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Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan (1892-1972) was a mathematician and librarian from India. His most notable contributions to the field were his five laws.

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Presentation on theme: "Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan (1892-1972) was a mathematician and librarian from India. His most notable contributions to the field were his five laws."— Presentation transcript:


2 Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan (1892-1972) was a mathematician and librarian from India. His most notable contributions to the field were his five laws of library science and the development of the first major analytico-synthetic classification system, the colon classification. He is considered to be the father of library science, documentation, and information science in India His five laws of library science are helpful in formulating principles of document selection In 1928, Dr. S. R. Ranganathan formulated the fundamental laws of Library science on the basis of his own experiences, observations and experiments on the working of the libraries. In 1931, he published them in his book “Five Laws of Library Science”.

3 Books are for use Every reader his book Every book its reader Save the time of the reader Library is growing organism

4 The first law constitutes the basis for the library services. This Law is the core of the library services. It emphasizes the use of books in library. It embodies an elementary principle and all the other laws of library science are based an the first law. Therefore, a library is not merely a store house of books but a service oriented institution.

5 According to the second law every reader of a library should have the books he/she wants. It advocates for a mandatory provision of library services to each reader according to his/her need. It advocates the universal and democratization of library services i.e. documents are not only for the scholars but for all including poor, sick, blind, prisoner, neo-literates and old. The documents should be accessible irrespective of occupational and income lines, irrespective of the normal and abnormal, or irrespective of an adult and a child.

6 Like the first law third law is also concerned with the books. Every book in a library must find its reader. Literary means that for every book, there should be a reader. “Every book its reader” can also be interpreted as “Every thought or information should find its user”. “Books are for Use” is a declaration of principle. “Every book its reader” is a directive to “make a book useful.

7 Like the second law, this law is also viewed from the angle of the users. The second law prescribes to provide a every reader with the books of his interest. The forth law emphasizes on saving the time of the readers by adopting suitable administrative procedures. Every reader should get fast and exact service; they should not be made to wait longer. Unnecessary delay may cause vexation and readers may be dissatisfied. Dissatisfied readers may cease to come to the library.

8 The first four Laws deals with the management and administration of libraries. The fifth Law emphasis the planning and organization of libraries keeping in mind the future growth. The main components of the library are documents, the users and the staff. A library always grows in terms of documents, the reader or the user and the staff. Library grows in terms of replacing old documents by new ones and the new user will continuously replace the old one.

9 Documents are acquired, processed, stored and displayed for use and It is maintain in proper order. The documents must be displayed and maintained properly so that users can get the documents of their interest in the least possible time. Maintenance work involves Shelving, location of documents, shifting of collections, dusting and cleaning, preparation and maintenance of guides, maintenance of documents, shelf rectification, maintenance of shelf list or register, stock verification, binding and vigilance. The maintenance section have complete charge of shelves. Maintenance work involves a variety of jobs. Maintaining the large number of collections in a proper order and in physical form fit to be used by users is a big job. In case, stock verification is to be done on continuous basis, then it shall be the responsibility of those section to carry it out. This is a formidable job. If stock verification is carried out periodically, then the main responsibility shall again lie with this section.

10 Books are for use: Library should be kept open on all the working hours, make library furniture comfortable, opt for open access, and appoint qualified staff in proper number with suitable status, who should cultivate service attitude towards readers. According to the first law in the maintenance section, library building should be maintained properly, library furniture should be made comfortable for users use. Proper maintenance of books in stacks according to the classification systems are helpful to make books use.

11 The shelf should be arranged according to the subject of the document and not based on the size or other aspects. In case of open access libraries there is every possibility of some documents being misplaced intentionally or unintentionally by the patron of the library. To fulfill the second law misplaced books must be restored to their proper places.

12 Books are arranged classified and maintained in stacks in such that to meet the needs of the people and so that every books will find its reader as stated by the Ranganathan’s third law. Stack guides are put to help the users to find their book and so that any book will not miss its reader.

13 The arrangement of documents should be according to the degree of mutual relationship of subjects which will lead to saving the time of the users. Tier guide, Gangway guide, Bay guide, Shelf guide, General Guide should be provided to save the time of the reader.

14 The fifth Law emphasis the planning and organization of libraries keeping in mind the future growth. The main components of the library are documents, the users and the staff. A library always grows in terms of documents, the reader or the user and the staff.

15  Maintenance section is important to carry out all the five laws of library science stated by Ranganathan.  It includes all the necessary process that are carried out in the library that helps users in getting the books and also the books to get its reader.

16 Thank You...

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