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ERI/RPO/PPF/10.10.jcm External Relations and Public Information Division of Relations with Organizations and Partnerships Participation Programme and Fellowships.

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Presentation on theme: "ERI/RPO/PPF/10.10.jcm External Relations and Public Information Division of Relations with Organizations and Partnerships Participation Programme and Fellowships."— Presentation transcript:

1 ERI/RPO/PPF/10.10.jcm External Relations and Public Information Division of Relations with Organizations and Partnerships Participation Programme and Fellowships Section

2 UNESCO Experience in Fellowships Trends in UNESCO Fellowships Programmes

3 Decrease in Regular Budget Funding Activities and Staff: (From Division to Section to a Unit in a Section) Reduction in fellowships through UNESCO (WB, UNDP)

4 Increase of extrabudgetary funding through cost-sharing Arrangements with interested donors (Res. Of G.C.) Governments, Academic/Research Institutions, Foundations Private Sector Risk of disappearance of long-duration studies

5 Contribution of the emerging economies in Asia (China, Republic of Korea, India). South-South Cooperation

6 Immense needs to: update knowledge and skills in all UNESCO fields of competence Education, Science, Culture, Information and Communication necessitate continuous training and retraining and intellectual solidarity with developing countries through fellowships for priority groups LDCs Africa Women (gender equality) and Youth

7 In particular: immense needs to: Retrain teachers, educators and trainers (for the first time in history, students may be more informed than Teachers due to: Recent tremendous changes in knowledge transmission; The role of teachers had drastically changed (ICTs) From source of knowledge to orientation and guiding

8 Increase in the demand of impact evaluation and visibility (Efficiency with risk of publicity ) For this ethical reason, some Member States have objections to cooperation with the private sector

9 Contribution of Western Europe and North America is limited to receiving fellows in host academic institutions; Some of them proposed (DR) deleting Fellowships from Programme and Budget Most of the budget allocated to fellowships is spent in these countries (Tuition fees, international travel, accommodation). The need to persuade Member States to include fellowships in their priorities

10 Finally Four Positive Trends: Cost-Shring Arrangements South-South Cooperation Contribution of the Private Sector Impact evaluation

11 2008 -2009 ERI/RPO/PPF Fellowship Implementations ProgrammeRP & Co-Sponsored No. of beneficiaries RP Funds FIT/Extra Budgetary Funds Value of Contributions- in-kind Total $ Value (RP) Individual Request- UNESCO Fellowships Programme in support of Programme Priorities (2008-2009) CL/384049674 530 Co-Sponsored Fellowships (Travel Grants - Financed under RP): REP. OF KOREA 2052 680 260 000312 680 Total no. of awards = 187 ISRAEL-MASHAV 72144 591 488 200632 791 Total value (RP fund) = US $405 157 ISRAEL - Post Doc. Studies in Science & Technology 1 15 000 POLAND 1742 256 540 000582 256 Total value of Contributions-in-kind = US $3 184 800 CZECH REPUBLIC 65 800 605 000610 800 PEOPLE'S REP. OF CHINA 51125 210 1 102 4001 227 610 RUSSIAN FEDERATION 2034 620 174 200208 820 Sub Total Co-Sponsored Fellowships 187405 157 3 184 8003 589 957 Co-Sponsored Fellowships (Funds-in-trust-FIT) UNESCO/SAUDI ARABIA - Enhancing Palestinian Human Capital 67 100 000 UNESCO/KEIZO OBUCHI (FIT) 40 400 000 UNESCO/L'OREAL Co-Sponsored Fellowships (FIT) 2007 (Phase II) → 15 300 000 2008 Award Ceremony → 15 18 116 2008 (Phase I) → 15 300 000 2008 (Phase II) → 13 260 000 2009 Award Ceremony → 15 19 147 2009 (Phase I) → 15 300 000 Sub Total Funds -in-Trust (FIT) 195 1 697 263 Grand Total 4311 079 6871 697 2633 184 8005 961 750


13 Thank you

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