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EMSO European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water-column Observatory Laura Beranzoli on behalf of EMSO Consortium.

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Presentation on theme: "EMSO European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water-column Observatory Laura Beranzoli on behalf of EMSO Consortium."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMSO European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water-column Observatory Laura Beranzoli on behalf of EMSO Consortium

2 EMSO, EMSO, a Research Infrastructure of the ESFRI Roadmap, is the European network of fixed seafloor and water column observatories constituting a distributed infrastructure for long- term monitoring of environmental processes EMSO, an ESFRI Research Infrastructure Ruhl et al., 2011

3 ESFRI ESFRI ESFRI acts on issues related to the development of high scientific quality European research infrastructures. ESFRI gives national authorities the opportunity to exchange news and to explore common and integrated initiatives for the best development and use of research infrastructures of European relevance ESFRI ESFRI mission is to support a coherent and strategy-led approach to policy-making on new and existing pan-European and global research infrastructures Roadmap 2008 ( 44 Projects)

4 Scientific fields N. projects Social Sciences & Humanities 5 Environmental Sciences (ENV)10 Energy 4 Biological & Medical Sciences10 Materials & Analytical Facilities 6 Physical Sciences (PHY) & Engineering 8 e-Infrastructures 1 Total* (*10 new projects in the Roadmap 2008 with respect to 2006)44 Roadmap 2008

5 Definitions European Research Infrastructures (ERI) can adopt either a single site (SI) or a multiple site structure according to their specific characteristics and mission An ERI structured with multiple site is defined as “Distributed Infrastructure” (DI) Each ERI has a unique legal status, management structure, strategy and development plan ERI can undergo to Preparatory Phase project with the aim to design and create the legal entity managing the infrastructure (ERIC-European Research Infrastructure Consortium)

6 Mooring with satellite communications Cabled configuration NRC, 2003 Source “Implementation Strategies for ESONET and EMSO Appendix A”, 2009

7 SN4 GMM SN3 SN1 GEOSTAR MABEL (SN2) Platform Overall dimensions (m) (L x W x H) Weight (kN) (in air) Weight (kN) (in water) Depth rated (m) GEOSTAR3.50 x 3.50 x 3.30 25.414.24000 SN12.90 x 2.90 x 2.90 14.08.54000 SN32.90 x 2.90 x 2.90 14.08.54000 SN42.00 x 2.00 x 2.00 6.63.41000 GMM1.50 x 1.50 x 1.50 1.50.71000 MABEL (SN2) 2.90 x 2.90 x 2.90 14.08.54000 GEOSTAR-class SEAFLOOR OBSERVATORIES Favali et al., 2006b; Favali & Beranzoli, 2006; 2009b

8 multiparametric long-term (years) time-series seabed and water column measurements common set of sensors for basic measurements and further sensors for specific purposes Observatory Measurements Seismic ground motion Gravity Magnetism Geodesy and seafloor deformation Fluid related processes monitoring Chemical and Aqueous Transport (CAT) Pore pressure Gas hydrate monitoring Dissolved Fe, Mn and sulfide species Acoustic tomography CTD equipment for hydrothermal vents Methane Carbon dioxide Heat Flow Nutrient analyzers pH, Eh and alkalinity hydrocarbon fluorescence In situ Mass spectrometer Particle flux trap Image based particle flux Pigment fluorescence Deep biosphere sensors Time-Lapse Cameras Holographic imaging Video Passive acoustics Active acoustics Zooplankton sampling In situ sample processors with molecular/ genetic probes In situ respiration

9 EMSO nodes Koljö Fjord OBSEA EMSO test sites Molènes SmartBay

10 SN4 location eastern part of the sea at the westernmost end of the fault rupture caused by the 1999 Izmit earthquake. Main goals: Relationship between Seismicity & Gas seepage Marmara Sea EC-ESONET-MARMARA-DM (exp. Sept’09-ongoing) Partners: Turkey, Italy, France

11 DEGASSING EVENTS: preliminary interpretation Apparently a “pulsation” of degassing by bubbles from the seafloor Number of CH 4 peaks: at least 70 Frequency > 1 peak every 2 days O2 (mM) T (°C) CH4 (mM)

12 Iberian Margin Acoustically linked observatory GEOSTAR Gulf of Cadiz 85 km off-shore 3200 m w.d. Portugal N-E Atlantic Main goals: Geo-Hazards & Bio-acoustics R/V Sarmiento de Gamboa MODUS GEOSTAR SISM ACC M L =4.7 Gulf of Cadiz (Jan.11, 2008) EC-NEAREST (exp. Aug.’07-Aug.’08) EC-ESONET-LIDO-DM (exp. Nov’09-ongoing) Partners: Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Morocco

