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Published byCori Woods Modified over 9 years ago
What to do with IPA II for Research & Development ?
Researching: What to do with IPA II for Research & Development ? March 2014
The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II) C'est Quoi Ça?
Regulatory architecture
IPA II architecture Legal basis Implementing acts 11 March 2014 2 May 2014 September 2014 December 2014 ✓ adoption Regulations Planning & programming MULTI-COUNTRY PROGRAMMES COMMON IMPLEMENTING REGULATION IPA II REGULATION IPA II IMPLEMENTING REGULATION MULTI-COUNTRY STRATEGY COUNTRY PROGRAMMES COUNTRY STRATEGIES Regulatory architecture Framework Agreements Financing Agreements
Regulatory architecture
IPA II regulation A new framework for pre-accession assistance under the multi-annual financial framework IPA II REG … building on IPA I similar general policy objective, specific objectives and policy areas … but with a more strategic approach accession as the overriding objective assistance available irrespective of the status (candidate and potential candidates) comprehensive country strategies focus on reforms in key sectors result/performance-oriented assistance Regulatory architecture
Regulatory architecture
Common implementing regulation Regulatory architecture
Regulatory architecture
Common implementing regulation (cont.) A set of simplified and harmonised implementing rules and procedures applicable to all external action instruments CIR … particularly relevant for programming forms and types of programmes/measures rules for comitology … and implementation financing methods/types protection of the financial interests of the Union evaluation, reporting by the Commission … Regulatory architecture
Regulatory architecture
IPA II implementing regulation Completes the legal framework for IPA II by introducing specific rules establishing uniform conditions for implementing the IPA II Regulation (ref. Art.12 IPA II REG) IPA II IR Regulatory architecture … focusing on implementation indirect management by IPA II beneficiaries, incl. financial management, control, monitoring, evaluation, communication… … and on specific types of programmes cross-border cooperation programmes rural development programmes
Regulatory architecture
Other relevant regulations Example text Main point of reference for the principles and procedures governing the establishment and implementation of the EU budget and the control of the European Union’s finances Financial Regulation (No 966/2012) and its Rules of Application (No 1268/2012) Cross-references re. provisions on CBC with Member States and participation of IPA II beneficiaries in transnational and interregional cooperation (ref. Art. 9.2 IPA II Reg.) European Regional Development Fund (No 1301/2013) and European Territorial Cooperation Regulation (No 1299/2013) Erasmus+ (No 1288/2013) Contribution of external action instruments to the international dimension of Erasmus+ (ref. Art IPA II Reg.) Regulatory architecture
SESSION 1 The regulatory framework – scope of assistance
Scope of assistance Beneficiaries IPA II REG ANNEX I
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 Serbia 2 Montenegro 3 Scope of assistance Kosovo (*) 4 Albania 5 the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 6 Turkey 7 Iceland 8 (*) This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/99 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence
Objectives of assistance
IPA II REG. art. 1 General objective To support the beneficiaries in adopting and implementing the political, institutional, legal, administrative, social and economic reforms required in order to comply with the Union's values and to progressively align to the Union's rules, standards, policies and practices, with a view to Union membership Scope of assistance Specific objective support for political reforms … 1 Specific objective support for economic, social and territorial development, with a view to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth … 2 Specific objective strengthening the ability of beneficiaries to fulfil the obligations stemming from membership and alignment to the EU acquis … 3 Specific objective strengthening regional integration and territorial cooperation … 4 IPA II REG. art. 2(1)
Scope of assistance Policy areas IPA II REG. art. 3
Socio-economic and regional development Policy area 1 Reforms in preparation for Union membership and related institution- and capacity building Policy area 3 Employment, social policies, education, promotion of gender equality, and human resources development Scope of assistance IPA II REG. art. 3 Policy area 4 Agriculture and rural development policy area 5 Regional and territorial cooperation
Framework of assistance
IPA II REG art. 4 Framework of assistance Coherent with the ENLARGEMENT AGENDA, i.e. with the enlargement policy framework defined by the European Council and the Council with the relevant resolutions on enlargement of the European Parliament with the Commission's Enlargement Strategy (Progress Reports) Targeted and differentiated in SCOPE and INTENSITY, i.e according to the efforts and commitment of the IPA II beneficiaries to reforms according to the specific situation, needs and capacities of the IPA II beneficiaries Scope of assistance
Thematic priorities (general)
complying with the principle of good public administration and economic governance improving private sector environment and competitiveness of enterprises promoting proper functioning of the institutions necessary for securing the rule of law strengthening research, technological development and innovation strengthening the capacities of civil society organisations and social partners' organisations contributing to security and safety of food supply Scope of assistance investing in education, skills and lifelong learning increasing ability of the agri-food sector to cope with competitive pressure and market forces fostering of employment and supporting labour mobility protecting and improving the quality of the environment promoting social inclusion and combating poverty promoting reconciliation, peace-building and confidence-building measures promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures IPA II REG. ANNEX II
Thematic priorities (territorial cooperation)
