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The University of Notre Dame. Mission-Driven But Data-Informed: Applications of Change Theory in Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "The University of Notre Dame. Mission-Driven But Data-Informed: Applications of Change Theory in Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 The University of Notre Dame

2 Mission-Driven But Data-Informed: Applications of Change Theory in Schools

3 CATHOLIC CHANGE THEORY: Why and How the Paschal Mystery Matters in Catholic Schools

4 WELCOME Gratitude for your service & witness Gift of time in summer Beauty of the school calendar

5 Catholic Education

6 Inner Life Often neglected worldly success tied to extroversion Love of drama-thrill of the hunt

7 Easter Proclamation Central to the faith St. Paul says “Our faith is in vain if Christ be not raised” (I Corinthians 15:14) Social norms emphasize Christmas Easter has priority

8 Paschal Mystery ThenDeath & Resurrection; Easter NowAll our little deaths & resurrections SchoolOrder of life LeadersPreparation for the ultimate letting go

9 Dying and Rising

10 PARKER PALMER The Courage To Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher’s Life

11 Shadows Insecurity about our own identity & worth Universe is essentially hostile Functional Atheism Fear Denial of Death

12 Insecurity Reliance on externals Departmental jealousy Overstated policies Occasional verbal sparring Unnuanced increase in academic difficulty Repetitive drill & practice after loss or failure

13 Universe is essentially hostile Assume worst of students, parents, teachers, administrators, politicians, etc. The Disney Studies & Expectation Effects School discipline policies, suspensions, & the principal’s office

14 Functional Atheism Everything really & ultimately depends on me & the quality of my performance Richard Rohr on overworking Ted Hesburgh on Pope John XXIII

15 Fear Most commonly self-reported emotion in schools Organization (preparation) as key to happiness & road to salvation

16 Denial of Death Need to let go of structures, ideas, behaviors, that no long work.

17 Shadows Insecurity about our own identity & worth Universe is essentially hostile Functional Atheism Fear Denial of Death

18 Reflection Questions How do the five shadows play out in your work & life? Which one is most prominent? Least present? Name one thing at school that needs to die so that something new can rise.

19 Saint of the Day -John the Baptist-


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