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Mu2e experiment at Fermilab
Yuri Davydov DLNP, JINR, Dubna Erevan, March 2015
m- N e- N Introduction What is Mu2e?
A search for Charged-Lepton Flavor Violation via Will use current Fermilab accelerator complex to reach a sensitivity better than current world’s best Will have discovery sensitivity over broad swath of New Physics parameter space m- N e- N March 2015
We’ve known for a long time that quarks mix (Quark) Flavor Violation
In last 15 years we’ve come to know that neutrinos mix Lepton Flavor Violation (LFV) Why not Charged Lepton Flavor Violation (CLFV)? In general, new physics models have to work hard to *suppress* FNCN. And, of course, empirically, we all know that the other fermions in the SM mix… the quarks mix, the neutral leptons mix – so, to me, it would be surprising if the charged leptons *didn’t* mix. The key questions, then, are 1) at what level do they mix? And 2) what can we learn from measuring CLFV rates? Cabbibo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Pontecorvo-Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata March 2015
CLFV in the Standard Model
q m- e- W g nm ne Strictly speaking, forbidden in the SM Even in ν-SM, extremely suppressed (rate ~ Δmν2 / Mw2 < 10-50) However, most all NP models predict rates observable at next generation CLFV experiments … now, this last statement shouldn’t surprise you. March 2015
The BR of CLFV processes in the Standard Model
Mu2e : SM prediction and New Physics The BR of CLFV processes in the Standard Model Mu2e sensitivity is 6*10-17 NP Sensitive to mass scales up to O(10,000 TeV) March 2015 Flavour Physics of Leptons and Dipole Moments, Eur.Phys.J.C57:13-182,2008
Mu2e – High Priority for U.S. HEP
In the 2008 P5 report Mu2e was strongly supported: “Mu2e should be pursued in all budget scenarios considered by the panel” In 2010 P5 reiterated their support of the 2008 plan and the priorities specified therein. In 2013 the Facilities Panel gave Mu2e the highest endorsement: “The science of Mu2e is Critical to the DOE OHEP mission and is Ready to Construct.” In the 2014 P5 report Mu2e is strongly supported: Recommendation 14, “Complete the Muon (g-2) and Mu2e Projects.” March 2015
How does Mu2e work? March 2015
Mu2e Concept Generate a beam of low momentum muons (
Stop the muons in a target Mu2e plans to use aluminum Sensitivity goal requires ~1018 stopped muons The stopped muons are trapped in orbit around the nucleus In orbit around aluminum: Al = 864 ns Large N important for discriminating background Look for events consistent with mNeN March 2015
The process is a coherent one
Mu2e Signal The process is a coherent one The nucleus is kept intact Experimental signature is an electron and nothing else Energy of electron: Ee = m - Erecoil - E1S-B.E. For aluminum: Ee= MeV Important for discriminating background March 2015
Design goal: single-event-sensitivity 2.4 x 10-17
Mu2e Sensitivity Design goal: single-event-sensitivity 2.4 x 10-17 Requires about 1018 stopped muons Requires about 1020 protons on target Requires extreme suppression of backgrounds Expected limit: Rme < 6 x 90% CL Factor 104 improvement Discovery sensitivity: all Rme > 1 x 10-16 Covers broad range of new physics theories March 2015
µ-e conversion experiment concept
The great-grandparents of the Mu2e ( MELC, 1992; MECO, 1997) V.M. Lobashev and R.M. Djilkibaev March 2015
Baseline Mu2e Apparatus
8-GeV protons from delivery ring (about 25 meters end-to-end Particles produced from tungsten target Muons stop on Al target, which emits an electron isotropically 2.0 T 2.5 T 1.0 T 4.6 T Detector Region: Uniform Field 1T Graded B for most of length S-shaped solenoid: transports particles to detector area, and allows remaining pions to decay to muons collimator selects negatively-charged particles Tracker/calorimeter detect electron signature March 2015
The Measurement Method
Ee = m - Erecoil - E1S-B.E. Ee= MeV
Some Mu2e numbers Every 1 second Mu2e will By the time Mu2e is done…
Send 7,000,000,000,000 protons to theProduction Solenoid Send 26,000,000,000 ms through the Transport Solenoid Stop 13,000,000,000, ms in the Detector Solenoid By the time Mu2e is done… Total number of stopped muons 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 March 2015
Mu2e Proton Beam Time (ns) Proton pulse on Production target Muons at Stopping target 1700 ns 700 ns 900 ns Live Window I mentioned that the long lifetime of the muonic Al. atom was important in discriminating background. I’d like to take a minute to explain why before discussing the background sources in more detail. Mu2e will use a pulsed proton beam (previous mu2e experiments used a DC beam). Mu2e will use a pulsed proton beam and a delayed live gate to suppress prompt backgrounds March 2015