promoting employment, labour mobility and social and cultural inclusion across the border investing in youth, education and skills protecting the environment, promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation, risk prevention and management promoting local and regional governance Scope of assistance promoting sustainable transport enhancing competitiveness, business environment encouraging tourism and cultural and natural heritage strengthening research, technological development, innovation and ICT IPAI II REG. ANNEX III
Scope of assistance Financial envelope
IPA II REG art. 15 IPA II 2014–2020 (EUR millions) MFF data, Sept.2013 IPA 2007–2013 (EUR millions) 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1573.8 1605.2 1637.4 1670.1 1703.5 1737.6 1771.1 Total amount for IPA II Scope of assistance
The regulatory framework –
relevance for programming
Relevance for programming
High level programming art. 6 IPA II REG CIR art. 2 Assistance is provided on the basis of indicative strategy papers including priorities for action per country towards meeting the objectives in the relevant policy areas … indicative allocation of Union funds per policy area broken down per year … and indicators to be used to measure progress … prepared for 7 years subject to annual assessment … and to a mid-term review Relevance for programming
Relevance for programming
Forms and types of programmes art. 7 art. 9 IPA II REG IPA II IR art. 6 art. 31, 34, 49 art. 55 CIR art. 2-3 art. 6 Action programmes (= standard forms of IPA II programmes) country or multi-country territorial cooperation (incl. CBC) rural development (DG AGRI) annual or multi-annual (up to 3 years for recurrent actions / up to 7 years for multi-annual programmes with split commitments) Individual / special measures outside the action programme framework (e.g. single action) / in unforeseen and duly justified cases Support measures preparation, monitoring, evaluation, audit, information … Relevance for programming
Relevance for programming
Programme content art. 2(3) IPA II REG IPA II IR art. 6(1) CIR art. 2(1) Financing Decisions adopting action programmes or measures must be in line with the requirements of the Financial Regulation (Cf. Art. 84(3) FR and Art. 94 RAP) objective, expected results, method of implementation, description of the actions, amounts, timetable … … with the requirements of the CiR associated support measures, performance monitoring arrangements … … and the requirements of the IPA II Reg. relevant performance indicators … Relevance for programming
Relevance for programming
Sector approach art. 4(2) IPA II REG CIR art. 4(8) A key cross-cutting principle and a strategic target implementation of sector reforms on the basis of comprehensive sector policies and strategies … taking the form of sector policy support programmes Relevance for programming
Relevance for programming
Ownership and stakeholder involvement art. 5(6) IPA II REG IPA II IR art. 4(2) art. 8 CIR art. 15 NIPAC main counterpart of the Commission for the overall process of strategic planning, coordination of programming (but also implementation ) Civil society and other stakeholders consultation with relevant stakeholders, incl. CSOs and local authorities enhanced support to civil society in general coordination among stakeholders encouraged Relevance for programming
Relevance for programming
Donor coordination art. 5 IPA II REG Coordination with the donor community (in particular in the early stages of programming) i.e. Member States, International Financial Institutions (IFIs), incl. EIB, UN organisations … via regular consultations and inclusive meetings, especially at field level … … in order to ensure coherence and complementarity of financial assistance + avoid duplication and double-funding Relevance for programming
Relevance for programming
Committee art. 13 IPA II REG CIR art. 16(3) One single IPA II Committee for ALL policy areas taking over from the "IPA I" Committee programmes managed by DG Enlargement and other DGs are submitted to the same committee amendments to ALL programmes adopted under IPA I are submitted to the IPA II Committee … whose opinion is not always required Relevance for programming Thresholds Opinion? Action Programme YES Individual Measure > EUR 5 million Individual Measure < EUR 5 million NO Support or Special Measure > EUR 10 million Support or Special Measure < EUR 10 million
The programme architecture
Prorgamme architecture
Basic concepts Prorgamme architecture
Prorgamme architecture
Basic concepts (cont.) Prorgamme architecture
OPTION 1 Fully-fledged Sector Support OPTION 2 Sector Support oriented
Sector Support Action Stand-alone Action OPTION 1 Fully-fledged Sector Support OPTION 2 Sector Support oriented OPTION 3 Options for actions Prorgamme architecture An Action supporting a national Sector Programme (or part of it) owned by the Beneficiary and which fulfils the five key Sector Approach criteria. An Action supporting a Sector which is not fulfilling all the conditions for the Sector Approach and based on a multi-annual Sector Planning Document specifically prepared in the context of IPA II. An Action for which the Sector Approach is not appropriate or necessary or a horizontal / ad hoc Action.
OPTION 1 Fully-fledged Sector Support OPTION 2 Sector Support oriented
Sector Support Action Stand-alone Action OPTION 1 Fully-fledged Sector Support OPTION 2 Sector Support oriented OPTION 3 Options for actions (cont.) Prorgamme architecture Beneficiary-owned Sector Programme (IPA specific) Sector Planning Document (*) No underlying sector document Action Document Action Document (**) Action Document ACTION PROGRAMME ACTION PROGRAMME ACTION PROGRAMME (*) Sector Planning Document: Part I = Sector Profile – Part II = Sector Support (**) To be substituted with a Sector Operational Document in the case of a multi-annual programme with split commitments
Documents – Overview Final programme documents:
Commission implementing Decision – CiD (= Financing Decision) Action Programme (= Financing Proposal under "IPA I") Underlying programme documents: Sector Planning Document (= combination of former SIF/SF) Action Document (= former Project/Sector Fiche) Sector Operational Document (= former Component III/IV)
Documents – Overview (cont.)