13 Example of pressure signal recorded during NEAREST mission (1cm H 2 O ~ 1mbar) 3 m 1 month 2 h 2 days 40 cm 2 cm

14 Shore Station NEMO JB 5 km > 2000 m w.d. 20 km Geo-hazard and bio-acoustic module Bio-acoustic module Web 2005 Real-time data transmission 2008Recovery for refurbishment 2011Re-deployment (ESONET-LIDO-DM) Western Ionian Sea (off Catania) Main goals: Geo-Hazards & Bio-acoustics, Test site for Neutrino Telescope ESFRI KM3NeT EMSO Synergy between the 2 ESFRI infrastructures: KM3NeT and EMSO ROV (operative 4000 m)

15 ab Z N E T Z N E T 200 s Off-shore Peloponnesus (Greece, Feb. 14, 2008): a) M W =6.9; b) M W =6.2 NEMO-SN1 real-time cabled observatory M w =8.6 off-shore Sumatra (March 28, 2005) Z N E Seismicity: examples of earthquakes recorded

16 ETNA Activity (recorded by SN1)

17 85 km South East offshore Capo Passero, 3500-m depth (cable deployed 2007, junction box deployed 2009) 85 km South East offshore Capo Passero, 3500-m depth (cable deployed 2007, junction box deployed 2009) Shore Station in Capo Passero Harbour Western Ionian Sea : Capo Passero infrastructure Submarine cable 100 km - 20 fibres, DC-sea return Submarine Infrastructure DC/DC Converter 10 kV-375 V NEPTUNE-like design ROV connectors to end users

18 INGV INGV - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (Italy)Co-ordinator ITU ITU - Istanbul Teknik Universitesi (Turkey) IFREMER IFREMER - Institut Français de Recherche pour l’exploitation de la MER (France) UiT UiT - University of Tromsø (Norway) NOCS NOCS - National Oceanography Centre Southampton (United Kingdom) HCMR HCMR - Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (Greece) KDM KDM - Konsortium Deutsche Meeresforschung e.V. (Germany) IMI IMI - Irish Marine Institute (Ireland) NIOZ NIOZ - Stichting Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut voor Zeeonderzoek (The Netherlands) UGOT UGOT - Goteborgs Universitet (Sweden) UTM-CSIC UTM-CSIC - Unidad de Tecnologia Marina - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (Spain) FFCUL FFCUL - Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal) EMSO-Preparatory Phase Partnership

19 EMSO data classification & policy Main features  Seafloor and water-column in situ measurements  Continuous time-series of physical parameters  Diverse sampling rate: 10 -4 Hz (=1 sample/h) to 10 2 kHz & Precise timing [stability 10 -9 ÷10 -11 ] Data policy:  Open access  QC data (data/metadata)  Interchangeable formats LOW rate data ADCP Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler APG Absolute Pressure Gauge CTD Conductivity Temperature GRA Gravity meter PCM Currentmeter LOW rate data ADCP Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler APG Absolute Pressure Gauge CTD Conductivity Temperature GRA Gravity meter PCM Currentmeter HIGH rate data Seismometer Hydrophone HIGH rate data Seismometer Hydrophone Instruments Metadata only RDBMS (MySQL) File system (ftp, http)

20 CIVIL PROTECTION AUTH. POPULATION WARNING CIVIL PROTECTION AUTH. POPULATION WARNING EMSO PORTAL DB, catalogue web server resource scheduling … USERS web services web forms SQL … streaming audio & video web forms … GRID CPU computing GRID CPU computing EMSO distributed storage & database

21 Integration in GEOSS EMSO contribution to GEO Global Ocean Observing System Global Ocean Observing System Land observation systems EMSO GEOSS

22 EMSO-ERIC will have: Central co-ordination (statutory seat with central management) Regional Teams (in charge of the EMSO nodes) EMSO Governance Assembly of Members: highest level decision body composed by Representatives of the Countries

23 Steps towards EMSO-ERIC Signatory Countries: Italy, UK, Portugal, Romania, Greece, The Netherlands, Ireland, Germany, France, Spain * *officially announced Foreseen: Norway, Turkey Postponed: Sweden Italian Ministry Letter sent to the Funding Agencies DONE MoU Signature process IN PROGRESS IN PROGRESS Interim Office establishment DONE ERIC Application submission NEXT ERIC Application review process NEXT ERIC APPROVAL NEXT

24 International dimension NEPTUNE CanadaDONET Japan IMOS Australia MACHO Taiwan ECSSOS China OOI United States

25 Infrastructures integration Ruhl et al., 2011 Open ocean and coastal Seafloor and water column In line with: “Support the development of a truly integrated and sustainably funded European Ocean Observing System…” Ostend Declaration 2010

26 Ruhl et al., 2011 Logistics (Ships, ROVs, etc.) Fixed point observatories Mobile observatories In line with: “Support the development of a truly integrated and sustainably funded European Ocean Observing System…” Ostend Declaration 2010 Infrastructures integration


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