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Lessons and regional linkages through the Tool Box in other GWP regions D. Thalmeinerova, GWP.

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Presentation on theme: "Lessons and regional linkages through the Tool Box in other GWP regions D. Thalmeinerova, GWP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lessons and regional linkages through the Tool Box in other GWP regions D. Thalmeinerova, GWP

2 ToolBox experience (up to now) Transfer of IWRM knowledge from CEE to CACENA using ToolBox Localized version of ToolBox in SEA ToolBox as “planning” tool in IWRM process in SAF ScoreCard project in West/East Africa

3 CEE / CACENA Three pillars of ToolBox activities: –Dissemination of knowledge on IWRM –Training “sessions” based upon the needs and demands –Development of case studies Main mission: –to support the water community to recognize the characteristics of tools suited to improve water governance –to facilitate capturing and exchanging experiences derived from IWRM processes

4 Activities in CEE To provide source of knowledge on IWRM and supplement “EU duties” –EU Water Framework Directive appears to be a complex and plentiful approach that to be understood –“rote” (mechanical) transposition of EU water related directives might miss the aim of IWRM To develop case studies –Totally 81 case studies elaborated in period 2004-2009 (mainly on involvement of the public at the planning process – new aspect in post-socialist countries) To incorporate IWRM issues in education curricula of universities

5 Activities in CACENA ToolBox as a source of training documentation: 8 seminars in CACENA (2004 – 2008) –“Themes” selected by participants –Tool Box database (including case studies) used for presentations ToolBox as a “manual” for new water initiatives (e.g. projects to be financed)

6 Value added of the Tool Box in CEE/CACENA Contribution to capacity building Stimulation of “joint effort” of water experts who acted in isolation of each other (or fighting against each other) Better (illustrative) interpretation of IWRM concept (rather than popularization of the term “IWRM”)

7 Some shortcomings of ToolBox in CEE: –ToolBox competes with EU guidelines in CACENA: –Language problem –Printed version most comfortable then internet connection

8 Lessons learnt in CEE and CACENA Clear structure of ToolBox portrays IWRM approach –Clear understanding that river basins are units for water resources planning –Increased awareness that different sectors have to work together (including water sectors!!!!) –Participatory approach is not a “break” but “accelerator” of future actions committed Projects being developed are now confronted whether (if) IWRM components are present

9 ToolBox activities in SEA In 2005, a prototype of IWRM ToolBox web site in SEA launched Intention was to motivate users to study the “IWRM Tools” and to get them to contribute cases and become part of a “ToolBox Community”


11 GWP-SEA ToolBox (Cases Grouped by IWRM Themes)

12 GWP-SEA ToolBox (All Cases Grouped by Country)

13 Activities in SAF Project: Unpacking the IWRM ToolBox using the Lower Manyame IWRM Demonstration Project –Lessons learned in developing IWRM Plan –Discussion how each tool is applied in the IWRM plan –Publication disseminated to other basins ToolBox training for WaterNet students –Regular training for MSc IWRM students

14 Application of GWP ToolBox in national water planning ToolBox used in Eritrea, Malawi, Ethiopia and Zambia (PAWD initiative) –as a reference source to improve water governance –as a framework for analysis of the water resources situation

15 Eritrea (institutional arrangements) Specific challenges to be addressed in course of IWRM planning –Weak integration and coordination of water sector institutions; –Lack of clarity in the mandates of the various government agencies; –Inadequate capacity (institutional and human) to study and assess the nation water resources, prepare development plan and implement and monitor projects; –Low capacity of the existing WRM institution (WRD) to fulfil the mandate & responsibilities; and –Inadequate qualified expertise and infrastructure for research Tools: - Institutional roles (B1.1-1.11) - Institutional Cap Building (B2.1-2.3)

16 National Level Local Level Sub local Level Outcome: A new Institutional framework has been proposed Proposed Institutional Framework Water Authority Regulatory & Plan Research & Inform. Dev’t & Mgt HRD & Training C. Implementing Bodies National Water Advisory Board Audit Gender Advisor Finance & Adminst. Transboundary Water Mgt ERI-CWP Forum Zoba Water Service/Sewerage ContractorsConsultantsNGOs/Agencies Sub-Zoba Water Supply & Sewerage Services Major Cities Water Supply & Sewerage Services

17 Eritrea (water resources management functions) Enforcement and compliance, Recovery of cost of WRM, Collecting water resources information and operating databases, Preparation of WR and environmental assessments, Monitoring of water availability and use Conflict mediation; Tools: - Water resources assessment (C1.1-1.2, 1.5) - Social change instruments (C4.1-4.2) - Regulatory instruments (C6.1-6.2) Plus: workshops, seminars

18 A new legislation drafted: –Regulation for the Issuance of Permits for water use and construction of hydraulic works (Draft 2007) –Regulation for the issuances of waste water permits (Draft 2002) –Guideline for community managed water supply, sanitation and hygiene (2008 operational) –Water resources sector plan (2008-2015) Outcome: Management Instruments developed for better water resources management

19 Lesotho: Road Map for IWRM Areas for change defined using ToolBox “categories” Working questions: Q 1: Is it [specific tool] relevant to Lesotho? Q 2: Is the element [of a tool] adequately developed and available? Q 3: Is the element [of a tool] functioning according to intention? Recommendations were made on various elements under these change areas to be applied

20 Enabling Environment (A TOOLS) Tools of the ToolBox as a basis Q1:Q2:Q3 A1 Policies – setting goals for water use, protection and conservation Scores by National Stakeholders In Lesotho during workshop A1.1 – A national water resources policyYes32 A1.2 – Policies with relation to water resourcesYes11 A2 Legislative framework – Water policy translated into law A2.1 – Water rightsYes41 A2.2 – Legislation for water qualityYes41 A2.3 – Reform of existing legislationYes-- A3 Financing and incentive structures – financial resources to meet water needs A3.1 – Investment policiesYes11 A3.2 – Financing options I – Grants and internal sourcesYes41 A3.3 – Financing options II – Loans and equityYes41

21 Other countries` experience Ethiopia (ToolBox for capacity building) –A Regional Training of Trainers (TOT) Course on Conflict Management and Negotiation Skills for IWRM –Financial instruments –Water/GP modeling –IWRM Facilitation skills Zambia (ToolBox as analytical tool) –Applied in Root Cause Analysis Malawi (ToolBox as strategic intervention tool) –Used together with Problem Tree method

22 Results achieved in PAWD program Toolbox has supported IWRM Planning in Africa IWRM Plans developed in 5 countries: Zambia, Malawi, Kenya, Senegal and Mali Cases for the IWRM Planning documented and uploaded on the GWP website for information sharing with others

23 Lessons learnt in application of ToolBox in IWRM planning (PAWD countries) IWRM planning process – always make linkages to broader national economic development goals IWRM plan needs to be focused and realistic to attract political support and funding for implementation Integration in IWRM is not easy and examples from elsewhere though useful may not be relevant as this depends on context The toolbox should be used as a reference and not guidelines Toolbox need to be updated (climate change issues and issues of water infrastructure are less developed)

24 Water Governance ScoreCard Program for Effective Water Governance (7 countries involved: Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana and Niger and in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda) Diagnosis and mapping of water governance in a visually clear standard format –ScoreCard methodology –ToolBox structure used in assessment


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