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1 Exotic Disease Response Training Introduction to Movement Control.

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1 1 Exotic Disease Response Training Introduction to Movement Control

2 2 Session Outcome At the end of this session, you should be able to: describe what Movement Control is name the roles in the Movement Control Group describe, at a high level, what those roles do, and explain where Movement Control fits into the Exotic Disease Response process.

3 Introduction to Movement Control 3 During this session we will cover: Training Agenda 1.What is Movement Control? 2.Exotic Disease Response Roles – Movement Control Group 3.What tasks they perform 4.Where Movement Control fits in the Exotic Disease Response process 5.Movement Control Terminology

4 Introduction to Movement Control 4 Preventing disease spread by Controlled Area notices and Restricted Place notices and their conditions. Also includes the processing of movement permits. Management of perimeter controls, hygiene barriers and signage, and the provision of conveyance decontamination sites. What is Movement Control?

5 Introduction to Movement Control 5 Response Policy Outlines the objectives for Movement Control and other teams Contains technical information about the Unwanted Organism Contains parameters for Zones Outlines what are risk goods for this response

6 Introduction to Movement Control 6 Legal document issued by the Chief Technical Officer under Section 131 of the Biosecurity Act 1993 Contains details of Controlled Area boundaries Outlines risk goods and conditions / treatments for risk goods Outlines items that do not require a Movement Permit, that do require a Movement Permit and Prohibited Movements Controlled Area Notice

7 Introduction to Movement Control 7 Movement Permitting - Areas and Zones Permits or prohibits the movement of risk goods into or out of the Controlled Area, depending on which zone the from and/or to place is located within Controlled Area Restricted Places Protection Zone Infected Zone Surveillance Zone Checkpoints Roadblocks

8 Introduction to Movement Control 8 Risk Goods Any goods that may contain, or interfere with the management of, an unwanted organism Animal Products Susceptible Non- susceptible Animals Other Items

9 Introduction to Movement Control 9 Controlled Area An area that the Chief Technical Officer has declared a Controlled Area under and for the purpose of Section 131 of the Biosecurity Act 1993

10 Introduction to Movement Control 10 Protection Zone Controlled Area Restricted Places Protection Zone A specific area within a Controlled Area. The Protection Zone is the area in the immediate vicinity of all known infected places, within which the highest level of Biosecurity applied to prevent further spread of infection

11 Introduction to Movement Control 11 Infected Zone Controlled Area Restricted Places Protection Zone Infected Zone An infected zone is the largest area in which current evidence and analysis for transmission risks suggest infected places may be present

12 Introduction to Movement Control 12 Surveillance Zone Controlled Area Restricted Places Protection Zone Infected Zone Surveillance Zone The area near infected places, considered sufficient to encompass the properties at risk through more remote spread mechanism

13 Introduction to Movement Control 13 Checkpoints Controlled Area Restricted Places Protection Zone Infected Zone Surveillance Zone A portion of road managed so that some or all vehicles passing through can be stopped and checked for risk goods Checkpoints

14 Introduction to Movement Control 14 Roadblocks Controlled Area Restricted Places Protection Zone Infected Zone Surveillance Zone A physical barrier completely blocking a road to prevent the movement of all vehicles Checkpoints Roadblocks

15 Introduction to Movement Control 15 Single Movement Permit B A 1) Farmer A sold stock to Farmer B 2) Makes Request for movement 3) Movement Permit Issued 4) Stock Transported to Farmer B with Valid Movement Permit

16 Introduction to Movement Control 16 Multiple Movement Permit 1)Milk Processing Company has many vehicles that make many stops within the Controlled Area 2)Request for Multiple Movement Permit 3)Multiple Movement Permit Issued 4)Milk Tankers make pickups as outlined in the Multiple Movement Permit 5)Audited

17 Introduction to Movement Control 17 Movement Control Response Roles Movement Control Manager Movement Permitting Coordinator Checkpoint & Patrol Coordinator Vehicle Treatment Coordinator Movement Permitting Team Leader Administration Coordinator Checkpoint Team Leader Patrol Team Leader Vehicle Treatment Team Leader Admin Team Leader Call Center Operator Checkpoint Officer Patrol Officer Vehicle Treatment Operator Administration Officer Movement Permitting Officer

18 Introduction to Movement Control 18 Movement Permitting Coordinator Establish a functioning movement permitting capability for an incursion response Coordinate the permitting of allowable movements of people, animals, vehicles and materials into, within and from a Controlled Area Liaise with officials in high volume, frequent movement industries Prepare recommendations for changes to movement restrictions as the probability of disease spread changes Resolve permitting requests for unique movements, and Monitor and report on movement permitting outputs

19 Introduction to Movement Control 19 Movement Permitting Team Leader Lead a group of people in receiving, recording, evaluating and processing movement requests during an incursion response Make decisions on movement requests for which no policy exists, and Audit multiple movement permit holders for compliance with permit conditions

20 Introduction to Movement Control 20 Movement Permitting Officer Receive, record, evaluate and process movement requests during an incursion response and, perhaps Audit multiple movement permit holders for compliance with permit conditions.

21 Introduction to Movement Control 21 Call Center Operator Receive and log calls from the public requesting permits to move themselves, vehicles, livestock and/or products into, from or within a Controlled Area.

22 Introduction to Movement Control 22 Checkpoint & Patrol Coordinator Control or prevent the spread of disease by making provision for the detection of unauthorised or suspect movement of people, animals, vehicles and products into, within and out of a Controlled Area Coordinate the acquisition and deployment of sufficient, adequately trained and briefed checkpoint and patrol personnel, resources and equipment Liaise with Police and roads authorities on the provision, locating and manning of checkpoints and patrols, and Monitor and report on unauthorised movements.

23 Introduction to Movement Control 23 Checkpoint Team Leader Lead a group of people manning established checkpoints to prevent any unauthorised movement of vehicles, livestock or materials into or from a Controlled Area, and Liaise with Police and roads authorities personnel in the establishment and operation of a checkpoint.

24 Introduction to Movement Control 24 Patrol Team Leader Lead a group of people conducting mobile patrols to identify any unauthorised movement of vehicles, livestock or materials within a Controlled Area.

25 Introduction to Movement Control 25 Exotic Disease Response Process

26 Introduction to Movement Control 26 Movement Control Terminology From Place – the property the movement originates at To Place – the property the movement is to Standstill – the cessation of movement of susceptible stock, potentially contaminated goods, equipment or fomites

27 Introduction to Movement Control 27 During this session we covered: Session Summary 1.What is Movement Control? 2.Exotic Disease Response Roles – Movement Control Group 3.What tasks they perform 4.Where Movement Control fits in the Exotic Disease Response process 5.Movement Control Terminology

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