Will employ straw technology
The Mu2e Tracker Will employ straw technology Low mass Can reliably operate in vacuum Robust against single-wire failures 5 mm diameter straw Spiral wound Walls: 12 mm Mylar + 3 mm epoxy + 200 Å Au Å Al 25 mm Au-plated W sense wire 33 – 117 cm in length 80/20 Ar/CO2 with HV < 1500 V March 2015
The Mu2e Tracker Self-supporting “panel” consists of 100 straws
plane station Self-supporting “panel” consists of 100 straws 6 panels assembled to make a “plane” 2 planes assembled to make a “station” Rotation of panels and planes improves stereo information >20k straws total March 2015
The Mu2e Tracker 18-20 “stations” with straws transverse to beam
Naturally moves readout and support to large radii, out of active volume 3 meters 38 cm 70 cm March 2015
Inner 38 cm is purposefully un-instrumented
The Mu2e Tracker Escape thru center of Tracker Fully fiducial Inner 38 cm is purposefully un-instrumented Blind to beam flash Blind to >99% of DIO spectrum March 2015
Mu2e Calorimeter Crystal calorimeter Compact Radiation hard
Good timing and energy resolution March 2015
Mu2e Calorimeter Baseline design : Barrium Flouride (BaF2)
Radiation hard, very fast, non-hygroscopic BaF2 Density (g/cm3) 4.89 Radiation length (cm) 2.03 Moliere Radius (cm) 3.10 Interaction length (cm) 30.7 dE/dX (MeV/cm) 6.52 Refractive index 1.50 Peak luminescence (nm) 220 (300) Decay time (ns) 1 (650) Light yield (rel. to NaI) 5% (42%) Variation with temperature 0.1% (-1.9)% / deg-C March 2015
Mu2e Calorimeter Will employ 2 disks ( radius = 36-70 cm)
~2000 crystals with hexagonal cross-section ~3 cm diameter, ~20 cm long (10 X0) Two photo-sensors/crystal on back (APDs or SiPMs) March 2015
Veto system covers entire DS and half TS
Mu2e Cosmic-Ray Veto PS TS Without the veto system, ~1 cosmic-ray induced background event per day Veto system covers entire DS and half TS March 2015
Will use 4 overlapping layers of scintillator
Mu2e Cosmic-Ray Veto Will use 4 overlapping layers of scintillator Each bar is 5 x 2 x ~450 cm3 2 WLS fibers / bar Read-out both ends of each fiber with SiPM Have achieved e > 99.4% (per layer) in test beam March 2015
Backgrounds Stopped Muon induced
Muon decay in orbit (DIO) Out of time protons or long transit-time secondaries Radiative pion capture; Muon decay in flight Pion decay in flight; Beam electrons Anti-protons Secondaries from cosmic rays Mitigation: Excellent momentum resolution Excellent extinction plus delayed measurement window Thin window at center of TS absorbs anti-protons Shielding and veto March 2015
Designed to be nearly background free
Mu2e Backgrounds Category Source Events Decay in Orbit 0.20 Intrinsic Radiative Capture <0.01 Radiative Capture 0.02 Beam electrons Decay in Flight Late Arriving Decay in Flight Anti-proton induced 0.05 Miscellaneous Cosmic Ray induced 0.10 Total Background 0.37 (assuming 6.7E17 stopped muons in 6E7 s of beam time) Designed to be nearly background free March 2015
Mu2e Intrinsic Backgrounds
Once trapped in orbit, muons will: Decay in orbit (DIO): N --> e- eN For Al. DIO fraction is 39% Electron spectrum has tail out to MeV Accounts for ~55% of total background March 2015
Mu2e Intrinsic Backgrounds
Once trapped in orbit, muons will: Capture on the nucleus: For Al. capture fraction is 61% Ordinary Capture NZ --> N*Z-1 Used for normalization Radiative capture NZ --> N*Z-1 + (# Radiative / # Ordinary) ~ 1 / 100,000 E kinematic end-point ~102 MeV Asymmetric -->e+e- pair production can yield a background electron March 2015
Prompt Background Suppression
Happens around the time, when the beam arrives at the target. Sources beam electrons, muon decay in flight, pion decay in flight, radiative pion capture May create electrons with energies in the signal region Prompt background can be suppressed by not taking data during the first 670 ns after the peak of the proton pulse. However, this prompt background cannot be eliminated entirely, since some of the protons arrive “out of time”. A ratio of is required for the beam between pulses vs. the beam contained in a pulse. 670 ns 925 ns 1695 ns The lifetime of a muon in an Al orbit is 864 ns March 2015
Mu2e Late Arriving Backgrounds
