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The Battle of San Jacinto Chapter 10 Section 2 The Texas Army  Sam Houston was the leader of the Texas Army – 800 soldiers  He led his east in a retreat.

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2 The Battle of San Jacinto Chapter 10 Section 2

3 The Texas Army  Sam Houston was the leader of the Texas Army – 800 soldiers  He led his east in a retreat starting on March 11, 1836 – He used this time to train his soldiers  On April 20 his army camped at the San Jacinto River

4 The Mexican Army  Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna was the leader of the Mexican Army – 1300 soldiers  After the Alamo Santa Anna divided the Mexican Army and chased the Texas Army east  Santa Anna finally caught up with Houston at the San Jacinto River near Harrisburg

5 The Day Before the Battle  There was a cavalry skirmish on April 20, between Texas and Mexican soldiers  Disaster was avoided when Mirabeau B. Lamar heroically saved the Texas commander  Lamar was promoted to commander of the Texas Cavalry

6 The Morning of April 21  Sam Houston sent Erastus “Deaf” Smith, a scout for the Texas Army, to destroy Vince’s Bridge  This trapped the two armies at San Jacinto

7 The Battle of San Jacinto  At 3:00 on the afternoon of April 21, while Santa Anna’s troops are resting, Houston orders the attack  The Texas battle cry was “Remember the Alamo! Remember Goliad!”

8 The Battle of San Jacinto


10 The Outcome of the Battle  The battle lasted about 18 minutes  2 Texans were killed and 30 were wounded (7 later died of their wounds)  630 Mexicans were killed and 730 were captured including Santa Anna

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