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The journey begins!. Success in A&P is NOT guaranteed. It takes HARD work, and good study skills Study Skills: Come to class having already read the material.

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Presentation on theme: "The journey begins!. Success in A&P is NOT guaranteed. It takes HARD work, and good study skills Study Skills: Come to class having already read the material."— Presentation transcript:

1 The journey begins!

2 Success in A&P is NOT guaranteed. It takes HARD work, and good study skills Study Skills: Come to class having already read the material. READ EVERY NIGHT Study a little at a time. Trust me, cramming does NOT work for A&P Go home and review the materials WITHIN 24 HOURS Help yourself by writing flash cards (there are great apps for that!), drawing diagrams, recopying notes or even making up songs (I’m ATP, yeah you know me!)

3 We will be using prefixes and suffixes over and over Learn the latin/greek roots well and life will be MUCH easier Ex: gluconeogenesis = gluco + neo + genesis Gluco: sugar like glucose Neo: new Genesis: to make, produce, or generate GLUCONEOGENESIS literally means “The production of new glucose molecules from non-sugar substances” See how easy that was??

4 Anatomy: The study of the structure and shape of the human body and body parts, and their relationships to one another. In Greek: “ana” means apart, “tomy” means to cut. Gross -vs- Microscopic anatomy


6 Physiology: The study of how the body and its parts work or function. “physio” means nature, “ology” means the study of.

7 Atoms – Molecules – Cells – Tissues – Organs – Organ Systems – Organism Organ Systems: Integumentary Skeletal Muscular Nervous Endocrine Cardiovascular Lymphatic Respiratory Digestive Urinary Reproductive

8 Maintaining boundaries Movement Respond to environmental changes Take in and digest nutrients Carry out metabolism Excrete wastes Reproduce Grow

9 Nutrients Oxygen Water Correct temperature and atmospheric pressure

10 The body’s ability to maintain a relatively stable internal environment 3 components: Receptor Control Center Effector Negative Feedback vs Positive Feedback

11 KNOW THESE ORIENATION AND DIRECTIONAL TERMS (p. 12) Superior Inferior Anterior (ventral) Posterior (dorsal) Medial Lateral Intermediate Proximal Distal Superficial Deep

12 Know the Anterior and Posterior Body Landmarks on page 13 Plane: imaginary line used to section parts of the body or organs Sections: Midsagittal (median) Frontal (coronal) Transverse (cross or horizontal)

13 Dorsal Body Cavity Cranial cavity Spinal cavity Ventral Body Cavity Thoracic cavity Abdominopelvic cavity Umbilical region Epigastric region Hypogastric (pubic) region Right/left iliac (inguinal) regions Right/left lumbar regions Right/left hypochondriac region

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