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University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer TECHNOLOGY MAPPING AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB Prof. dr. sc. Srđan Novak.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer TECHNOLOGY MAPPING AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB Prof. dr. sc. Srđan Novak."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer TECHNOLOGY MAPPING AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB Prof. dr. sc. Srđan Novak Workshop: INNOVATION MANAGEMENT 09. svibanj 2011.

2 University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer Beneficiary: University of Zagreb Eligibility period: 26/10/2010 – 25/04/2012 Total eligible costs: 240.537,50 IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-040301

3 University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-040301 PARTNERS: 1.University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture 2.University of Zagreb, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology 3.University of Zagreb, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology 4.University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science 5.University of Zagreb, School of Medicine

4 University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-040301 ASSOCIATES: 1.Croatian Agency for SMEs (HAMAG) 2.Croatian Chamber of Economy 3.Croatian Employers Association

5 University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer Why Technology Mapping? IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-040301

6 University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-040301 Knowledge Economy and Technology Transfer

7 University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-040301 Ulaganja u R&D 2007. u G$ (prema Batelle Global Report 2007) 1.SAD353 2.Kina175 3.Japan 144 4.Njemačka 65 5.Francuska 44 6.Indija 42 7.UK 40 8.J. Koreja 38 9.Ostatak EU 101 10.Ost. svijeta123 SVIJET UKUPNO 1124 G$ (RH 2005 (prema Eurostat Jan 2007): 0,345 G$)

8 University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-040301 Economy of South Korea (Wikipedia) The economy of South Korea is a highly developed trillion dollar free-market economy that is the fourth largest in Asia and 15th largest in the world.economySouth Koreadevelopedtrillion dollarfourth largest15th largest An extremely competitive education system and a highly skilled and motivated workforce are two key factors driving this knowledge economy that has the world's highest scientific literacy and second highest mathematical workforceknowledge economyscientific literacymathematical literacy The Economist Intelligence Unit ranked South Korea's IT Industry Competitiveness among the top three in the world.Economist Intelligence UnitIT Hyundai Kia Automotive GroupHyundai Kia Automotive Group became Asia's second largest car company and one of the top five automakers in the world.Asiacarautomakers 48, 5 million people 27.646 USD GDP per capita (2007.)

9 University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-040301 Levels of technology/knowledge transfer Education Consultancy Commercial services Contract research Collaborative research Licensing University spin-offs

10 University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-040301 Three pillars of modern university embedded in Knowledge Economy ( ERI Triangle): - high education - scientific research - innovation creation and technology transfer*

11 University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-040301 Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative Innovation Union communication_en.pdf EUA Prague Declaration 2009: European Universities – Looking forward with confidence Máire Geoghegan-Quinn Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science The UK in the EU: a win-win for science and innovation Commissioner's visit to the Royal Society London, 7 February 2011 SMART PEOPLE FOR SMART GROWTH Statement by the European University Association on the EU Flagship Initiative “Innovation Union” of the Europe 2020 European Strategy for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth flb.ashx

12 University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-040301 University of Zagreb (UniZg) - an overview Founded in 1669. the University of Zagreb is the oldest and the largest in SEE: 29 faculties and 3 academies (LEGAL ENTITIES), 60.440 students (Bologna Batchelors and Masters) 2000 PhD students 380 PhD diplomas, 4,500 scientist, 1,220 research projects financed by MSES (basic, applied and technology projects), 50 FP7 projects 1.149 original scientific papers cited in international databases (year 2009). In each of these indicators the University of Zagreb represents 60-80 % of the total of all universities in Croatia and more than 50 % of the whole academic community (universities plus public institutes).

13 University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-040301 University of Zagreb The Centre for Research, Development and Technology Transfer Activities: Promoting research excellence IP Protection Programme Spinout Programme Knowledge Exchange Programme

14 University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-040301 IP Protection Programme Promotion of Patenting Culture Disclosure/ Due-diligence Technology/ Market evaluations Patenting Sale/ Licensing

15 University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-040301 Spinout Programme Promotion of entrepreneurship Development of business skills Emergence of spinout support program

16 University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-040301 Knowledge Exchange Programme Supporting projects with industry Expertise and resource mapping Ensuring strong legal framework for activities

17 University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-040301 Technology Mapping Project

18 University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-040301 OVERALL OBJECTIVE To strengthen technology transfer and commercialization capacities of University of Zagreb in order to contribute to sustainable regional development and industry competitiveness of high value added sectors of the economy and knowledge based industry and SME's in Croatia.

