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Cluster of knowledge Modernizing the VET system – improving performance, quality and attractiveness of VET National Centre for TVET Development Romania.

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Presentation on theme: "Cluster of knowledge Modernizing the VET system – improving performance, quality and attractiveness of VET National Centre for TVET Development Romania."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cluster of knowledge Modernizing the VET system – improving performance, quality and attractiveness of VET National Centre for TVET Development Romania

2 2 Composition of the cluster The cluster is jointly organised by Task Force Fostering and Building Human Capital (TFBHC) and the Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe (ERI SEE) Participating countries: Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia The former Republic of Macedonia The Republic of Moldova Montenegro Romania (leading country) Serbia Participating organisations: ETF KKA on behalf of the TFBHC

3 3 Overall objective support the regional cooperation in VET in accordance with the diversified needs of the countries for mutual learning, regional exchange of experience and good practice and for encompassing the specific phases of national reforms in VET Synergies with the South Eastern Europe Regional VET Network (SEEVET-Net) of the ERI SEE is envisaged

4 4 Reference to the ERISEE The cluster’s overall objective is consistent with ERISEE specific objectives for 2011: “Development of mutual policy learning practices through enhanced institutional cooperation in VET in South East Europe “, “Further support to country initiatives in the domain of mutual policy learning and cooperation in the field of education in general”, “Initiating regional exchange of policies and practices in the area of equity and access to education, a measure of particularly relevance for reducing the percentage of early school leavers …., as suggested by EU2020 education benchmarks”.

5 5 Specific objectives knowledge transfer on the national policies on: – quality assurance – VET atractiveness developing mutual policy learning practices and strengthening the exchange of information and good practice among the countries represented at the cluster supporting intra-country and inter-country co-operation on VET at regional level formulation of recommendations for future ERI SEE support to regional cooperation in VET

6 6 Key output A Compendium of Good Practices in Improving performance, quality and attractiveness of VET, including:Compendia.docCompendia.doc Objectives and scope Sources and methods A set of good practices on different topics of interest, with key policy conclusions summaries Conclusions and implications for future developments

7 7 Goals for developing the compendia To identify factors that constitute drivers for and are related to quality and attractiveness of VET To map the countries policy measures To improve quality and attractiveness of VET in the region

8 8 Proposed topics - 1 Marketing and communication – Developing a communication strategy targeted at the different stakeholders – Developing a maketing/promotional strategy Guidance and counselling – Counselling service – Employment service Responsiveness to students’ needs – Improving the access to IVET – Developing flexible provision and pathways in VET – Facilitating transfers in VET system – Improving access to higher education – Responsiveness through delivery of the curriculum – Recognition of non-formal and informal learning – Supporting international mobility – Inclusive IVET

9 9 Proposed topics - 2 Links with labour market – VET offer planning mechanisms – Sector involvement – Taking better account of labour-market requirements Improving teaching and learning – VET teacher and trainer trening – Student centred learning approach – Work based learning Fostering creativity and entrepreneurship – Creativity encouragement – Entrepreneurship skills development – Partnership and dialogue Improving quality of VET – Quality framework developments – Benchmarking and mutual learning

10 10 Structure of good practice example -content proposal-QA_IVET_ROMANIA[1].docQA_IVET_ROMANIA[1].doc -Executive summary -Objectives and scope -Context -Benefits -Factual data -Sources and methods -Contact information

11 11 What has been achieved MEETINGS kickoff meeting to agree upon the cluster’s objectives and timeline and to decide on cluster’s outputs - 30-31 May 2011, Bucharest workshop on exchange of good practices on the agreed topics of interest (with focus on quality assurance and cooperation with social partners in VET)- November 2011, AUSTRIA MAIN RESULTS agreement on the cluster’s objectives and on the working plan common decision on the set of topics of common interest to be included in the compendium an agreed structure for the good practice examples draft versions of the good practice examples elaborated by some of the participating countries

12 12 Next steps Elaboration of the drafts of good practice examples by all of the participating countries Workshop for discussing and revising the content of the good practices to be included in the compendium - June 2012, ROMANIA VET CoK Invitation 21-22 June12.pdf VET CoK Invitation 21-22 June12.pdf Meeting for concluding on cluster’s outputs and for identifying priorities for further development of VET policy in region, adapted to national needs - recommendations for further cooperation, September – October 2012, ROMANIA

13 13 Envisaged timeline Kickoff meeting to agree upon the cluster’s objectives and timeline and to decide on cluster’s outputs - 30-31 May 2011, Bucharest Workshop on exchange of good practices on the agreed topics of interest (with focus on quality assurance and cooperation with social partners in VET)- November 2011, AUSTRIA Workshop for developing the content of the good practices to be included in the compendium - June 2012, ROMANIA Meeting for concluding on cluster’s outputs and for identifying priorities for further development of VET policy in region, adapted to national needs - recommendations for further cooperation, September – October 2012, ROMANIA

14 14 For further information… National Centre for TVET Development in Romania Tel: +4021 311 1162 +4021 312 1161 Fax: +4021 312 54 98

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