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StrengthTrainingTerminology. Muscle Actions  3 Muscle actions Eccentric: Elongating of the muscle Concentric: Shortening of the muscle Isometric: Static.

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Presentation on theme: "StrengthTrainingTerminology. Muscle Actions  3 Muscle actions Eccentric: Elongating of the muscle Concentric: Shortening of the muscle Isometric: Static."— Presentation transcript:

1 StrengthTrainingTerminology

2 Muscle Actions  3 Muscle actions Eccentric: Elongating of the muscle Concentric: Shortening of the muscle Isometric: Static hold

3 Planes of Movement

4 Warm-Up  General Large muscle groups, generic movements, increase body temperature  Specific Movement specific, muscle specific, low intensity

5 Flexion

6 Extension

7 Ad- & Abduction

8 Protraction & Retraction

9 Elevation & Depression

10 Internal & External Rotation

11 Dorsi- & Plantar- Flexion

12 Prone & Supine

13 Pronated, Supinated, & Neutral Grips

14 Grip Positions  Pronated/Supinated  Closed/Open  Neutral  Hook Hook Open Closed

15 Main Points: Plyometrics SSC  Eccentric action immediately followed by a concentric action  Jump Take off 2 feet, land on 2  Hop Take off 1, land on the same  Skip A step followed by a hop  Leap Take off 1, land on the other  Difference between a walk and a run Walking: 1 foot is always in contact w/ the ground Run: Instances within the gait that both feet leave the ground

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