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By: Ying Lin.  Loosening or separation, either partial or complete, of an epiphysis from the shaft of a bone.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Ying Lin.  Loosening or separation, either partial or complete, of an epiphysis from the shaft of a bone."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Ying Lin

2  Loosening or separation, either partial or complete, of an epiphysis from the shaft of a bone.

3  Fractures  Injuries  Obesity(not required by it but it increase the possibility of getting it)  genetics

4  Occurs at the age of 10-16(somewhat earlier in girls) often in association of obesity.  Both hips are effected 20-30% of patients.  Pain is more intense at the moment of heel touch

5 Type 1  The epiphysis slips completely off the end of the shaft, without a fracture. These injuries are common at birth and in early childhood. Reduction of the such condition is usually not difficult, and the prognosis is good, except at the upper end of the femur

6  The line of separation runs through arc of the epiphyseal plate(growth plate) and then out through the shaft.This is a common epiphyseal injury, particularly at the distal end of the radius.

7  The fracture extends from the joint surface into the epiphyseal line. These are rare injuries, usually at the ends of the tibia. An open operation may be necessary.

8  The epiphysis and part of the shaft split, particularly at the lateral condyle of the humerus.

9  The epiphyseal plate is crushed and at least part of it subsequently closes early. The first x–ray may look almost normal, and you may think the child has only a sprain. Suspect an injury of this kind if he has a history of a crush injury, and don’t let him bear weight for at least three weeks.

10  Reduce or avoid intense physical activities such as sports and gym.  Examination and surgery might be necessary

11   

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