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Annual Report 2014. The Jasper County Jail Staff consists of 18 Jailers that manage the 144 capable bed facility on a daily basis. The Jasper County Patrol.

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1 Annual Report 2014

2 The Jasper County Jail Staff consists of 18 Jailers that manage the 144 capable bed facility on a daily basis. The Jasper County Patrol Staff consists of 20 Deputies that service the 37,000 residents on a daily basis.

3 The Jasper County Sheriff’s Office mission is to provide reliable, quality Law Enforcement services as Professionals, with Integrity, Morals, and Equality to the citizens and visitors of Jasper County. With the help of our citizens we can and will reduce crime in our county. In order to succeed in the delivery of these services the stated departmental goals must be achieved.  To act effectively as the service and enforcement arm of the judicial system;  To protect all segments of the community from criminal activities through innovative crime prevention and suppression techniques;  To provide for the safety and protection of the employees of the Sheriff’s Office by all reasonable means;  Preservation of the peace and dignity of the community;  Maintain our Detention Center in a secure and humane manner for those incarcerated;  Exercise diligence in the recovery of lost property; In achieving these goals, progressive techniques and strategic planning must be exercised to maintain a pro-active posture. In the achievement of this mission, the Jasper County Sheriff’s Office desires to provide a level of service that exceeds the expectations of the community. Through this mission, the Sheriff’s Office strives to continue to be a leader in the professional delivery of these services. Mitchel Newman, Sheriff Jasper County

4 The following objectives have been established to accomplish the mission within in the budgetary and manpower constraints imposed on the agency: A. Protect Life and Property: To provide services that contribute to the preservation of life, the protection of property, and the safety of the community. B. Maintain Public Order: To maintain peace and public order. To assist during times of natural or technological disasters and/or other critical incidents. To provide for the safe and effective flow of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. C. Prevent, Detect and Investigate Criminal Activity: To prevent crime through active and coordinated patrols that limit the opportunity for a crime to occur, and through education of citizens that reduces the likelihood of them becoming victims of crime. To provide a thorough, appropriate and efficient investigation of criminal activity. D. Apprehension of Offenders: To provide for the expeditious and prudent apprehension of suspected violators of the law, regardless of an individual’s status in the community. E. Community Service: To provide the resources necessary for assisting citizens under special non-criminal circumstances. F. Compliance with Ethical Standards and Professionalism: To ensure integrity and adherence to the professional standards of the agency by investigating all complaints against agency personnel. To provide for the training needs of officers and promote a high rate of proficiency in the officers of the agency. To address the career development goals of agency personnel.

5 The Jasper County Sheriff’s Office has a responsibility to disseminate information and act as a liaison between the Sheriff’s Office and the general public, which includes media and other agencies. Sheriff Mitchel Newman is the Public Information Officer (PIO) within the agency. Sheriff Newman provides weekly reports to the community in order to involve or inform them of recent criminal matters happening within our county. Community involvement is a valuable aspect in preventing and solving many criminal matters. Cynthia Clark, File Clerk, handles all open records requests received in writing or through mail or fax transmission. Janie Warrington, Telecommunications Supervisor, handles all phone calls for general information in emergency situations. Connie Jordan, Lt. Investigator, issues press releases regarding criminal investigations that lead to the apprehension of suspects. Mitchel Newman Sheriff

6 Human Resources  Jasper County’s Human Resources Department is handled through the Treasurer’s Office. Due to the fact the Sheriff’s Office has greater than 50 employees, some of the administrative functions such as time management, compensation issues, employee disciplinary files, and Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Standards are handled in- house. Finance  The responsibilities of the budget vary greatly and include the supervision, coordination, and administration of major financial affairs impacting the Sheriff’s Office including accounting, budgeting, financial reporting, fleet management, fixed assets and purchasing. Additionally, this department is responsible for receiving and processing the deposit of collections, fines, inmate commissary and medical processed through the Jail. This staff also manages the business of the Jasper County Sheriff’s Association, a non-profit incorporation. Jo Ann Sargent Administrative Assistant Cynthia Clark File Clerk

7 The Jasper County Sheriff’s Office Communication Center is the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for all emergency phone calls through Jasper County. The Center is equipped with two dispatch consoles with E911 Mapping and Routing capabilities which is provided by Deep East Texas Council of Governments (DETCOG). In emergency situations, the phones can be routed to Tyler County Sheriff’s Office therefore no emergency goes unanswered. The Communications Center is staffed accordingly to cover peek call volumes as we rely on historical data to control our staffing needs. Each Telecommunicator is licensed by Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) and must meet the minimum training proficiency guidelines. Janie Warrington Telecommunications Supervisor

