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JEOPARDY!!! 100 200 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 RemediationOil Sands Climate Change Acid Precipitation.

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2 JEOPARDY!!! 100 200 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 RemediationOil Sands Climate Change Acid Precipitation Potpourri 500 400 300 Final Jeopardy

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4 Remediation - 100 This type of remediation uses bacteria Bioremediation

5 Remediation -200 These type of secure sites capture methane gas Landfill

6 Remediation -300 The three types of sewage systems in Kingston are called: sanitation, stormwater, combination

7 Remediation -400 The technical name for the tree used in phytoremediation at Belle Park is called Phreatophyte

8 Remediation -500 The five steps in bioremediation are: 1. bacteria secrete enzymes 2. enzymes break down waste 3. bacteria eat broken down waste 4. bacteria excrete CO 2 and water 5. bacteria reproduce

9 The unprocessed oil is called this Bitumen Oil Sands -100

10 Oil Sands -200 The oil sands are found in this watershed Athabasca

11 Oil Sands -300 The two type of extraction processes are: Mining and Drilling (In-Situ)

12 Oil Sands -400 The 3 main toxins of concern entering the watershed are: Arsenic, lead, mercury

13 Oil Sands -500 The three major deposits in the oil sands are called 1. Athabasca 2. Cold Lake 3. The Carbonate Triangle

14 Climate Change -100 This is the most abundant greenhouse gas Water

15 Climate Change -200 These type of records show evidence of CO 2 levels increasing Ice Core

16 Climate Change -300 The role of O 3 in the stratosphere is to do what? Absorb harmful ultraviolet radiation

17 Climate Change -400 Ocean Currents are driven by this process: Density differences between fresh and salt water – salt water falls, fresh water rises

18 Climate Change -500 These two types of radiation are being reflected back to earth because of the greenhouse effect Solar and Infrared Radiation

19 Acid Precipitation -100 The two main chemicals responsible for acid precipitation are: Sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) and Nitrogen Oxides (NO x )

20 Acid Precipitation -200 When acids are dissolved in water they release this ion. H+H+

21 Acid Precipitation -300 Eastern Canada receives more pollution from US industry because of what atmospheric condition? Prevailing Westerly Winds

22 Acid Precipitation -400 Name the 3 methods that can be used to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions 1. Wash coal before combustion 2. Wash smoke before leaving smokestack 3. Use scrubbers after combustion

23 Acid Precipitation -500 Write the chemical equation that causes acid precipitation NO X + H 2 O  Nitric Acid (HNO 3 ) or SO 2 + H 2 O  Sulfuric Acid (H 2 SO 4 )

24 Potpourri -100 This shark is considered endangered in Canada Basking Shark

25 Potpourri -200 Name the 3 types of Biodiversity. Community, Genetic, Species

26 Potpourri -300 What are the 2 types of obsolescence described in “The Story of Stuff” Planned and Perceived

27 Potpourri -400 What are the 5 processes involved in SARA? 1. Monitoring; 2. Species Assessment; 3. Response; 4. Recovery; 5. Program Evaluation

28 Potpourri -500 Name the 5 components of the linear system discussed in Annie Leonard’s “The Story of Stuff” Extraction, Production, Distribution, Consumption, Disposal

29 FINAL JEOPARDY Correctly Draw the Acid Precipitation Diagram

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