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Presentation on theme: "PAST SIMPLE STRUCTURE AND USES."— Presentation transcript:


2 In English we distinguish two kinds of verbs when we use the past simple:
REGULAR VERBS: those that form the past adding “-ed” to the base form (infinitive without “to”): play played start started IRREGUAR VERBS: those that form the past with their particular form that must be learnt: go went do did

3 CONJUGATION (TO BE) I was I wasn´t Was I? You were You weren´t
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE I was You were He was She was It was We were They were I wasn´t You weren´t He wasn´t She wasn´t It wasn´t We weren´t They weren´t Was I? Were you? Was he? Was she? Was it? Were we? Were you ? Were they?

4 Visitamos a nuestros amigos ayer
STRUCTURE (affirmative) SUBJECT VERBO PRINCIPAL(MAIN VERB) conjugado en pasado simple complements Visitamos a nuestros amigos ayer We visited our friends yesterday

5 Compró una entrada para el concierto ayer.
She bought a ticket for the concert yesterday. 2. Fuiste a la fiesta con Andrew. You went to the party with Andrew. 3. Cenamos en un conocido restaurante el mes pasado. We had lunch in a well-known restaurant last month. 4. La semana pasada conocí al bebé de mi mejor amigo. I met my best friend´s baby last week.

6 No visitamos a nuestros amigos ayer
STRUCTURE (negative) SUBJECT AUXILIARY VERB DO conjugado en pasado: DID + NOT (forma contracta: DIDN´T) VERBO PRINCIPAL(MAIN VERB) en infinitivo sin “to” complements No visitamos a nuestros amigos ayer We did not (didn´t) visit our friends yesterday

7 No compró una entrada para el concierto ayer.
She did not (didn´t) buy a ticket for the concert yesterday. 2. No fuiste a la fiesta con Andrew. You did not (didn´t) go to the party with Andrew. 3. No cenamos en un conocido restaurante el mes pasado. We did not (didn´t) have lunch in a well-known restaurant last month. 4. La semana pasada no conocí al bebé de mi mejor amigo. I did not (didn´t) meet my best friend´s baby last week.

8 ¿Visitamos a nuestros amigos ayer?
STRUCTURE (interrogative) AUXILIARY VERB DO conjugado en pasado: DID SUBJECT VERBO PRINCIPAL(MAIN VERB) en infinitivo sin “to” complements? ¿Visitamos a nuestros amigos ayer? Did we visit our friends yesterday?

9 ¿Compró una entrada para el concierto ayer?
Did she buy a ticket for the concert yesterday? 2. ¿Fuiste a la fiesta con Andrew? Did you go to the party with Andrew? 3. ¿Cenasteis en un conocido restaurante el mes pasado? Did you have lunch in a well-known restaurant last month? 4. ¿Conocieron al bebé de mi mejor amigo la semana pasada? Did they meet my best friend´s baby last week?

10 A: “How long did it take you to get to school yesterday?”
2. USES To say what we did in a specific moment in the past. The action is completely finished. (Para decir lo que hicimos en un momento concreto del pasado. La acción está completamente acabada). A: “How long did it take you to get to school yesterday?” B: “It took me half an hour”. (B habla de una acción que tuvo lugar en un momento concreto del pasado que está acabada)


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