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Hide-A-Way Lake, Inc. Low Pressure Sewer System - 2007 Prepared by Dungan Engineering, P.A.

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Presentation on theme: "Hide-A-Way Lake, Inc. Low Pressure Sewer System - 2007 Prepared by Dungan Engineering, P.A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hide-A-Way Lake, Inc. Low Pressure Sewer System - 2007 Prepared by Dungan Engineering, P.A.

2 Overview Existing 1,561 lot subdivision, there are currently 926 lots with existing residents that discharge wastewater into individual septic tanks. Plumbing stoppages and the potential for odorous seepage appearing at the ground surface are two of the primary problems.

3 Public Health Concerns Plumbing stoppages result in wastewater contaminating homes and businesses. Untreated water seeping into ground surfaces where children could be playing. Concerns about contaminants entering the lake that is located in the middle of the development.

4 Project Plan Construction of a low pressure sewer collection system Replacement of septic tanks with grinder pumps Construction of a pump station to pump wastewater to the treatment plant.

5 Project Area Collection system will involve work throughout entire subdivision. Collected wastewater will be pumped to a treatment facility located in Carriere Treated wastewater will be discharged into the West Hobolochitto Creek tributary and not flow into Hide-A-Way Lake.

6 Proposed Discharge Point Proposed Treatment Facility Site:

7 Hide-Away Lake Subdivison

8 Project Summary O & M will be covered in monthly sewer bill Collection lines will be placed along existing Road Right- of-Way with minimal disturbance to the existing subdivision. All road and paved driveway crossings will be bored. Grinder pumps or STEP systems will be installed at each house  Wastewater into the low pressure force main collection system.  The existing septic tanks will be properly abandoned. Authority will own and maintain system  The Authority’s maintenance will begin at the house where the wastewater enters the grinder pump or STEP system

9 Cost Estimates

10 Conclusions and Recommendations Three Primary Problems:  Plumbing stoppages at residences and businesses  Large number of septic tanks on or near the lake  Numerous lots can’t be developed because site conditions are not suitable for septic tanks. Recommendations for Problems:  Installation of a low pressure sewer system.  Installation of a force main and pumping station to the regional treatment facility.

11 History of Utility Authority Created in the 2006 Legislative Session The “Mississippi Gulf Coast Region Utility Act” Miss. Code Ann. Section 49-17-701 Effective April 18, 2006

12 Authority Board Members 5 Appointed by the Board of Supervisors  Steve Lawler, President  Dr. Sonny Sones  Ike Lewis  Joel Pigott 2 Appointed by the City of Picayune  Hoppy Cole  Ernie Lovell 1 Appointed by the City of Poplarville  Tommy Breland, Vice-President

13 Process 1. Prepare Cost Estimate (done) 2. Hold Preliminary Meeting (tonight) 3. Additional Meetings as Necessary 4. Authority’s First Resolution 5. Conduct Public Hearing 6. Election 7. Authority’s Second Resolution 8. Bid Project in Accordance with State Law 9. Determine Maximum Assessment 10. Conduct Second Election 11. Contracts with Individual Homeowners 12. Proceed with Construction

14 Authority First Resolution Authority Board will Adopt Resolution in support of Project Set Time and Date for Public Hearing Set Time and Date for Conducting First Vote by property owners Set any requirements for proceeding with project

15 Public Hearing Any owner of lots or parcels to be directly served by the proposed project may appear and be heard as to  Whether the proposed project should be undertaken or abandoned;  Whether the nature and scope of the proposed project should be altered; or  Whether the chosen Assessment Methodology should be altered. May submit any written statement in support of, or objecting to, any aspect of the proposed project

16 First Election Homeowner’s Association shall send, by certified mail written ballots to all owners Ballots shall request the owners of such lots or parcels to be directly served  to vote in favor of, or against, the proposal, and  to return such ballots within seven (7) days.

17 Authority’s Second Resolution If Greater than 50% in favor then Authority will adopt resolution to proceed with project If Less than 50% in favor then Authority may:  Pass resolution to abandoning the project; or  To proceed Requires 5 out of 7 members of Authority Board to vote to proceed

18 Preparation of Bid Document Simultaneously with other requirements Shall direct the staff to prepare final engineering design and bid documents Bid Project in accordance with State bid laws  Lowest and Best Bid

19 Determination of the Maximum Assessment Treat all developed and undeveloped lots and parcels the same Guarantee 100% Cost of Project If Actual Cost is Greater than Estimates, then  Reject bids and rebid  Proceed forward after vote by property owners If Actual Cost is Lower than Estimates, then assessment will be lower to reflect actual cost

20 Second Election Once bids are received and actual project cost determined, the Authority will calculate a Maximum Assessment Homeowner’s Association shall send, by certified mail written ballots to all owners Ballots shall request the owners of such lots or parcels to be directly served  to vote in favor of, or against, the proposal, and  to return such ballots within seven (7) days.

21 Homeowner Contract Homeowner will execute contracts that will guarantee payment of maximum assessment Will authorize Utility Authority to disconnect service if assessments, fees or rates are not paid

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