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ICBF Beef & Dairy Industry Meetings.
Session 1 – Dairy. 28th November 2012.
Dairy Only (10 AM – 11 AM). New management traits (milking speed & temperament). Test proofs and economic values. New health traits (mastitis and lameness). Test proofs and economic values. Inclusion of new management and health traits in the EBI.
Donagh Berry1 & Francis Kearney2 1Teagasc, Moorepark, Ireland 2ICBF
Management traits Donagh Berry1 & Francis Kearney2 1Teagasc, Moorepark, Ireland 2ICBF ICBF Dairy Industry Consultation Meeting, November 2012
More detailed information in October ICBF industry meeting
Management traits Milking speed Temperament More detailed information in October ICBF industry meeting
Data DIY milk meters Temperament from DEP scheme
35% of milk recorded cows 10,000 cows from IHFA classifications in 2011 Temperament from DEP scheme
Objective To develop a new management sub- index for inclusion in the EBI Goal traits: Milking speed – DIY meters Temperament – DEP scheme
Milking speed Ensure not selecting for lower yielding animals
Milking speed genetically independent of milk yield Ensure not selecting for more mastitis through weaker teat end sphincter muscle Include SCC and mastitis in EBI and monitor response to selection Derive trait independent of both milk yield and SCC
Genetics Milking speed Heritability: 0.18 IHFA: 0.01
No correlation with milk yield or udder health Temperament Heritability: 0.13 Heritability IHFA: 0.02
Reliability DIY-Milking speed DIY-Temperament
Improvement!! Current IHFA Temperament Current IHFA Milking speed
Reliability DIY-Milking speed DIY-Temperament
Improvement!! Current IHFA Temperament Current IHFA Milking speed
Economic values – milking duration
Purely labour cost Impact on survival, milk yield, SCC … A bull with slow milking daughters more prone to culling will have inferior EBV for survival and therefore captured through economic value on survival Economic weight = -€0.25/second
Economic values – temperament
Based on analysis of beef docility (Tim Byrne & Peter Amer) Impact on survival … A bull with more temperamental daughters more prone to culling will have inferior EBV for survival and therefore captured through economic value on survival Economic weight: €33.69
Bull proofs Temperament Milking duration
Bull proofs Temperament Milking duration DXU, LBO NHS, KBA
Bull proofs Temperament Milking duration GMI, BGZ SOI,MAU, UYC
Bull proofs Spread ±€15 Combined
Milking speed (as defined by us) is not related to production
Bull proofs Milking speed (as defined by us) is not related to production
Milking speed (as defined by us) is not related to udder health
Bull proofs Milking speed (as defined by us) is not related to udder health
The EBI Must be within the EBI to ensure favourable gain
4.25% emphasis (half speed/half temperament) I would favour as a separate sub-index Transparency If as important as industry suggest Could/Should also presented as key trait
Nomenclature “Milking time” / “milking duration”
Negative means reduced milking time or duration – good! Milking temperament Negative means more docile (option to change sign)
Donagh Berry1 & Francis Kearney2 1Teagasc, Moorepark, Ireland 2ICBF
Health traits Donagh Berry1 & Francis Kearney2 1Teagasc, Moorepark, Ireland 2ICBF ICBF Dairy Industry Consultation Meeting, November 2012
Health traits in EBI Mastitis Somatic cell score Lameness
Economic value applied to somatic cell count through assumed genetic correlation (rg=0.70) Somatic cell score Lameness Economic value applied to linear type trait locomotion through assumed genetic correlation (rg=-0.40) Application of economic value to correlated trait deflates weight within EBI
Genetics Heritability Genetic correlations: Mastitis: 0.02
Lameness: 0.04 Other diseases: 0.01 Genetic correlations: Mastitis & lameness: 0.69 Mastitis & SCC (0.73) & milk yield (0.23) Lameness & SCC (0.20) & milk yield (0.15) Mastitis & udder-type traits: up to 0.34 Lameness & legs-type traits: up to 0.08
Economic values Costs: labour, milk withdrawal, treatment
Economic value mastitis: -€77.10 Economic value SCC: -€43.49 Economic value lameness: -€54.26 Impact on survival, milk yield … A bull with poorer health daughters will yield less and be more prone to culling and will have inferior EBV for milk and survival and therefore captured through economic value on milk production and survival
Bull proofs r = 0.944
Bull proofs Lameness Mastitis
Bull proofs Spread ± €15
The EBI Must be within the EBI to ensure favourable gain
3.4% emphasis (80% udder health) I would favour as a separate sub-index Transparency Preparation for expansion to include other health traits TB, Johnes, fertility, liver ….
