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Executive Branch SS8CG3The student will analyze the role of the executive branch in Georgia state government.

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1 Executive Branch SS8CG3The student will analyze the role of the executive branch in Georgia state government.

2 In a Federal system of government powers are shared between the national and state governments.
National System Georgia System The National government is divided into three branches – Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. The United States Executive Branch is led by the President and Vice President. The State government of Georgia is also divided into three branches – Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. Georgia’s Executive Branch is led by the Governor and Lieutenant Governor.

3 National State

4 SSCG3a. Explain the qualifications, term, election, and duties of the governor and lieutenant governor.

5 Qualifications Governor Lieutenant Governor
must be at least 30 years old citizens of the US for at least 15 years. residents of Georgia for at least 6 years. must be at least 30 years old citizens of the US for at least 15 years. residents of Georgia for at least 6 years.

6 Terms Governor Lieutenant Governor
The term of office for the Governor is 4 years. The Governor may run for and serve a second term. After the serving a second term the Governor must wait at least four years before he can serve again. The term of office for the Lieutenant Governor is 4 years. The Lieutenant Governor may run for as many consecutive terms as he wants.

7 Governor and Lieutenant Governor
Election – Both the Governor and Lieutenant Governor are elected by the citizens of Georgia. Unlike the President and Vice President of the United States the Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Georgia do not run on the same ticket or need to be in the same party.

8 Duties of the Governor The governor has two kinds of powers: formal and informal Formal powers are divided into 3 kinds: Executive powers include being able to appoint state officials and making sure the civil and criminal laws are enforced

9 Formal Powers Continued
Legislative powers include sending requests and messages to the legislature, signing bills into law, and being able to veto a bill so it does not become a law. The governor may also call special sessions of the legislature. Judicial powers include being able to pardon persons convicted of crimes and appoint state justices to fill unexpired terms.

10 Formal Powers continued
Other formal powers include: Managing the state’s budget Directing the attorney general to act as a representative of the state in lower court cases involving state law Making an annual “State of the State” speech to the legislature Serving as commander-in-chief of the Georgia National Guard Heading the state’s civil defense units Sending Georgia Highway Patrol Officers and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation into communities in times of danger

11 Informal Powers Some of these result from tradition or custom, others are necessary to enforce the formal powers. They include: Communicating to the public a personal position on issues of interest to Georgians Acting as honorary head of the political party that elected him or her to office Issuing proclamations to honor individuals, holidays, of special events and, with the legislature's approval, adding new state symbols

12 Informal Powers continued
Representing the state in meetings with other state officials, federal officers, or foreign dignitaries Meeting with business and industry leaders from other states or nations to encourage them to expand their businesses into Georgia Working with members of the legislature to get laws passed Guiding state agencies

13 Duties of the Lieutenant Governor
Serves as Governor if current Governor dies or gets too sick to work. Serves as President of the state Senate – Decides committee memberships and chooses committee chairs.

14 SS8CG3b. Describe the organization of the executive branch, with emphasis on major policy area of state program; include education, human resources, public safety, transportations, economic development, and natural resources.

15 SS8CG3c. Explain how the executive branch fulfills its role through state agencies that administer programs and enforce laws.

16 Organization of the Executive Branch Continued
Officer and Department Purpose State attorney general Department of Law The chief legal officer for the state and the head of the department of law Commissioner of Labor Department of Labor Regulates the health and safety of workers, enforces state labor laws, administers unemployment insurance programs and maintains statistical data on labor Public Service Commissioners (5) Regulate utilities, control the rates and services of transportation companies, telephone companies, and electric companies

17 Organization of the Executive Branch Continued
Officer and Department Purpose Secretary of State Maintains the states’ official records, publishes law passed by the legislature, supervises elections, appoints examining boards, grants corporate charters, and regulates securities, stocks, and bonds State school superintendent Department of education Directs statewide educational programs, enforces state education regulations and laws, administers state and federal education funds, certifies and licenses teachers and other educators, and approves textbooks for us in Georgia Schools

18 Organization of the Executive Branch
Examples of State Agencies and Boards with appointed leaders; Office Purpose State Department of Pardons and Paroles constitutionally authorized to grant paroles, pardons, reprieves, remissions, commutations, and to restore civil and political rights. Department of Natural Resources Created by State Constitution: charged with the conservation and protection of resources for current and future generations State Personnel Board Created by State Constitution: provides expertise in state and federal regulatory compliance issues

19 Organization of the Executive Branch
Office Purpose Department of Human Services Created by State Statute: delivers a wide range of human services designed to promote self-sufficiency, safety and well-being for all Georgians. Board of Public Safety Created by State Statute: oversees the day-to-day operations of the Georgia State Patrol (GSP

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