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Magnetic Bearing Preliminary Design Review Team miniMuffin Lauren Glogiewicz Jacob Beckner Kevin Bodkin James Holley Philip Terry.

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Presentation on theme: "Magnetic Bearing Preliminary Design Review Team miniMuffin Lauren Glogiewicz Jacob Beckner Kevin Bodkin James Holley Philip Terry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Magnetic Bearing Preliminary Design Review Team miniMuffin Lauren Glogiewicz Jacob Beckner Kevin Bodkin James Holley Philip Terry

2 Project Description Different bearing design using magnetic fields Electromagnets will levitate an axle Optical sensors monitor position of axle FPGA interprets data to control electromagnets System less prone to mechanical restraints Lauren

3 Why Magnetic Bearings? Eliminates friction present in mechanical bearings o Higher speed of rotation possible o Fewer parts require maintenance o Not as susceptible to heat VS Lauren

4 Project Objectives Lauren

5 Concept: 8-Magnet Bearing Lauren

6 First Objective: 1D Proof of Concept Design Lauren

7 Final Objective: Magnetic Ring Bearing with Axial Bearing James

8 Final Objective: Magnetic Ring Bearing with Axial Bearing James

9 Hardware Functional Diagram James

10 8-12 bits per magnet sent to current control via FPGA I/O Convert distance error to current 8x sensor distance in to FPGA Software Functional Diagram James

11 Design Constraints Speed of Control o Need a tight control loop between sensors & FPGA o Electromagnets need to be adjusted continuously Power o Electromagnets are typically high power o Bearings only useful if energy efficient Budget o Certain components could be expensive James

12 Major Components Optical Sensors FPGA: Hardware & Software Interface Current Control Electromagnets Power Supply Jake

13 Sensing Devices Optical sensors will track axle position Sensors will be paired with electromagnets Vital to the positioning feedback loop Jake

14 Altera Flex 6000 FPGA 199 I/O pins o 8 magnet control with 12-bit accuracy Re-programmable with Altera software 100 MHz maximum clock frequency Jake

15 Electromagnets Found source of low-cost, high-power magnets Currently testing two models: o 1" Magnet: 3 V, 5.5 W, 25 lb holding force o 2" magnet: 6 V, 7 W, 105 lb holding force Kevin

16 Current Control Will receive information from the FPGA Information fed to D/A converter to amplifier Amplifier will feed into BJT-based current source Will change the strength of the electromagnets Current limited based on the magnet used Kevin

17 Power Supply Need the following: o 15 V for OpAmps o 6 V +/- mV for magnets o 3.3 V for integrated circuits Initial work using power supplies & 12 V batteries Final design should use wall power Kevin

18 Prediction of Material Costs ItemPart No.CostQuantityTotal Cost FPGAAltera FLEX 6000$432$86.00 ElectromagnetsEM 200$41.6115$624.15 Optical SensorsSharp GP2Y0D805Z0F$3.7015$55.50 BJTTRANS NPN 10VCEO 5A$0.3825$9.50 Op Amps$1.0025$25.00 Capacitors$0.60100$60.00 Resistors$0.60100$60.00 High Power Diodes$1.7115$25.65 Wire Wire T Lead Plastic 22AG $18.005$90.00 Nuts, Bolts, ScrewsAluminum (25 pack)$9.583$28.74 Aluminum6ft x 1/4" x 2"$30.221 Machining$200.001 PCB$603$180.00 Shipping and Handling$10.006$60.00 Posters/Presentation$70 Total:$1,600.76 Phil

19 Sources of Funding UROP Boettcher Scholar Educational Enrichment Grant Engineering Excellence Fund Mini Grant Phil

20 Division of Labor For preliminary steps, we will divide as follows: o Jake: Interfacing/ programming FPGA o James: Electromagnets and supporting electronics o Kevin: Power electronics o Lauren: Mechanical design o Phil: Sensors and documentation Phil

21 Timeline Phil

22 Risks and Contingency Plan Mechanical Problems o Some parts manufactured by other people Time delay of sensors o Look into components with faster response o Different sensing types: capacitive, magnetic field, etc. Time delay of current control o Better components Phil

23 Questions?

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