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Instructional Measures: Data and Projections Maury Pearl Assoc. Dean, Institutional Research & Planning Los Angeles Mission College Overview of Data System.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructional Measures: Data and Projections Maury Pearl Assoc. Dean, Institutional Research & Planning Los Angeles Mission College Overview of Data System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructional Measures: Data and Projections Maury Pearl Assoc. Dean, Institutional Research & Planning Los Angeles Mission College Overview of Data System Data files used:  D9500 (schedule of classes)  Standard Course Hours (Course_Subject)  Census FTES and Enrollment (CEN_RDB)  Instructor Load (CSUBJ.DBF from Sched4)  Pay Rate (salary distribution mtempsdx.dat)  Reference file (database corrections)

2 Overview of Data System (cont’d) Uses a SAS (Statistical Analysis System) computer program to:  Identify combined classes  Identify coding problems (regular, hourly)  Join/Match data files  Perform calculations  Generate reports (handout)

3 FTEF / Cost Calculation  Calculates FTEF based on standard course hours and discipline teaching load.  Allocates FTEF across combined sections.  Incorporates coding corrections.  Calculates instructional cost using instructor specific pay rates, applying pay rate formulas for hourly (pay by class) and regular faculty.

4 FTES Calculation  Uses attendance accounting data (CEN_RDB) to obtain FTES for each section.  Converts FTES to WSCH Equivalent (WSCH Equiv = FTES x 525) / TLM, where TLM is the term length multiplier (e.g., 16.5).

5 Projected FTES  Based on instructional measures from data system.  Projection method focuses on fill rate concept: percentage of seats filled at census (census enrollment divided by class limit).  Projected Enrollment = Seats x Average Fill Rate.  Fill rate is calculated at section level. Then aggregated to discipline level over two semesters to get average fill rate by discipline.

6 FTES Projection (cont’d)  Projected Enrollment converted to FTES using formulas based on accounting method (for DSCH and WSCH). PA uses modified formula or projects from prior year FTES.  Projection Method Accounts for: Differential of section offerings (seats) by discipline Differential fill rates (average classsize) by discipline

7 Optimization of Projected Schedule  Schedule can be optimized by establishing targets for average class size (WSCH/FTEF)  Target FTEF = (Projected WSCH Equiv) / (Target WSCH/FTEF)  This is the FTEF that, for the projected WSCH Equiv, would attain the target WSCH/FTEF ratio.  Target fill rate is similar to target average class size (and target WSCH/FTEF).  Using historical data, compare target FTEF to actual FTEF, to determine changes in FTEF and instructional cost.

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