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1 ISO/TC204 OVERVIEW Report to the Convenor’s and Heads of Delegation (CHOD) Meeting 18 October 2007 Qingdao, China.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ISO/TC204 OVERVIEW Report to the Convenor’s and Heads of Delegation (CHOD) Meeting 18 October 2007 Qingdao, China."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ISO/TC204 OVERVIEW Report to the Convenor’s and Heads of Delegation (CHOD) Meeting 18 October 2007 Qingdao, China

2 2 ISO/TC204 BACKGROUND  Scope: Transport Systems (ITS). ITS is the application of information technology, communications technology, and sensor technology, including the internet (both wired and wireless), to the general challenges and opportunities of surface transportation, via the use of vehicle and infrastructure probe data to provide location-based telematics services.  Excluded: in-vehicle transport information and control systems (ISO /TC 22).  Note: The standards develop work of TC204 attempts to take into account the work of existing international standardization bodies.

3 3 ISO/TC204 BACKGROUND CONT… Chairman: Michael Noblett, Vice President, Global Automotive Initiatives CONNEXIS International Secretariat: Tyler Messa Manager, International Secretariat Services TIA NOTE: TIA also serves as the US TAG Administrator to ISO/TC204

4 4 TC204 COMMITTEE STRUCTURE 24 Participating “P” Member Nations 27 Observer “O” Member Nations Cyprus Added as a P-Member May 31 2007

5 5 WORKING GROUPLEAD COUNTRY WG1: ArchitectureUnited Kingdom WG 3: ITS Database TechnologyJapan WG 4: Automotive vehicle & equipment identification Norway WG 5: Electronic Fee and Toll CollectionSweden WG 7: General Fleet, Commercial & Freight Management Canada WG 8: Public Transport/EmergencyUnited States WG 9: Integrated Transport Information, Management & Control Australia TC204: WORKING GROUPS 11 Working Groups, 1 Proposed New Working Group

6 6 WORKING GROUPLEAD COUNTRY WG 10: Traveler Information SystemsGermany WG 14: Vehicle/Roadway Warning and Control Systems Japan WG15: Dedicated Short Range Communications for TICS Applications Germany WG 16: Wide Area Communications/Protocol and Interfaces United States WG 17: Nomadic Devices (Proposed)TBD TC204: WORKING GROUPS CONT…

7 7 INTERNAL IEC/ISO LIAISONS TC 8 (Ships & Marine Technology) ISO/IEC/JTC 1 (Information Technology) TC 22 (Road Vehicles)ISO/IEC/JTC 1/SC 31 TC 104 (Freight Containers)TC 122-TC 104 JWG TC 154 (Process, Data Elements & Documents in Commerce, Industry & Administration) IEC/TC 9 (Railways) TC 211(Geographic Information/Geomatics) ISO/TC204 LIASIONS 20 Formal Liaisons

8 8 EXTERNAL LIAISONS ITU-R WP6M ( Interactive and multimedia broadcasting) OGC ITU-R WP8A ( Land mobile service amateur and amateur-satellite service) UN/CEFACT/TBG 3 (International Trade & Business Procedures Group) CEN/TC 278 (Road Transport and Traffic Telematics) IrDA (Infrared Data Assc) APECETSI/TG 37 (ITS) IEEEWCO ISO/TC204 LIASIONS CONT…

9 9 ISO/TC204 STANDARDS OVERVIEW  90+ Standards/Technical Specification/ Technical Reports under development  56 Published Standards/Technical Specification/Technical Reports

10 10 Work Item Progress Since Lexington Meeting (2007-04-27) WORK ITEM SUMMARY New Ballots Currently Open : 14 Closed: 18 32 Published Work Items 5 Additional Work Items to be Published by End of 2007 9 New Projects Registered [5]

