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Galileo increased the inclination of inclined planes.  Steeper inclines gave greater accelerations.  When the incline was vertical, acceleration was.

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Presentation on theme: "Galileo increased the inclination of inclined planes.  Steeper inclines gave greater accelerations.  When the incline was vertical, acceleration was."— Presentation transcript:


2 Galileo increased the inclination of inclined planes.  Steeper inclines gave greater accelerations.  When the incline was vertical, acceleration was max, same as that of the falling object.  When air resistance was negligible, all objects fell with the same unchanging acceleration.

3 Falling under the influence of gravity only - with no air resistance  Freely falling objects on Earth accelerate at the rate of 10 m/s/s, i.e., 10 m/s 2 (more precisely, 9.8 m/s 2 ).

4 The greater the mass of the object…  the greater its force of attraction toward the Earth.  the smaller its tendency to move i.e., the greater its inertia. So, the acceleration is the same. It is equal to the acceleration due to gravity: 10 m/s 2 (precisely 9.8 m/s 2 ).

5 When acceleration is g—free fall  Newton’s second law provides an explanation for the equal accelerations of freely falling objects of various masses.  Acceleration is equal when air resistance is negligible.  Acceleration depends on force (weight) and inertia.

6 The velocity acquired by an object starting from rest is So, under free fall, when acceleration is 10 m/s 2, the speed is 10 m/s after 1 s. 20 m/s after 2 s. 30 m/s after 3 s. And so on.

7 The distance covered by an accelerating object starting from rest is So, under free fall, when acceleration is 10 m/s 2, the distance is 5 m after 1 s. 20 m after 2 s. 45 m after 3 s. And so on.

8 A. also 40 m/s. B. 45 m/s. C. 50 m/s. D. None of the above. Free Fall CHECK YOUR NEIGHBOR

9 A. also 40 m/s. B. 45 m/s. C. 50 m/s. D. None of the above. Comment: We assume the object is falling downward. Free Fall CHECK YOUR ANSWER

10 Terminal speed  occurs when acceleration terminates (when air resistance equals weight and net force is zero). Terminal velocity  same as terminal speed, with direction implied or specified.

11  A skydiver jumps from a plane.  Weight is the only force until air resistance acts.  As falling speed increases, air resistance on diver builds up, net force is reduced, and acceleration becomes less.  When air resistance equals the diver’s weight, net force is zero and acceleration terminates.  Diver reaches terminal velocity, then continues the fall at constant speed.

12 A. increases. B. decreases. C. remains the same. D. Not enough information. Non-Free Fall CHECK YOUR NEIGHBOR

13 A.increases. B. decreases. C. remains the same. D. Not enough information. Non-Free Fall CHECK YOUR ANSWER

14 A.increases. B. decreases. C. remains the same. D. Not enough information. Non-Free Fall CHECK YOUR NEIGHBOR

15 A.increases. B. decreases. C. remains the same. D. Not enough information. Non-Free Fall CHECK YOUR ANSWER

16 A. increases. B. decreases. C. remains the same. D. Not enough information. Non-Free Fall CHECK YOUR NEIGHBOR

17 A.increases. B. decreases. C. remains the same. D. Not enough information. Non-Free Fall CHECK YOUR ANSWER Comment If this question were asked first in the sequence of skydiver questions, many would answer it incorrectly. Would this have been you?

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