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DAILY MATH REVIEW BASE TEN 1. Week 1 MONDAY Count the hundreds, tens, and ones. Write the number. _______ hundreds + _______ tens + _______ ones = ______.

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Presentation on theme: "DAILY MATH REVIEW BASE TEN 1. Week 1 MONDAY Count the hundreds, tens, and ones. Write the number. _______ hundreds + _______ tens + _______ ones = ______."— Presentation transcript:


2 Week 1

3 MONDAY Count the hundreds, tens, and ones. Write the number. _______ hundreds + _______ tens + _______ ones = ______

4 TUESDAY Add or subtract. Use the place value blocks to help you. + - 43 + 24 = ______ 65 - 24 = ______

5 WEDNESDAY Write the expanded form for each picture. + + + + ______ + ______ + ______

6 THURSDAY Count. Write the missing numbers. 1.310, 311, 312, _____, _____, _____, _____, 317 2.265, 266, 267, _____, _____, _____, _____, 272 3. 496, 497, 498, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____

7 FRIDAY Sometimes a hundreds chart can help you add or subtract. Look at the problems below. Count forward or backward by tens to find the answers. 1.15 + 30 = _____ 2.12 + 40 = _____ 3.54 - 20 = _____ 4.43 - 30 = _____ Explain why a hundreds chart helps you add and subtract tens. __________________________________________________________

8 Week 2

9 MONDAY Write the matching numbers. hundred seventy-one __________ 3.six hundred __________ 2.three hundred fifty __________ 4.four hundred nine __________

10 TUESDAY Circle the value of the red underlined digit. 1. 734 3, 30, 3003. 592 5, 50, 500 2. 618 8, 80, 8004. 724 4, 40, 400

11 WEDNESDAY Count backward. Write the missing numbers. 1. 187, 186, 185, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____ 2. 764, 763, 762, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____ 3. 305, 304, 303, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____

12 THURSDAY Write the numbers that match the pictures and compare using > or < in the circle. 1. __________ __________ 2. __________ __________

13 FRIDAY Read the clues and write the three-digit number. A 2 is in the tens place. The hundreds digit is 5 greater than the tens digit. The ones digit is 1 less than the hundreds digit. The mystery number is __________. Explain how you got your answer. __________________________________________________

14 Week 3

15 MONDAY Compare each set of numbers by writing >, <, or =. 1. 205 2102. 835 853 3. 901 8994. 672 762 5. 125 2516. 443 434

16 TUESDAY Write the three-digit numbers. 1. 4 hundreds, 3 tens, 7 ones __________ 2. 9 tens, 6 ones, 3 hundreds __________ 3. 8 hundreds, 0 tens, 2 ones __________ 4. 0 ones, 7 hundreds, 5 tens __________

17 WEDNESDAY Use a place value chart to help you add or subtract. 1. 2. 1 4 7 9 + 3 5 - 2 1 tensonestensones

18 THURSDAY Add to find two problems that have the same sum. Circle their sums. 4 0 2 5 + 1 3 2 2 3 1 + 4 6 2 5 1 5 + 3 8

19 FRIDAY Add or subtract. 1.300 + 500 = _______ 2. 700 - 300 = _______ How can knowing 3 + 5 help you solve 300 + 500 ? How can knowing 7 – 3 help you solve 700 – 300 ? __________________________________________________________

20 Week 4

21 MONDAY Break up the numbers into tens and ones. Then add. An example has been done for you. 2 1 2 0 + 1 3 2 _____ + _____ + 4 2 + 4 0 + 2 + 4 6 + _____ + _____ 60 + 3 = 63 _____ + _____ = _____

22 TUESDAY Skip-count by 5s. 1. 5, 10, 15, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, 2. 30, 35, 40, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, 3. 115, 120, 125, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, 4. 240, 245, 250, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,

23 WEDNESDAY If there are 10 tens in 100... 1.... how many tens are in 200 ? _____ tens 2.... how many tens are in 300 ? _____ tens 3.... how many tens are in 400 ? _____ tens Explain how you know. _______________________________

24 THURSDAY 1. What is 10 more than 192 ? ____________ 2. 153 - 10 = ___________________________ 3. What is 100 less than 458 ? ____________ 4. 100 + 629 = __________________________ 5. What is 10 more than 883 ? ____________ 6. 935 - 100 = __________________________

25 FRIDAY Three students wrote a number to match the picture. HUNDREDS TENS ONES Ann wrote 45. Ben wrote 450. Chih wrote 405. Which student wrote the number correctly? ___________ Why are the other two numbers incorrect? ___________ __________________________________________________

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