The EBI r = 0.997 No real change…. But better!!!!
Proofs increase on average by €2 Small increase in variance No real change…. But better!!!! Change -€14 to +€16
Recommendation. Proceed with implementation. Update health sub-index.
New management sub-index. Combined into EBI. Will require some changes to existing systems & reports (e.g., bull search, EBI reports). Changes phased over a period. Available from mid-December.
ICBF Beef & Dairy Industry Meetings.
Session 2 – Dairy & Beef. 28th November 2012.
Dairy & Beef (11 AM – 1 PM) Test evaluations for calving proofs.
Test evaluations for beef performance evaluations. Economic values for €uro-Star traits – moved. AI approval systems update – new. Genomic services (parentage verification & genomic research/evaluations).
Calving evaluation review
Changes New genetic parameters
Adjusting for contemporary groups: Random Splitting of contemporary groups for 1st vs later calvers Inclusion of predictor traits: address underreporting Birth wts, liveweights, linears, carcass Integration of foreign proofs
Genetic parameters An individual calving record will have less of an effect on an animal’s proof Will need double the number of records to reach the same reliability as current evaluation for direct calving difficulty
Inclusion of predictor traits
As expected the best predictor of calving difficulty is Birth weight, But in the absence of birth weight the correlations with later traits will be more important!
Dairy sires >90% reliability in August 2012
Dairy sires >90% reliability in August 2012
Beef sires >90% reliability in August 2012
Beef sires >90% reliability in August 2012
Calving percentiles Dairy Beef
r = -0.36
r = -0.81
r = -0.48
r = -0.72
r = 0.98
r = 0.87
Current status Research work finished.
Pleased with outcome of work. New proofs sent out Monday evening Apology for delay. Feedback welcome. Propose to proceed with implementation in December, subject to feedback. Final feedback by Fri 7th December.
Beef Performance evaluation Review
Changes New genetic parameters New traits
Adjusting for contemporary groups Change to the way the contemporary groups are formed for: linear scored traits Carcass traits
Contemporary group changes
Linear scoring: No longer permit crossbreds and purebreds in same group Split Age groups and day Increasing the age limit for linear scoring? Carcass data Currently all animals from a herd over a 2 month period are included in same contemporary group and adjusted for sex New evaluation will break these up into heifers, steers and young bulls Effect of herd prior to fattening
Current status EBVs nearly finished Some problems with reliability
5.7 m animals with data. Some problems with reliability Currently being resolved. New proofs files by weekend. Expect significant improvements, especially for animals in small groups. Propose to proceed with implementation in December, subject to feedback. Final feedback by Fri 7th December.
Economic Values – Update.
28th November 2012.
AI Approval System Update
16/04/2017 AI Approval System Update 28th November 2012
New AI Code System - Recap
New online AI Application system launched July 2010. Breed Society – responsible for entering new AI Bulls details. Applicant then applies to ICBF online. AI Code generated & returned to applicant. Progress: System is generally working well. Breed Societies in control of ensuring: Backpedigrees are correct. Pedigree Status of AI Sires is also correct. Relevant DNA info collected at time of coding. Less Paper – quicker turnaround time with code.
Health Certification of AI Sires - Problems
Backround: Semen for all AI Bulls must have accompanying Health Certification. CVED (Common Veterinary Entry Document). INTRA Certificate (Intra Community Health Certificate). Current AI approval system is independent of DAF Veterinary Section. i.e. A Bull without Health Certification can get a code. Problem 1: Breed Society frequently asked – ‘Can semen of Bull ‘A’ be imported? Breed Soc discovers that the Bull was collected on-farm & does not meet EU Semen Export criteria and reports that the bull cannot be brought in. Semen of ‘Bull A’ is brought in by another Breeder outside proper channels, coded & used. AI Code has made the importation of the semen look legitimate. Bio-Security Risk
Health Certification of AI Sires
Proposal: All imported Bulls for which AI Codes are being applied for must send the relevant Health Certification to the Breed Society before an AI Code can be given. Consultation with DAF – Veterinary Division underway. Following outcome of consultation – outcome will be implemented.