8 The Jasper County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Division consists of (10) Patrol Deputies under the supervision of Patrol Captain, James Carter. Patrol Lieutenant, John Cooper, oversees scheduling, quality control of duties and paperwork, and vehicle maintenance/repairs. Patrol Sergeants, Chris Sherer and Matt Ortego, oversee the field training and daily functions throughout the night shift. James Carter Patrol Captain The Jasper County Sheriff’s Office is responsible for providing primary law enforcement duties to 36,296 residents who live within 970 sq. miles. We also provide support for the Jasper and Kirbyville Police Departments as needed through cooperative working agreements. Jasper County is approximately 72 miles long therefore we divide the primary coverage between two districts, North and South. In 2012, Jasper County Sheriff’s Deputies logged more than 436,648 miles on our patrol vehicles. In 2013, Deputies logged more than 676,749 miles. In 2014, Deputies logged more than 601,651 miles. This mileage is difficult to manage in both maintenance and budgetary aspects.

9  The Jasper County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Division (CID) consists of (3) Criminal Investigators and (2) Narcotics Investigators and (K-9) Baron.  The Criminal Investigators are challenged with the task of carrying through every lead possible to solve cases that are generated by the Patrol Deputies. Once the case is created, the information must be complete and accurate prior to submission to the District Attorney for prosecution.  The Narcotics Investigator is challenged with the task of maintaining a low profile along with utilizing every aspect to eliminate as much drug manufacturing and deliveries within Jasper County. This task itself utilizes many countless hours for the apprehension of each suspect. CID Team L-R Connie Jordan, Jason McClelland, Cal Morgan Narcotics Investigator Scottie Duncan With evolved technology, we are challenged with gathering as many aspects of a case on a limited budget. Evidence retrieval can be costly when it has to be submitted to the DPS Crime Lab for fingerprinting, toxicology, and DNA testing.

10  The Jasper County Jail is responsible for housing the criminals that are apprehended throughout the daily tasks of several Law Enforcement Agencies within Jasper County. The Jasper County Jail holds all Class B and above pre-trial inmates. The Jail is Commissioned through the Texas Commission on Jail Standards and is inspected annually. Our Jail has successfully passed each year without any deficiencies.  The Jasper County Sheriff’s Office Jail Division consists of (23) Jailers under the supervision of Jail Administrator, Cori Stanley. Jail Lieutenant, Maurice Villasana, oversees building maintenance and food service to the 144 bed facility. Jail Sergeants, Jimmy Johnson, Michael Selph, Jason Wilkinson, Catina Owens, and Paula Herrington oversee the scheduling and daily functions throughout each shift.  The Jasper County Jail houses inmates from surrounding counties under cooperative working agreements. This enables us to maintain a jail census to utilize all aspects of the jail which was added in 2002. We currently house the overflow of inmates from Tyler, Newton, and Sabine Counties. Cori Stanley Jail Administrator

11  During the recent events throughout the United States, the Jasper County Sheriff’s Office has formed a team that would be utilized in any emergency situation that involves public access, such as schools, event centers, and even church assemblies.  Sheriff Newman sent Lt. Scott Duncan to a Basic SWAT school last year and challenged him to formulate a team to respond to these community centers in catastrophic situations. Lt. Duncan has since formed a team of (7) officers who periodically train together.  Last year Sheriff Newman provided equipment in excess of $7,000.00 to outfit this team. This equipment is essential in order to function under strenuous circumstances. Our plan is to continue to send a minimum of two officers to the Basic SWAT school each year in order to maintain skills proficiency and stay up to date with any changes to the curriculum. Scott Duncan Narcotics Investigations Lieutenant

12 The Jasper County Sheriff’s Office Reserve Division consists of several individuals that assist the County in multiple different aspects. Reserve Deputies / Jailers are under the supervision of Patrol Captain, James Carter and Jail Administrator, Cori Stanley. The Reserve Deputies / Jailers are utilized for Special Events, Scene Control, Training Opportunities, Courthouse Security, and other various operations through the coordination of Senior Reserve Deputy Jimmy Hensarling. In 2014, the Reserve Division answered 7 Calls for Service and covered over 48 hours in order for the Full Time Deputies to attend training and other functions. This accomplishment could not be more valuable to anyone but our communities.

13 A very important aspect that is handled through our agency is Sex Offender Registration. Laura Moore provides continued monitoring and record maintenance for an average of 119 residents within the county. Laura provides assistance to several organizations through Jasper County dealing with homeless, battered women, child endangerment, and many other special needs that may need assistance from time to time. Laura Moore Sex Offender Registrar

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