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September 6, 20021 Achieving High Software Reliability Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar Empirical Software Engineering Laboratory Florida Atlantic.

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Presentation on theme: "September 6, 20021 Achieving High Software Reliability Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar Empirical Software Engineering Laboratory Florida Atlantic."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 6, 20021 Achieving High Software Reliability Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar ( Empirical Software Engineering Laboratory Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton, Florida USA OSMA Software Assurance Symposium 2002 The Software Measurement Analysis and Reliability Toolkit & Module-Order Modeling

2 September 6, 2002Empirical Software Engineering Laboratory Florida Atlantic Univeristy 2 Overview SMART: The Software Measurement Analysis and Reliability Toolkit Module-Order Modeling Investigating the impact of underlying prediction models on module-order models Empirical case studies Summary

3 September 6, 2002Empirical Software Engineering Laboratory Florida Atlantic Univeristy 3 SMART Case-Based Reasoning –quantitative software quality prediction models: predicting faults, code churn, etc. –qualitative software classification (risk-based) models: two-group and three-group models Module-Order Models –priority-based ranking of modules with respect to their software quality

4 September 6, 2002Empirical Software Engineering Laboratory Florida Atlantic Univeristy 4 SMART (GUI)

5 September 6, 2002Empirical Software Engineering Laboratory Florida Atlantic Univeristy 5 SMART (GUI)

6 September 6, 2002Empirical Software Engineering Laboratory Florida Atlantic Univeristy 6 Module-Order Models Why module-order models? –Classification models are not suitable from the business & improved cost-effective view points same quality improvement resources applied to all modules predicted as high-risk or fault-prone –A priority-based software quality improvement is more suited for a cost-effective usage of available resources inspecting the most fault-prone modules first

7 September 6, 2002Empirical Software Engineering Laboratory Florida Atlantic Univeristy 7 MOMs... Answers practical questions posed by project management, such as –which & how many modules to target for V&V? –what’s the best usage of available resources? Different underlying quantitative software quality prediction models available –what is their impact on the performance of module-order models?

8 September 6, 2002Empirical Software Engineering Laboratory Florida Atlantic Univeristy 8 MOMs... Components of a module-order model –underlying software quality prediction model –ranking of modules according to the predicted quality factor, and –procedure for evaluating accuracy and effectiveness of predicted ranking Alberg diagrams: faults accounted-for by rankings Performance diagrams: measuring accuracy of the predicted ranking with respect to actual (perfect) ranking

9 September 6, 2002Empirical Software Engineering Laboratory Florida Atlantic Univeristy 9 MOMs... Based on schedule & resources allocated for testing and V&V, determine a range of cutoff percentages that includes the management’s options for covering the last module (as per the ranking) to be inspected Choose a set of representative cutoff percentages, ‘c’, from that range –for each c, determine the number of faults accounted for by the actual & predicted ranking

10 September 6, 2002Empirical Software Engineering Laboratory Florida Atlantic Univeristy 10 Case Study Example A large legacy telecommunications system –mission-critical software –written in a procedural language –software metrics from four system releases, with a few thousand modules in each release –fault data comprised of faults discovered during post unit testing, including system operations –24 product metrics & 4 execution metrics used –Release 1 used as fit data & others as test data

11 September 6, 2002Empirical Software Engineering Laboratory Florida Atlantic Univeristy 11 Fault Prediction Models Rank-order based on average absolute error and average relative error of models 1.CART-LAD regression tree 2.Case-Based Reasoning (SMART) 3.Multiple Linear Regression 4.Artificial Neural Networks 5.CART-LS regression tree 6.S-PLUS regression tree

12 September 6, 2002Empirical Software Engineering Laboratory Florida Atlantic Univeristy 12 Results of MOMs Group 1 –CBR –MLR –ANNs Group 2 (all available regression trees) –CART-LS –CART-LAD –S-PLUS

13 September 6, 2002Empirical Software Engineering Laboratory Florida Atlantic Univeristy 13 Results of MOMs... Alberg Diagram for Group 1: Release 2

14 September 6, 2002Empirical Software Engineering Laboratory Florida Atlantic Univeristy 14 Results of MOMs... Performance Diagram for Group 1: Release 2

15 September 6, 2002Empirical Software Engineering Laboratory Florida Atlantic Univeristy 15 Results of MOMs... Alberg Diagram for Group 2: Release 2

16 September 6, 2002Empirical Software Engineering Laboratory Florida Atlantic Univeristy 16 Results of MOMs... Performance Diagram for Group 2: Release 2

17 September 6, 2002Empirical Software Engineering Laboratory Florida Atlantic Univeristy 17 Group 1 models, i.e., CBR, ANN, & MLR had similar performances with respect to their module-order models S-PLUS (Group 2) module-order model performed similar to CBR, ANN, & MLR Though CART-LAD yielded best AAE and ARE values, it showed a relatively-lower performance as a module-order model Results Summary

18 September 6, 2002Empirical Software Engineering Laboratory Florida Atlantic Univeristy 18 When used as a module-order model, CART-LS is better than CART-LAD –In contrast, with respect to AAE and ARE values CART-LAD is better than CART-LS Overall, for this case study the CART-LS module-order model performed generally better than the other five models, i.e., CBR, CART-LAD, ANN, MLR, and S-PLUS Results Summary...

19 September 6, 2002Empirical Software Engineering Laboratory Florida Atlantic Univeristy 19 Observing the effects of data characteristics –performance of MOMs is dependent on the system domain and the software application Are AAE & ARE good performance metrics for selecting underlying prediction models for module-order modeling? –Selecting the prediction models based on AAE and ARE did not provide any conclusive insight into the performance of a module-order model Results Summary...

20 September 6, 2002Empirical Software Engineering Laboratory Florida Atlantic Univeristy 20 Conclusion Software fault prediction and quality classification models by themselves may not be sufficient from the business and practical view points (return-on-investment) Module-order modeling presents a more goal-oriented approach by predicting a priority-based ranking of modules with respect to software quality

21 September 6, 2002Empirical Software Engineering Laboratory Florida Atlantic Univeristy 21 Conclusion... Case studies investigating the impact of different underlying prediction models on module-order models Completed the ready-to-use (stand alone) version of SMART, including its –requirements and specifications document –design, implementation, and integration document

22 September 6, 2002Empirical Software Engineering Laboratory Florida Atlantic Univeristy 22 Future Work A resource-based approach for the selection and evaluation of software quality models Developing models that provide an improved goal- and objective-oriented software quality assurance –lowering the expected cost of misclassification –improving the cost-benefit factor of models –a better focus on return-on-investment

23 September 6, 2002Empirical Software Engineering Laboratory Florida Atlantic Univeristy 23 Future Work... Applying the SMART technology to software metrics and fault data collected from a NASA software project –evaluating performance & benefits of SMART in the context of NASA software data Incorporating SMART into a live NASA software project –demonstrating practical technology transfer

24 September 6, 200224 Achieving High Software Reliability Thank You … Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar (561) 297 3994 Empirical Software Engineering Laboratory Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton, Florida, USA OSMA Software Assurance Symposium 2002

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