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Using Technology to maximise the benefit of Pupil Premium Sir Mark Grundy Executive Principal Shireland Collegiate Academy.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Technology to maximise the benefit of Pupil Premium Sir Mark Grundy Executive Principal Shireland Collegiate Academy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Technology to maximise the benefit of Pupil Premium Sir Mark Grundy Executive Principal Shireland Collegiate Academy

2 Mundanely clever

3  Inner city academy in West Midlands  1,100 students; 11-18.  Built over 100 years ago and serves an area of substantial deprivation  38.2% of students have eligibility for free school meals (63% Pupil Premium)  22% have Special Educational Needs  15% live safeguarding issues  64.7% have English as a second language  Judged as Outstanding in 2006 / 2010 / 2013


5 “All groups of students make rapid progress, irrespective of their background or ability level.” “Teaching is outstanding. Lessons are planned extremely well to make sure they are demanding, exciting and get the most out of all groups of students. This is underpinned by innovative use of information and computer technology (ICT)”.

6 Little Bridge

7 RM Books

8 SMART Notebook 14 Centre of Excellence

9 1% from headgear design 1% from saddle design 3% from core bike frame design 2% from suit design And so on.... "The aggregation of marginal gains." A % here, A % there..

10 Apps for Good Ninja School

11 Makewaves Make Waves Digital Badges Reference Site

12 Office 365

13 Home made content Photosynth Projects

14 U-explore

15 Family Portal

16 i-Families

17 “The first, and most important ability you can develop in a flat world is the ability to “learn how to learn” … what you know today will be out of date sooner than you think” (Thomas L Friedman: The World is Flat)

18 L4L – A Quick Summary Competency Based to build students essential skills. Highly praised by Ofsted in recent Outstanding inspection. 10 Literacies – Half academic, half developmental. One teacher for 17 hours in Year 7, 13 in Year 8, 9 in Year 9. Thematic based activities to teach students skills in context. Single, safe, secure area for students which has led to 96.5% attendance and no exclusions, fixed or permenant.

19 What are we Trying to Accomplish? Confidence through Granular Achievement – Students able to see that they can constantly progress. Continuum of Learning – Where students are and what they need to do next. Skills over content to allow students to progress fast at KS4. Constant feedback discussions with teachers. Child led and flipped learning opportunities through resources.

20 Student Overview

21 Literacy Overview

22 Competency Overview

23 Staff Interface

24 Getting the right balance


26 Expert School Centre of Excellence Apps for Good Ninja School International Gifted & Talented Centre Microsoft Partner School Lead School Make Waves Digital Badges Reference Site UK Advanced School


28 Photosynth Projects

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