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Parking Lot Safety The Leadership Academy at St. Isidore School in Bloomingdale, IL.

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2 Parking Lot Safety The Leadership Academy at St. Isidore School in Bloomingdale, IL


4 Safety Concerns in the Mornings Line is too long –Cars aren’t moving –Line almost to Gary Ave. –Letting children out too early No rules or expectations for the adjacent lot Not safe for elderly people exiting the church People driving while on cell phones

5 Safety Concerns in the Afternoon Kids running in unsafe areas Cars backing up--- almost hitting children Parents and other adults on their cell phones Popeye’s parking lot = Disorder/ Confusion There are no safety signs to conduct traffic

6 Pictures of the Problem: AM Parents standing in the middle of the street

7 Pictures of the Problem: AM Long line for drop-off

8 Pictures of the Problem: AM Children running outside the safety cones

9 Video of the Problem: AM

10 Videos of the Problem: PM

11 How We are Enacting Change Brainstorming safety needs Monitor the situation/ Determine issues Plan solutions to the problems Meet with Principal Collins Revise and finalize plan Present to facilities manager Make changes for the new school year

12 Our Plan to Make Our School Safer Add painted cross walk More safety signs to conduct traffic Patrol training Lessons about parking lot safety NO CHILDREN OUTSIDE DESIGNATED AREA UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT

13 Thank You!! Sincerely, The Leadership Academy of St. Isidore School

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