19 University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-040301 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 1.To determine technology potentials and expertise of University of Zagreb 2.To enhance the access of the industry and SME's to University of Zagreb technology development information pool 3.To increase cooperation between University of Zagreb and industry and SME's

20 University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-040301 EXPECTED RESULTS R1Coordinated technology transfer development at University of Zagreb R2 Trained key staff R3 Mapped technology potential and expertise R4 Translated technology potential and expertise into different levels of technology transfer activities R5 Increased visibility of technology transfer

21 University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-040301 ACTIVITIES A1 Strategic coordination of technology transfer development A2 Training of researchers and Technology Transfer Liaisons A3 Preparation and execution of technology mapping A4 Organisation of networking events A5 Promotion of technology mapping and technology transfer

22 University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-040301 Target group: Researchers of 5 Partner Faculties (Heads of relevant organisational units)

23 University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-040301 Final beneficiaries: All University researchers and innovative SMEs and industry/business technology and expertise users

24 University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-040301 MEANS Personnel: 1 project manager, 2 technology analysts, 2 key experts in technology mapping and technology transfer, 1 external evaluator, 1 auditor Materials: strategic plans, guidelines for technology mapping and questionnaires, database and web si t e development, training modules and promotion material Seminar/events: seminar for strategic coordination, training for researchers and technology transfer liaisons, networking events, visibility events Subcontracting: 3 new staff, external evaluation, action audit, internet pages, data base development, catering for seminar/events

25 University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-040301 SUSTAINABILITY 1.Pilot technology mapping project that will later be implemented to all faculties of the University of Zagreb. 2.Future efforts will benefit from developed approach, methodology, experience and received feedback about action implementation. 3.Expected results from proposed action will be profoundly used for strategic planning and preparation of University of Zagreb long term initiatives (Biosciences Technology Commercialisation and Incubation Centre, funded under IPA III C, priority 2.1-, and the Science and Technology Research Park, planned under next IPA operative programme/or ESF). Action outcomes will be used as inputs for future long-term initiatives. All target groups and final beneficiaries of proposed action will adjust easily to transition of action activities into future projects like Incubation Centres and Technology Research Parks.

26 University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-040301 FUTURE ACTIVITIES survey of informally collected materials methodology refinement mapping start-up workshops for principal investigators on-line questionnaire (Survey Monkey) one-to-one interviews with principal investigators data collection completed on three faculties (PBF, FKIT and AGR) till August 2011 data collection completed on all faculties till March 2012

27 University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-040301 FUTURE ACTIVITIES mapping analysis and outcomes strategic planning on TT and innovation training workshops for liaisons workshops for young researchers academia-industry matchmaking events wrapping-up

28 University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-040301 RELATION TO ONGOING AND FUTURE PROJECTS 1.Science & Technology Project (MSES & Word Bank) 2.Tempus OPUS project (Opening University towards Society: Connecting Education- Research-Innovation) Technology mapping at University of Zagreb (IPA) 1.Biosciences Technology Comercialization Centre (joint project of BICRO, UniZg, City of Zagreb) 2.Razvoj organizacijskog modela Sjevernog kampusa (razvojni projekt Sveučilišta u Zagrebu – FBF, MF, PMF, SF) 3.Razvoj potpore akademskom poduzetništvu i suradnji s industrijom (razvojni projekt Sveučilišta u Zagrebu – FER, FSB, ŠF) 4.New IPA project (Jan/Feb 2011) 5.EU STRUCTURAL FUNDS (2013)

29 University of Zagreb, Centre for research, development and technology transfer IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-040301 CONTACT Prof. dr. sc. Srđan Novak SVEUČILIŠTE U ZAGREBU Centar za istraživanje, razvoj i transfer tehnologije Poštanska adresa: Trg maršala Tita 14 Lokacija: Zvonimirova 8 HR-10000 Zagreb Telefon: ++385 1 4698 168 Mobi: ++385 99 4698 168 Faks: ++385 1 4698 136, ++385 1 4698 141 Zrnka Kušen SVEUČILIŠTE U ZAGREBU Centar za istraživanje, razvoj i transfer tehnologije Poštanska adresa: Trg maršala Tita 14 Lokacija: Zvonimirova 8 HR-10000 Zagreb Telefon: ++385 1 4698 126 Faks: ++385 1 4698 136,

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