11 11 OPEN BALLOTS AS OF 2007-10-09 ISO/NP 29281: CALM FAST sub- system NP balloting ends 2007-11-01 ISO/NP-CD 17267: Navigation System API Standard ( API ) NP-CD balloting ends 2007-10-30 ISO/CD 22840: Extended Range Backing Aid Systems CD balloting ends 2007-11-02 ISO/DTR 21707: Integrated Transport Information, Management and Control — Data Quality in ITS Systems DTR balloting ends 2007-11-28 ISO/DIS 22837: Vehicle Probe Data for Wide Area Communication DIS balloting ends 2007-10-11

12 12 OPEN BALLOTS AS OF 2007-10-09 ISO/DIS 15784 (Parts 1 & 3): Data Exchange Involving Roadside Modules DIS balloting ends 2008-02-11 (Part 1) & 2008-02-14 (Part 3) ISO/DIS 22179: Full speed range adaptive cruise control (FSRA) systems DIS balloting ends 2008-02-18 ISO/DIS 17572 (Parts 1-3): Location Referencing DIS balloting ends 2008-02-18 ISO/DIS 22178: Low speed following systems DIS balloting ends 2008-02-18 ISO/DIS 21210: CALM – Networking Protocols DIS balloting ends 2008-03-10

13 13 OPEN BALLOTS AS OF 2007-10-09 ISO/DIS 14813-6: Data Presentation in ASN.1 DIS documents submitted to ISO CS: 2007-09-21. As of 2007-10-09 no estimated DIS ballot date is available.

14 14 CLOSED BALLOTS SINCE 2007-04-27 ISO/CD 24097: Using Web Services (machine-machine delivery) for ITS service delivery CD ballot successful (Closed 2007-05- 12) ISO/CD 24102: CALM – Interface Manager CD ballot successful (Closed 2007-06- 06) ISO/CD 14813-5: System architecture - Part 5 CD ballot successful (Closed 2007-06- 21) ISO/CD 24103: CALM- Media adapted interface layer (MAIL) CD ballot successful (Closed 2007-07- 12) ISO/CD 25110 : Electronic Fee Collection (EFC) - Interface Definition for On Board Account Using IC Card CD ballot successful (Closed 2007-08- 31)

15 15 CLOSED BALLOTS SINCE 2007-04-27 ISO/CD 24978: ITS Safety and emergency notifications using any available wireless media - Data registry CD ballot successful (Closed 2007-09- 05) ISO/CD 17573: Electronic Fee Collection - System architecture for vehicle related transport services CD ballot successful (Closed 2007-09- 15) ISO/DIS 21212: CALM - 2G Cellular systems DIS ballot successful (Closed 2007-05- 11) ISO/DIS 21213: CALM – 3G Cellular systems DIS ballot successful (Closed 2007-05- 11) ISO/DIS 21218: CALM - Medium Service Access Points DIS ballot successful (Closed 2007-09- 09)

16 16 CLOSED BALLOTS SINCE 2007-04-27 ISO/DIS 24101: CALM – Application management DIS ballot successful (Closed 2007- 06-22) ISO/FDIS 24531: System architecture, taxonomy and terminology - Using XML in ITS standards, data registries and data dictionaries FDIS ballot successful (Closed 2007- 05-22) ISO/FDIS 24535: Automatic vehicle identification -- Basic electronic registration identification (Basic ERI) FDIS ballot successful (Closed 2007- 08-04) ISO/NP 10992: The use of nomadic devices to support ITS service and multimedia provision in vehicles NP ballot successful (Closed 2007- 10-06)

17 17 CLOSED BALLOTS SINCE 2007-04-27 ISO/DIS 22951: Data Dictionary and Message Sets for Pre-emption and Prioritization Signal Systems for Emergency and Public Transport Vehicles (PRESTO) DIS ballot successful (closed) 2007- 10-02 ISO/NP 10711: Interface Protocol and Message Set Definition between Traffic Signal Controllers and Detectors (IPMSTSCD) NP ballot successful (Closed 2007- 09-26) ISO/DIS 22837: Vehicle probe data for wide area communications DIS ballot successful (Closed 2007- 10-09)

