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Texas Government 2306 Unit 6 The Governor Being Governor: Most Difficult Aspects.

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2 Texas Government 2306 Unit 6 The Governor

3 Being Governor: Most Difficult Aspects

4 How Governors Spend Their Time

5 The Divided Executive Based on the Jacksonian democratic theory that most major officeholders should be elected:  A preference for decentralized leadership  No single official responsible for either policy initiation or implementation

6 TEXAS GOVERNOR  Qualifications –o Formal –o Informal  Term  Salary  Removal & Succession  Impact of: –o Colonial Experience –o Reconstruction

7 Formal Qualifications to Be Governor Minimal requirements:  One must be 30 years of age  An American citizen  A citizen of Texas for five years prior to election

8 Informal Qualifications to be Governor WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) Male (only two female governors in Texas) Middle-aged successful Businessperson or Attorney Conservative-to-Moderate candidate Wealthy or have access to Money

9 Tenure 4 year term (47 other states, too) No limits on number of terms

10 Governor’s Compensation Salary is set by the legislature Present salary is $115,345 (among highest in the nation) The governor’s mansion with a maintenance expense account A professional staff with offices in the capitol

11 Removal, & Succession Can be removed from office only by impeachment The Lieutenant Governor is next in line of succession

12 Impact of Colonial Experience Reconstruction

13 Roles of the Texas Governor

14 Texas Executive Branch The Plural Executive

15 Executive Powers  Appointive Powers Plural executive Senate approval Staggered terms  Removal Powers  Directive Powers  Budgetary Powers

16 Legislative Powers  Message Powers  Veto Powers Types: general, item, pocket  Special Session Powers

17 Texas Governors’ Vetoes 1876-1968 – –936 vetoes –Only 25 overridden Last Veto Overridden – 1979 WHY?

18 Judicial Powers  Clemency Powers -originally unlimited -after 1936 most powers transferred to the Board of Pardons and Paroles -can only postpone executions for 30 days  Fill judicial vacancies

19 Military-Law Enforcement Powers Law Enforcement Powers – very limited Military Powers – commander-in- chief of the state militia, able to declare an area under martial law

20 Powers as Party Chief  Patronage (appointment powers)  Appoints Party Chair

21 Powers as Chief of State  Ceremonial duties  as members of multistate organizations they help coordinate relations with other states;  As coordinator of state agencies interactions with the federal government;  To request federal aid due to natural disasters or economic crises  Visibility  Represents/Speaks for Texas

22 Ranking of 50 State Governors - 1971

23 3 Constitutional Amendments to Strengthen Governor 1972—changed term from 2 to 4 years (went into effect in 1975) 1981—gave governor removal power over personal appointees (with approval of 2/3 of Texas Senate) 1985—created the Budget Execution Committee— can transfer money from one agency to another & reduce expenditures if a budget shortfall occurs (governor, lieut. governor, & speaker)

24 Ranking of 50 State Governors - 1999

25 Constitutional Powers of 50 State Governors

26 Governor’s Informal Powers The Five “P’s” 1. Personality 2. Political Expertise 3. Press Relations 4. Prestige 5. Public Support/Popularity

27 Recommended Reforms for the Texas Governor  Replace plural executive with cabinet system  Expand appointment powers  Expand removal powers  Increase budgetary powers  Increase directive powers

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