Contributions from Radiative Capture NZ --> N*Z-1 + For Al. RC fraction: 2% Eextends out to ~m Asymmetric e+e- pair production can yield background electron Beam electrons Originating from upstream and decays Electrons scatter in stopping target to get into detector acceptance Muon and pion Decay-in-Flight Taken together these backgrounds account for ~10% of the total background and scale linearly with the number of out-of-time protons March 2015
Backgrounds for 3 Year Run
Source Events Comment μ decay in orbit (DIO) 0.20 ± 0.06 Anti-proton capture 0.10 ± 0.06 Radiative π- capture* 0.04 ± 0.02 From protons during detection time Beam electrons* 0.001 ± 0.001 μ decay in flight* 0.010 ± 0.005 With e- scatter in target Cosmic ray induced 0.050 ± 0.013 Assumes 10-4 veto inefficiency Total 0.4 ± 0.1 All values preliminary; some are stat error only. * scales with extinction: values in table assume extinction = 10-10 March 2015
Mu2e Miscellaneous Backgrounds
Several additional miscellaneous sources can contribute background - most importantly: Anti-protons Proton beam is just above pbar production threshold These low momentum pbars wander until they annihilate A thin mylar window in beamline absorbs most of them Annihilations produce high multiplicity final states e.g. can undergo RC to yield a background electron Cosmic rays Suppressed by passive and active shielding DIF or interactions in the detector material can give an e- or that yield a background electron Background listed assumes veto efficiency of 99.99% March 2015
Signal Sensitivity for 3 Year Run
~4x1020 protons on target (3 year 8 KW) Stopped μ: 1018 Nμe = 3.94 ± For R = 10-16 NDIO = 0.20 ± 0.06 NOther = 0.2 SES = (2.5 ± 0.1) × 10-17 Errors are stat only Reconstructed e- Momentum March 2015
LYSO 5x5 matrix beam tests
March 2015
JINR CONTRIBUTION (1) Mu2e Electromagnetic calorimeter
Evaluation of crystal samples including LGSO, LSO, LYSO, BaF2 and CsI. Tests of the crystals on the gamma sources, cosmic muons and accelerator beams. Tests of the optical uniformity, scintillation yield and yield collection uniformity. Upgrade of the facility for the crystal testing at DLNP JINR. Simulation of the electromagnetic calorimeter elements and calorimeter in whole. Participation in the radiation hardness of the crystal and front-end electronic tests on the neutron sources of JINR and/or collaborator institutes. Participation in the production of crystals for the experiment in cooperation with Kharkov. Participation in quality control of the crystals by testing their performance. Participation in calorimeter construction and integration in the full detector on the experimental site. Maintenance of the calorimeter during the data taking period to ensure efficient operation. March 2015
JINR CONTRIBUTION (2) Mu2e Cosmic Ray Veto system
Participation in the simulation activity of Mu2e experiment to define the final demands to Cosmic Ray Veto system and choose the optimal geometry of this system. Upgrade of the facility for scintillation counters tests at DLNP JINR and Fermilab. Design, build and test the prototype scintillation counters for Cosmic Ray Veto system at the created stands. Participation in the prototype scintillator counters tests on the neutron facilities of JINR and/or collaborator institutes to define sensitivity of neutron registration and radiation hardness. Participation in the mass production and tests of the scintillation counters for Cosmic Ray Veto system in the cooperation with Kharkov, Fermilab and University of Virginia (UVA). Participation in the CRV test stand construction at Fermilab. Participation in the CRV construction and integration in the full detector on the experimental site. Maintenance of this system during the data taking period to provide its efficient operation. March 2015
Experimental setups for crystals and strips tests
March 2015
LYSO – SICCAS: 22Na, coincidence
Two left frames: linear scales, the bottom frame shows 1275 keV and keV sum peaks Right bottom frame shows spectrum in log scale along with peaks fitted with Gaussian
JINR Mu2e: Comparison of 3 crystals - Energy resolution and Linearity of the energy response
Sample from ISMA NASU* with triangular cross-section and inner hole
The triangle scintillation strips with a hole in the center (diam. 2.6 mm) are similar to those developed for MINERvA Water-filling hole plug Geometry for the our strip sample: Base: 33 mm Height: 17 mm Length: 2000 mm For water-filling holes were drilled in the side faces of the sample and plugs are made (see photo). Fiber end * ISMA NASU – Institute for Scintillation Materials, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Test conditions Measurements of the light yields for the same sample of the scintillation strip with/without distilled water inside were done; Light collected by using d = 1.2 mm Kuraray WLS fiber. The strip’s far end was covered by Aluminum foil, near end was closed by black plastic cap for light isolation. Just hole left for coupling the WLS fiber to the PMT; The WLS fiber was inserted into the hole and fixed by glue on both ends; Distilled water pumped through the sample, no air bubbles were observed. PMT EMI 9814B was used, HV= 2200 V. Four pairs of trigger counters were used; Absolute calibration method was used to calculate the light yield 2 2 4