18 18 WORK ITEMS PUBLISHED SINCE 2007-04-27 ISO/IS 24531: Using XML (eXtensible Mark up Language) in Intelligent Transport System Standards, Data Registries and Data Dictionaries ISO/TR 17452: Using UML (Unified Language) for defining and documenting ITS Interfaces ISO/TS 20452: Requirements and a Logical Data Model for PSF and API used in ITS Database Technologies and Logical Data Organization for a PSF ISO/IS 24014-1: Interoperable Fare Management System - Architecture ISO/IS 24535: Automatic vehicle identification -- Basic electronic registration identification (Basic ERI)

19 19 WORK ITEMS SUBMITTED FOR PUBLICATION AS OF 2007-10-09 ISO/DTR 25100: User guide for harmonisation of data concepts Documents submitted to ISO CS for publication: 2007-09-19. As of 2007-10-09 anticipated date of proof/publication is unknown. ISO/DTR 25102: ITS Use Case pro forma Template Documents submitted to ISO CS for publication: 2007-09-19. As of 2007-10-09 anticipated date of proof/publication is unknown. ISO/DTR 25104: Training requirements for ITS System Architecture Documents submitted to ISO CS for publication: 2007-09-19. As of 2007-10-09 anticipated date of proof/publication is unknown.

20 20 WORK ITEMS SUBMITTED FOR PUBLICATION AS OF 2007-10-09 ISO/DTR 24539: Using UML in ITS Standards Documents submitted to ISO CS for publication: 2007-09-19. As of 2007-10-09 anticipated date of proof/publication is unknown. ISO/TS 24534 (Parts 1-4): Automatic vehicle and equipment identification -- Electronic Registration Identification (ERI) for vehicles Technical Specifications to be published by the end of 2007. Projects being performed under CEN/TC278 lead. ISO/TS 24534-5: ITS - AVI/AEI - Basic electronic Registration Identification Final proof (for publication) to be made available 2007-12-17

21 21 WORK ITEMS SUBMITTED FOR PUBLICATION AS OF 2007-10-09 ISO/DIS 17387: Lane Change Decision Aids Systems Documents submitted to ISO CS for publication: 2007-09-24. As of 2007-10-09 anticipated date of proof/publication is unknown. ISO/TS 17264: Road transport and traffic telematics -- Automatic vehicle and equipment identification -- Interfaces Documents submitted to ISO CS for publication: 2007-09-07. It appears as if a revised text will be requested. Details will be forwarded to WG4 as they become available. ISO/TR 28682: World Report for ITS Standards (WRITTS): A Joint APEC-ISO Study of Progress to Develop and Deploy ITS Standards Revised figures sent to ISO CS: 2007-10-09. Publication anticipated by end of 2007.

22 22 NEW PROJECTS REGISTERED SINCE 2007-04-27 ISO/NP 10992: The use of nomadic devices to support ITS service and multimedia provision in vehicles Project registered with ISO CS: 07-06- 28 ISO/NP 15662: Adaptive Cruise Control Systems - Performance requirements and test procedures Project registered with ISO CS: 2007- 04-24 ISO/PWI 11067: Curve Speed Warning System (CSWS) Project registered with ISO CS: 2007-07-23 ISO/PWI 11270: Lane Keeping Assist Systems (LKAS) PWI registered with ISO CS: 2007-08- 01 ISO/PWI 24101-2: Conformance Test of Application Management New project registered with ISO CS: 2007-07-31

23 23 NEW TC204 WORK PROGRAMME  Located on the TIA/TC204 web site at: ogram/index.cfm ogram/index.cfm  New Features Include: -Email updates notifying committee members whenever selected work items or working groups are updated -Password protected comment discussion forums for each work item -Searchable by ISO #, keywords, deadlines, date updated, etc.

24 24  14-18 April [Tentative] 2008, Munich, Germany  10-14 November [tentative] 2008, Ottawa, Canada  March-April [TBD] 2009, Asia-Pacific Region Future Meetings

25 25 Thank You! Contact Information Tyler Messa Senior Manager International Secretariat Services +1.703.907.7743

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