Health Certification of AI Sires
Problem 2: Semen of Bull brought in outside normal channels. No code applied for. Bull is already in database via relative i.e. Sire of an imported animal. Calf registered using Bull’s Herdbook Number in Sire field. Calf receives pedigree certificate. Proposal: Take Pedigree Status off such Bulls to prevent further Pedigree Registrations for progeny.
DNA Archive Storage of straws from new AI Bulls
Commenced for all Bulls coded from Jan 2011. Good response from AI Companies. > 250 straws received to-date. @ 80% of all requested straws. Straws not received Remaining 20% not received are ‘S’ coded Bulls Privately owned – not unexpected that these were not returned. Proposal Accept 1 straw from such Bulls instead of €57 fee in 2013.
Genomics Update Francis Kearney
Current Process for Parentage
Herdbook gets a label from ICBF that is then placed on a plastic bag and sent to breeders by HB Breeders take the samples and sends to Weatherbys with payment In case of IHFA – payment sent to IHFA
Parentage using SNPs Fully integrated traceable system already in place in ICBF to manage genotyping ICBF have committed to a large order of chips from Weatherbys in order to get the cheapest price Weatherbys preferred option is to deal directly with ICBF in terms of payment and not with individual payments from breeders
Option 1 ICBF sends a HB specific cover letter and hair card with instructions to farmer Breeder sends hair sample and payment back to ICBF Breeder send hair sample to Weatherbys and payment to HB Breeder sends hair samples and payment to HB -> HB sends hair samples to Weatherbys Breeder sends hair samples and payment to Weatherbys
Option 2 ICBF sends the hair cards to the HB who send out to the breeders Breeder send hair sample to Weatherbys and payment to HB Breeder sends hair samples and payment to HB -> HB sends hair samples to Weatherbys
Option 3 HB have a stock of hair cards – print out labels and send to breeders Breeder send hair sample to Weatherbys and payment to HB Breeder sends hair samples and payment to HB -> HB sends hair samples to Weatherbys
Recommendations HB should fully utilise the ICBF genotype database to manage their parentage/genomic Fully traceable system with no manual input of IDs ICBF sends out hair cards on behalf of herdbooks- returned to ICBF and dispatched to the lab Payment either to ICBF or HB?? Option to use direct debit via HB? No requirement on behalf of herdbooks to handle hair cards or dispatch them to the lab and track them – no additional administration costs
Other points of note (i)
ICBF currently engaged with various stakeholders re: a fund to “kick-start” a high level of genotyping. Herdbook males, herdbook females, commercial females (25k…..100k…..200k/annum). Proposing a meeting with interested parties in UK re: collaboration in; (i) indexes, (ii) genotypes for genomics research and (iii) genotypes for parentage verification. Suggesting to link with BCBC (21-23 January).
Other points of note (ii)
ICBF have received confirmation re: exchange of NRed genotypes with Norway. ICBF have received confirmation re: exchange of HF genotypes with CRV-Ambreed. Discussions continuing re: JE genotypes. ICBF are in discussions with LIC re: exchange of JE genotypes (significant exchange agreement already in place for Holstein Friesian).
ICBF Beef & Dairy Industry Meetings.
Session 3 – Beef Only 28th November 2012.
Beef Only (2 PM – 4 PM). Sexed semen research project – moved.
Review of index construction. Current status. Impact of new EV’s and calving evaluations. Implementation and roll-out. AOB.
Field Study to evaluate the role of sexed semen in Irish Dairy and Beef Cattle.
November 2012.
Sexed Semen – Background.
Separating X (female) & Y (male) sperm, using flow cytometry. Potentially more females, but at a cost. 70%+ conception (relative to normal). Latest results from UK = 80%+. Latest results from NZ (using fresh semen) = 95%+. Results generally better for virgin heifers. Need to establish a major field research trial in Ireland to investigate the cost-effectiveness of sexed semen.
Recent developments. Juan Moreno (CEO, Sexing Technologies, Dublin, Sept 12). Portability of equipment (technology). Impacts on price/accessibility. Sexed fresh semen (as opposed to frozen). Impacts on pregnancy rate (NZ research trial) Discussion re: major field research trial in Ireland. ICBF, Teagasc & key industry partners.
Field Research Trial. 32k doses, 20 bulls & 600 herds.
Comparing; (i) Sexed fresh, (ii) Sexed frozen, (iii) Conventional fresh and (iv) Conventional frozen. Dairy Herd Trial (200 herds * 16k doses). Sexed female HF and sexed male AA. Beef Herd Trial (400 herds * 16k doses). Sexed female maternal and sexed male terminal (AA, BB, CH, HE, LM & SI).
