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Prepared by Fadzil Badaruddin (870281)Steps to Pearl Agency Manager (PAM) There are 3 rules to follow.

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2 Prepared by Fadzil Badaruddin (870281)Steps to Pearl Agency Manager (PAM) There are 3 rules to follow

3 Prepared by Fadzil Badaruddin (870281)Steps to Pearl Agency Manager (PAM) You need 6 Agency Managers (AM) under your team To become AM, you must first accumulate 15,000PV points Technically, you require 150 people under your network Will you be able to find 150 people?

4 Prepared by Fadzil Badaruddin (870281)Steps to Pearl Agency Manager (PAM) It is impossible to find 150 people by yourselves. But if you can do it in one shot, you will become AM the following month. So, I advice you to ignore the R3. Because it will degrade your determination and confidence. What if I said that you need to find 6 people only…. Now, is it possible??

5 Prepared by Fadzil Badaruddin (870281)Steps to Pearl Agency Manager (PAM) If you think it is still impossible…. You might be wrong!! Before I continue this presentation, I would like to say that there are 4 types of people

6 Prepared by Fadzil Badaruddin (870281)Steps to Pearl Agency Manager (PAM) You know what you know You don’t know what you know You know what you don’t know You do not know what you don’t know You know your own strength … a positive sign You are not alert of your capabilities This guy needs motivation….. from CNI You are aware of your own weaknesses

7 Prepared by Fadzil Badaruddin (870281)Steps to Pearl Agency Manager (PAM) So, which one are you? I believe you are in the second category Now, lets begin this presentation You don’t know what you know

8 Prepared by Fadzil Badaruddin (870281)Steps to Pearl Agency Manager (PAM) Each person requires to find 1 member each month Duplicate the Sub-R1 for six months Build a strong Club 6 team under you Meaning that each person requires to get hold of six members for his/her team. If the following month you manage to find another new member, do not be afraid to register him/her under your next generation of the team.

9 Prepared by Fadzil Badaruddin (870281)Steps to Pearl Agency Manager (PAM) Growth Chart of your team members for every month, if each member introduces a new member. M3 = 8 M8 = 252 M7 = 127 M6 = 64 M5 = 32 M4 = 16 M1 = 2 M2 = 4 Growth Member per month U Imagine if you introduce more than 1 member per month. Gen 1 Gen 2 Gen 3 Gen 4 Gen 5 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5

10 Prepared by Fadzil Badaruddin (870281)Steps to Pearl Agency Manager (PAM) If each team member spends 100PV per month, your accumulated points are as follows: M3 - M7 - M6 - M5 - M4 - M1 - M2 - 8 127 64 32 16 2 4 = = = = = = = 800 12700 6400 3200 1600 200 400 Total Members/monthMonthly PV+ Acc.= TotalPromotion Level + 600 + 12600 + 6200 + 3000 + 1400 + 0 + 200 = = = = = = = 1400 25300 12600 6200 3000 200 600 Bronze Agency Manager Gold Silver Bronze Distributor On the seventh month, you are an Agency Manager. Guaranteed monthly bonus = RM1,200 if pgs reached 6,000PV. Guaranteed monthly bonus = RM1,700 if pgs reached 10,000PV. Promotion Level

11 Prepared by Fadzil Badaruddin (870281)Steps to Pearl Agency Manager (PAM) Your next team members promoted to Agency Manager. Your team members promoted to Agency Manager. M10 M8 M9 = = = Your first team member promoted to Agency Manager. At this stage, you have been promoted to Ruby Agency Manager Keep note that your team member will be promoted to AM at M7 from his/her joining date. Your team member joined CNI during the M3 process. Meaning it takes M7 (his process time) to become AM. For example: This system is a duplicate system. Whatever gets, you will get it too. It is just a matter of time.

12 Prepared by Fadzil Badaruddin (870281)Steps to Pearl Agency Manager (PAM) Your team member promoted to Agency Manager. M13 M11 M12 = = = Your team member promoted to Agency Manager. Congratulation… this is the moment you’ve been waiting for “Pearl Agency Manager”. You have fulfilled your Rule 1. Again, I would like to stress that this system is a duplicate system. Whatever gets, your teammates will get it too. At the same time, your team member is promoted to Ruby Agency Manager. R1 - Having 6 Agency Managers.

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