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100 200 300 400 500 Organisms with the highest urine concentrations. Answer: Mammalian desert organisms.

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2 100 200 300 400 500

3 Organisms with the highest urine concentrations. Answer: Mammalian desert organisms

4 Organ responsible for storing urine. Answer: Urinary bladder

5 Marine invertebrates that do not regulate salt and water balance. Answer: Osmoconformers

6 A small, highly toxic molecule that results from the breakdown of amino acids and nucleic acids Answer: Ammonia

7 In mammals, the main organ of excretion Answer: What is the Kidney?

8 The starting reactants of nitrogenous wastes Answer: What are amino acids and nucleic Acids?

9 Where urea forms Answer: What is the Liver?

10 Bony fish that lose water osmotically because they live in marine environments. (drink salt water & excrete excess salt) Answer: Osmoregulatory

11 In order of decreasing required energy to produce. Answer: Ammonia, Urea, Uric Acid

12 Conducts urine from bladder to outside Answer: What is the urethra?

13 A pigment produced in the liver from the breakdown of hemoglobin. Answer: What is bilirubin?

14 Glands that are associated with the kidneys Answer: What are adrenal glands?

15 Fish that have a greater salt concentration inside their bodies Answer: Freshwater fish

16 When excreted it has a very low solubility and virtually no toxicity. Answer: What is Uric Acid?

17 Desert frogs do this to restrict water loss. Answer: Burrow

18 Where urine is produced. Answer: What is the Nephron?

19 These organisms do not drink water & instead have a problem retaining ions. Answer: Freshwater fish

20 The 3 main ways water in humans is lost. List them. Answer: Urine Production, Defecation, Sweating

21 Adaptation in camels for desert life to store fat. Answer: What is a camel’s Hump?

22 Excreted as a white paste by birds. Answer: What is Uric Acid?

23 Circumstance when fish have to make physiological changes to compensate for changes in the environment. Answer: Migrating fish

24 If people suffer from renal failure this could happen. Answer: Fluid Retention (Edema)

25 The process by which water content and solute concentration of bodily fluids is kept at homeostasis. Answer: What is osmoregulation?

26 Excreted by mammals, some fish, and most amphibians. Answer: What is urea?

27 The part of the nephron responsible for filtration Answer: What is the Glomerulus?

28 “Let’s Play Jeopardy!”

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