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College Planning/Admi ssions Taking the Next Critical Steps Mayfield High School Class of 2013 September 18, 19, 20, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "College Planning/Admi ssions Taking the Next Critical Steps Mayfield High School Class of 2013 September 18, 19, 20, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 College Planning/Admi ssions Taking the Next Critical Steps Mayfield High School Class of 2013 September 18, 19, 20, 2012

2 College Planning Overview College Application Procedure College Planning Calendar for Fall College Admissions Representatives College Fairs College Visitations College Entrance Exams Naviance Software Experience Financial Aid and Scholarships

3 College Application Procedure Paper Application versus On-Line Applications (Advgts./Disadvgts) Transcript Release Form (see handout) Teacher/Staff Recommendations (Proper Etiquette/Thanks) College Planning Calendar (see handout) Time Line and Deadlines ( Minimum 2 Week Application Turn-Around)

4 College Admissions Representatives College Representative Schedule (see handout) Student Sign – Up Procedure Communication to Students Morning Announcements Posted Homeroom Schedule Naviance Software Update

5 Local Area College Fairs Purpose of College Fairs Greater Cleveland West Suburban College Fair at Baldwin Wallace College, Monday, October 1, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Northeast Ohio Suburban College Fair at John Carroll University, Thursday, October 11, 7:00-8:30 p.m.

6 College Visitations Two Excused Absences Permitted Student Procedure Questions to Ask College Representatives ( see handout)

7 College Entrance Exams Scholastic Aptitude Test(SAT) American College Test(ACT) School Code = 361-325 Register with Legal Name from Birth Certificate

8 Naviance Software Program The Naviance Program (see handout) Registration Procedure and Codes Appropriate E-Mails/Updates Web Site:

9 Financial Aid and Scholarships College Now of Greater Cleveland Program Understanding the Terminology Financial Aid Workshop December 5 @ 7:00 p.m., Cafeteria

10 Taking the Next Step Register for Last Minute Testing Schedule Transcript Review Meeting Register on Naviance Research Colleges and Deadlines Schedule Financial Aid Appointment Apply to Colleges by Dec. 7 at the latest if you want materials to go out before winter break.

11 Counselor Assignments Last Names (A ~ E)Ms. Teffner Last Names (F ~ L)Ms. Spallone Last Names (M ~ R)Ms. Eging Last Names (S ~ Z) Mr. Mulheman Environmental Ed. CBI and MVA:Mr. Hayes

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