Suggested Approach. ICBF signs up herds. AI companies collect semen
Farmer indicates AI service provider. AI companies collect semen Sexing Technologies process & sex semen. “Standard” procedures for all semen. AI companies distribute semen. ICBF collect all relevant data. Teagasc & ICBF undertake data analysis.
Key elements of project.
Co-ordinated by ICBF & Teagasc. Sexing Technologies as research partner. Involving industry partners. DAFM, Agricultural Trust, AI companies, meat , milk processors, herdbooks, others? Starting Spring 2013. Results available by end 2013, including cost:benefit analysis. Opportunity for immediate roll-out.
Draft budget. Net positive.
Each €50k from industry has potential to reduce cost of semen by €1.57. Potential to develop a “kick-start” reserve for roll-out of 34k doses.
Where next? Develop research proposition.
Consider subsequent commercialisation. Establish interest from AI companies and “key” industry partners. Suggested contribution of €50k/org. Meet with DAFM re: IBR & frozen semen Gain definite commitment. Engage with Sexing Technologies. Sign contracts & establish project for Spring 2013.
€uro-Star Evaluations. Review Current Status.
28th November 2012.
Review of Economic Indexes
Phase out the Suckler Beef Value Too heavily weighted on beef traits, not enough on maternal traits like milk and cow fertility Switch to Grange bi-economic model to evaluate the economic value of traits Based on a defined beef production system Introduction of 3 new indexes Terminal Index Maternal Index Dairy Beef Index Suckler herd Dairy herd
Switch to Grange bio-economic model
Costs of production traits have become more important!
The Maternal index Sire 50% 50% TERMINAL Index
Generation 1: Progeny for sale/slaughter. Males & surplus females. Key traits: Calving, feed intake & carcass merit. Generation 1: Replacement females. Selected females only. Traits: Milk, fertility & cull cow value. Generation 2: Replacement females. Selected females only. Traits: Milk, fertility & cull cow value. Generation 2: Progeny for slaughter. Males & surplus females. Traits: Calving, feed intake & beef merit.
Terminal Index – Traits
Unlike the old Weanling Export and Beef Carcass Indexes the cost of calving is now integrated
Genetic Differences in the Sucker herd (PTAs)
Impact of traits on the Terminal Index
(B) Maternal Index – Relative emphasis for key traits.
Impact of traits on the Maternal index
Example bull (SEV) on new indexes
Bull search option to see more information
Beware of Reliability!!! Example: carcass weight
Bigger swings will occur in lower reliability bulls!
Index Construction. Impact of New EV’s and New Calving Evaluations.
28th November 2012.
New Maternal Index; Relative Emphasis.
Analysis. Based on 671 Active AI sires with 50% reliability on Calving Difficulty%. Analysis undertaken: Impact of selecting on top 100. Breakdown by breed. Top 30 sires.
SBV Top 100 – Response.
SBV Top 100 – Breeds.
SBV – Top 30 bulls.
Mat Current Top 100 – Response.
Mat Current Top 100 - Breeds
Mat Current – Top 30 bulls.
Maternal New Top 100 – Response.
Maternal New Top 100 - Breeds
Maternal New – Top 30 bulls.
Mat Cow Top 100 – Response.
Maternal Cow Top 100 - Breeds
Mat Cow – Top 30 bulls.
Terminal Top 100 – Response.
Terminal Top Breeds
Terminal – Top 30 bulls.
All Indexes & All Breeds.
Key questions? Which index gives best “overall” improvement in key profit traits. Which index and list “makes sense” (credibility)? What (if any) additional information is required to help farmers/breeders make the correct breeding decision?
Recommendation. Recommendation from €uro-Star review group.
To continue with maternal index as currently constructed. To implement new economic values and new calving evaluations. To provide additional material to help identify high maternal index bulls with positive attributes for “female” traits.
Example Bar Graph At bottom of €uro-Star catalogue page.
Consistent with website.
Further research, extension & education.
28th November 2012.
Further research. Correction for dairy breeds.
Maternal milk evaluations. Stock bull functionality. Meat eating quality. Health & disease traits. Others……
Extension & education. ICBF bull search. ICBF Active Bull List.
Mart display boards. €uro-Star page. Replace carcass weight with very high and high value cuts? Others?
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