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1 om/goniometer/index.html

2 How is measurement influenced by the following?  Movement /Isolation of the joint  Injury  Pain

3 Using the goniometer  Use large black arrow on the outer scale for: Flexion/Extension of the hip, knee, elbow  Use the small black triangle on the outer scale for: Shoulder Flexion, Elbow pronation and supination  Use red arrow and inner red scale for: Ankle dorsiflexion, plantar flexion Please note that goniometers are different. There are more than one type. Use this as a guideline.

4 Hip extension Please write down and answer all of the questions from each slide. 1. Try to be at the level of the joint being measured 2. Identify the greater trochanter 3. Identify lateral epichondyle 4. Measure and record. What might cause a patient to be unable to measure hip extension or begin at 0 degrees?

5 Hip flexion  Have patient lie on the back (prone or supine?)  Use the same landmarks as with extension.  How might a patient who had knee surgery prefer assistance with measurement?

6 Knee Flexion and Extension  To begin, is the patient prone or supine?  Now identify the body sites in the link and measure. Which sites do you use?  What term is used if a patient can extend more than straight?

7 Shoulder flexion 1. Which position do you place the patient in? 2. What site do you identify for measurement and where is the center part of the goniometer placed? 3. Where is the stationary arm placed? 4. Where is the moving arm of the goniometer placed? 5. Which way should the palm and thumb face? 6. What body common body deviations should you look for?

8 Elbow flexion and extension  Record 4 details of elbow flexion and extension that you would want to teach another student to look for.

9 Elbow pronation and supination 1. What position should the patient be in?

10 Radial styloid process

11 Hip replacement alternatives  Birmingham hip resurfacing o.aspx?Library=1&VideoID=3 o.aspx?Library=1&VideoID=3  Conference for hip theory gA  Hip Resurfacing hip.html?pagewanted=all

12 Hand in your answers/records with the check in sheet.  It should include:  Hip replacement virtual surgery  ROM (it should be with this work)  Partner evaluation of ambulation  Medical terminology/flash cards  Goniometer verbal explanation

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