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USAID/Madagascar Environment Program Environment/Rural Development Office Reforestation Workshop, Valbio, Ranomafana June 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "USAID/Madagascar Environment Program Environment/Rural Development Office Reforestation Workshop, Valbio, Ranomafana June 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 USAID/Madagascar Environment Program Environment/Rural Development Office Reforestation Workshop, Valbio, Ranomafana June 2005

2 Environmental Context Threats: slash-and-burn agriculture, forest fires, and fuelwood collection Results: erosion, limited agricultural production, and to rural poverty 85% of flora and fauna are endemic Global priority for biodiversity conservation

3 An Uncertain Future... Annual deforestation is nearly 150,000 Ha/year Biologists foresee continued forest fragmentation and subsequent species loss Current rice cultivation techniques may lead to extensification to 1 million Ha to maintain current production 80% of population is rural Subsistence agriculture

4 The Challenge: How can we conserve remaining forests and simultaneously achieve rural development and poverty alleviation goals?

5 The Solution: An integrated program that works with the Malagasy people to improve natural resources management at all levels, while supporting their development needs around remaining blocks of forest

6 Country Context USAID Structure National Environmental Action Plan Multi-donor approach USAID/Madagascar’s Environment Program


8 NEAP 1991-1997: EP I 1997-2002: EP II 2002-2007 EP III The NEAP is a 15-year action plan with 3 phases: Creation of Environmental Institutions and agencies (ONE, ANGAP, ANAE, etc…) Implementation of ICDPs Development of Regulatory Framework Ecoregional Approach moving from ICDPs to working on C&D in and around remaining forest corridors Development of Sustainable Financing Plan Focus on Transfer of Managment Mainstreaming Activities Financial Autonomy of Executing Agencies

9 Multi-Donor supporting the NEAP

10 USAID Env/RD Program 2003-2008 Protected area management (MIARO) Forest management (Jariala) Alternatives to tavy (ERI/LARO/SanteNet) Private sector involvement (BAMEX) Good governance (MISONGA)

11 Environment/Rural Development Program Activities Protected Area Management (Miaro) – – Expand biodiversity habitat conservation – – Reinforce ecological linkages between landscapes – – Develop restoration procedures – – Support field level operations in protected areas and conservation sites – – Operationalize Biodiversity Trust Fund

12 Environment/Rural Development Program Activities Forest management (Jariala) – – Refine forest management vision and zoning plan – – Restructure and strengthen forest service – – Professionalize forest industry private sector – – Improve good governance through effective control and utilization of forest resources – – Promote transparent management of forest sector budgeting and planning process

13 Environment/Rural Development Program Activities Alternatives to reduce slash and burn agriculture (ERI) – – Strengthen rural associations for farmer-led extension – – Improve integrated agricultural production systems and practices – – Expand and improve community based forest management – – Integrate health, agriculture and environment activities – – Increase rural finance and credit opportunities for production and commercialization – – Promote information, communication, education activities

14 Environment/Rural Development Program Activities Investment initiatives and partnerships in NRM (Bamex) – – Increase investment in natural products – – Increase access to credit instruments that facilitate production and marketing and reduce transaction costs – – Increase access for agribusiness firms to business development providers – – Promote business opportunities for new ventures/products (e.g., Ecotourism) – – Reinforce selected transportation and agricultural transformation entities within priority economic corridors

15 Environment/Rural Development Program Activities Environmental governance (Misonga) – – Public resources and revenues managed transparently – – Effective and inclusive application of Environment Impact Assessment – – Environmental information integrated into decision making – – Civil society advocacy for sustainable natural resources management

16 HPN Env/RD HPN + Env/RD Taolagnaro Manakara Toamasina Fianarantsoa Antsirabe Mahajanga ANTANANARIVO ToliaraAntsiranana Forest cover Env/RD Intervention Zones Ag/Trade Intervention Zones HPN Intervention Zones DG Intervention Zones USAID Madagascar Intervention Zones

17 Misaotra

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