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Congress at Work.  1,000 of bills go to Congress every session, only about 100 are made into laws...why do you think that is?  How are bills killed?

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Presentation on theme: "Congress at Work.  1,000 of bills go to Congress every session, only about 100 are made into laws...why do you think that is?  How are bills killed?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Congress at Work

2  1,000 of bills go to Congress every session, only about 100 are made into laws...why do you think that is?  How are bills killed? 1.Most die in committees 2.No votes 3.Vetoed by the President

3 1. Private Bills- deal with individual ppl or places. Recently only 100 of 12,000 were private. Claims against a problem or immigration. 2. Public Bills-deal with general matters and apply to the entire nation. ◦ Ex) tax cuts, national health insurance, gun control

4  To make a policy on an unusual matter 1. Simple resolution- covers matters affecting only one house of Congress. 2. Joint resolution- covers matter affecting both houses. ◦ EX) to clarify something in a bill already voted on, or correct something. Also can be if they want to amend the const. but does not require the presidents siganture 3. Concurrent resolutions-needs both houses but a law not needed. ◦ EX) express congess’ opinoin on something. ◦


6  Idea can come from a citizen, interest group or executive branch.  ½ are from the exec branch  Bill are drafted by LA’s and lawyers but only a member of congress can introduce a bill.

7 As soon as the bill is introduced, it is given a title and # and then printed and distributed to lawmakers. EX) H.R. 1 AND S.1  House ◦ Congressman drops the bill into the hopper, a box near the clerk’s desk.  Senate ◦ Presiding officer must first recognize the senator, who then formally presents the bill

8  Once a bill is sent to a committee they can either let it “die” by not touching it, or kill it by a majority vote.  If they decide to take it on they can keep it in their committee or send it to a sub- committee.  Why do you think other senators and congressman accept what the committee says about a bill?

9  Committee members hear testimony from experts on the bill. ◦ Ex) Jewel about homelessness  Committee chairs are very influential and can use this time to sway the public to like or dislike the bill.  Committee’s have begun to use skype to hear witness statements and the public is able to view any hearing online or on t.v.

10  If they like the bill they will have a mark-up session to go through each line and decide to keep it, toss it or change it. A majority opinion for all of these is essential.

11  When the committee is done “marking it up” they will vote on weather to report the bill.  In their report they list: ◦ The bill ◦ Their mark-ups ◦ Gives their opinion on the bill  Reporting it means they send it to the House and Senate to vote on.  Do they report a bill if they vote no on it?

12  Introduced and read again by clerk.  Usually only a few lawmakers will debate it since it has been highly debated already during ___________?  Amendments can be big changes or just typographical changes  Lawmakers can amend the bill with majority vote of members present.  ****If a lawmaker wants to kill a bill it can load it up with amendments and that takes a while so it will “die”.

13  Need a quorum to vote on a bill. (majority have to be there)  Bill is read for the 3 rd reading and then a vote is taken. Majority is needed to pass it.  3 ways of voting: 1.Voice Vote -“aye” or “no” @ same time (yikes) 2.Standing vote, or division vote- stand up for “aye” stand up for “no” 3.Roll call vote-each member says “aye” or “no” when their name is called in alphabetical order.  House of Rep’s use a 4 th method called the recorded vote where they record on a computer and its shown. Saves time in calling out 435 names. What year do you think they came up with this?

14  To make a bill a law, it must pass the exact same way in both houses. so, if the verbiage differs they…  Send a member from the committee it was brought up in to a conference committee to iron out the details.  Once they agree on all the changes, they write a report and vote on it, it must pass a majority vote to be written.

15  “Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it becomes a Law, be presented to the President of the United States”  Article 1, Sections 7 of the Consitutution  If the President signs the bill, it becomes law!  If it sits on desk for 10 days and session ends, it dies  OR if it sits on his desk for 10 days and congress is still in session is becomes a law!  Usually the President signs it Why?

16  Presidential Veto- sends it back and explains why he vetoed it.  Pocket Veto- sits on his desk for 10 days  Congressional Override to veto- 2/3 members of congress to override a Presidential veto. (rarely happens)  Line-item veto-takes out certain lines while keeping the rest of the bill. Ex)spending and tax items.

17 1. Registered with the National Archives and Records Service 2. Labeled as a public or private law and assigned a #. 1.EX) Public Law 187 under the 105 th Congress is registered as PL105-187. 3. Law is added to the U.S. Code of current federal laws

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