Results: comparison of the light collected of the same sample using the wls fiber with/without water
Fit function f(x)=expp0+p1*x Measuring points (см) : Increase of the yield of light (%) :
Some publications L. Bartoszek et al., “Mu2e Technical Design Report”, arXiv: (2015). K. Afanaciev et al., “Response of LYSO:Ce scintillation crystals to low energy gamma-rays”, “Particles and Nuclei, Letters”, 2015, issue 2. G. Pezzullo et al., “Progress status for the Mu2e calorimeter system”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 587(2015), G. Pezzullo et al., “The LYSO crystal calorimeter for the Mu2e experiment”, 2014 JINST 9 C03018. O. Sidletskiy et al., “Evaluation of LGSO:Ce scintillator for high energy physics experiments”, Nucl. Instr.&Meth. A735(2014) J. Budagov et al., “The calorimeter project for the Mu2e experiment”, Nucl. Instr.&Meth. A718(2013) Z. Usubov, “Light output simulation of LYSO single crystal”, arXiv: (2013). Z. Usubov, “Electromagnetic calorimeter simulation for future µ→e conversion experiments”, arXiv: (2012). R.J. Abrams et al., “Mu2e Conceptual Design Report”, arXiv: (2012). March 2015
Mu2e Technical Schedule
CD-1 CD-3a CD-2/3 Superconductor R&D Fabricate and QA Superconductor Solenoid Design Solenoid Fabrication and QA Field Mapping Install Detector Operations Detector Hall Design Site Work Detector Hall Construction Solenoid Infrastructure Solenoid Installation Detector Construction Accelerator and Beamline FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY20 March 2015
What next? Precision Measurement if necessary Measure conversion rate as a function of Z Higher Sensitivity search Mu2e Signal? Yes No Accelerator Upgrade A next-generation Mu2e experiment makes sense in all scenarios Push sensitivity or Study underlying new physics Will need more protons upgrade accelerator March 2015
Improves sensitivity by a factor of 104
Summary The Mu2e experiment: Improves sensitivity by a factor of 104 Provides discovery capability over wide range of New Physics models Is complementary to LHC, heavy-flavor, and neutrino experiments March 2015
BACKUP March 2015
March 2015
Mu2e / COMET comparison Mu2e COMET approval/ funding Operation
ranked among the very top priorities for the U.S. HEP program P5 Report 2014 “Complete the Mu2e and g-2 projects.” Mu2e is fully funded in all budget scenarios The DOE is committed to completing Mu2e COMET phase-II funding has not been identified and Japan has clearly stated that their top priorities are Belle-II, long baseline neutrinos, and ILC Operation Condition Mu2e will run simultaneously with NOvA and the short-baseline neutrino program at Fermilab COMET cannot run simultaneously with the JPARC neutrino program. It forces COMET to plan for higher beam power in order to minimize the amount of required beam time Detector Straight Solenoid with gradient field Tracker and Calorimeter C-shape Solenoid with gradient field the COMET solenoids, particularly their production solenoid, is more technically risky (e.g. they will use a 9 (!) layer coil, Mu2e is 3 layer). Because the Mu2e DS is straight, it is equally sensitive to e- and e+ and thus have an additional physics channel μ-N e+ N’ and will be able to measure in situ some background components (e.g. π-N γN’ e-e+N’) March 2015
March 2015
Mu2e / COMET comparison Mu2e has consistently been ranked among the very top priorities for the U.S. HEP program P5 Report 2008 Facilities Report 2012 P5 Report 2014 “Complete the Mu2e and g-2 projects.” Mu2e is fully funded in all budget scenarios The DOE is committed to completing Mu2e COMET phase-II funding has not been identified and Japan has clearly stated that their top priorities are Belle-II, long baseline neutrinos, and ILC Mu2e solenoids are technically less risky and employ fabrication and cooling techniques that have been used before the COMET solenoids, particularly their production solenoid, is more technically challenging (e.g. they will use a 9 (!) layer coil, Mu2e is 3 layer). March 2015
Status of CLFV Searches
March 2015
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