Programme documents
Documents – Overview (cont.)
Programme documents
The Sector Planning Document
A working and planning tool (i.e.NOT annexed to Decision!) IPA II specific … prepared by IPA II beneficiaries in collaboration with EU Delegations … showing the sequence of actions with a multi-annual perspective … updated as appropriate … and NOT another national sector strategy: Programme documents
Programme documents The Action Document A concise document:
only key elements included (NO ToRs!) overall budget only (i.e. no details on procurement in particular!) useful additional details as annexes only … … more focused on the intervention logic: logical framework AT THE CENTRE, and not as an annex! more details on performance measurement (i.e. indicators) … … more communication-oriented: short summary on cover page remember: wider circulation to external audiences + ELARG website! … … NOT annexed to the Decision! Programme documents
The Sector Operational Document
For multi-annual programmes with split commitments (indirect management by an IPA II beneficiary): covering one or more sectors in 2014, ONLY FOR the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey! …along the lines of programmes supported under IPA I Components III and IV for "regional development" types: MAJOR and MINOR projects … with specific 'underlying' approval procedures … according to thresholds … prepared for the entire programme period and used as reference (i.e. NOT annexed to Decision!) Programme documents
The Action Programme … and the Decision
is prepared by the Commission on the basis of the Action Documents (is made up of several Actions) is submitted for opinion to the IPA II Committee (i.e. Member States) describes general background, nature, scope, objectives and implementation arrangements for the planned actions, as well as indications on the funding planned … is an annex to the Commission implementing Decision (Financing Decision) which is a legal act of the Commission (implementing act) ref. Art. 84 FR & Art. 94 RAP Programme documents
Past, Present & Future Participation in FP7 and Horizon 2020
SEE2020 Strategy Western Balkan R&D Strategy for Innovation – WISE (drafted with World Bank / RCC to monitor progress) Contribution of R&D to industrial competitiveness Knowledge triangle in national & multi-country strategies
Pillar Dimension Measures
Pillar Target: GDP/per person employed increase by 32% Pillar Pillar Target: Add 300,000 highly qualified people in workforce D. Education & Competences E. R&D and Innovation F. Digital Society G. Cultural and Creative Sectors Objectives Reduce early education & training drop-out as % of population aged 18-24 Increase tertiary educational % of population aged 30-34 Objectives Increase expenditure on R&D in % of GDP Objectives Increase regional networked readiness Objectives Increase share of creative industries in GDP and employment Dimension Create Research Excellence Fund to strengthen capabilities and promote excellence Develop regional broadband high-speed internet access Continue developing common approaches to rehabilitating regional heritage - Ljubljana Process II Policies to increase equitable access, and participation in, high quality education Promote Networks of Excellence on a particular topic Develop cross border eServices with priority given to health, education, commerce, and trade Introduce a Technology Transfer programme on industry-science collaboration, marketable research and value-creation Encourage active cooperation between film policy bodies, public broadcasters, production & distribution companies Measures anti early drop-out and improve completion rates Measures Provide access to IT training as acquiring digital skills expand employment opportunities Standardise qualifications and remove obstacles for recognition Implement a regional Design Incubator based on a design network composed of relevant actors from the region Create an early stage start-up programme using both non-financial and financial instruments to support a viable long-term market for innovation finance Ensure education meets needs Entrepreneurship as key in education and training
Education/ Competences Cultural & Creative Sectors
Pillar Smart growth Pillar targets vi. Increase GDP per person employed by 32%; vii. Add 300,000 highly qualified people to the region's workforce Pillar Dimensions Education/ Competences R&D and Innovation Digital Society Cultural & Creative Sectors Dimension co-ordinator ERI SEE Regional Research Platform e-SEE RCC TFCS Other regional platforms involved Novi Sad Initiat., SEECEL WBIF/EDIF SEEIC CeGD CoMoCoSEE External partners ETF, DG EAC, WBPET World Bank, DG RTD / JRC UNDP, ITU, EC (DG Connect) CoE, ICOM Monitoring system RCC/OECD National administration participants Ministry of education; Employment bureaus Ministry of Science; Ministry of Economy Ministry of Information Society Ministry of Culture; Economy;
Next steps R&D key for economic growth R&D integral part of all socio-econ policies R&D support well co-ordinated between different stakeholders, notably donors and countries R&D support to those with highest spin off In short : make the case for the cause R&D high on (aid support) strategy
Looking at the work yet to be done
Key tasks/milestones JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC Framework Agreement Multi-Country Strategy Country Strategies Programmes EC Inter-Service Consultation Adoption IPA II Committee meeting
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