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Chapter 51 Pregnancy and Childbirth. Chapter 52 Objectives: Pregnancy and Childbirth Describe the physical and emotional changes a woman typically goes.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 51 Pregnancy and Childbirth. Chapter 52 Objectives: Pregnancy and Childbirth Describe the physical and emotional changes a woman typically goes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 51 Pregnancy and Childbirth

2 Chapter 52 Objectives: Pregnancy and Childbirth Describe the physical and emotional changes a woman typically goes through Identify the importance of good prenatal care and the important elements Identify the contributors to infertility Describe the process of labor and delivery Describe ways of preparing for a healthy postpartum period Define key terms

3 Chapter 53 Deciding to Become a Parent  Physical health and age  Financial circumstances  Relationship with your partner  Education, career and child care plans  Emotional readiness  Social support  Personal qualities  Philosophical or religious beliefs

4 Chapter 54 Preconception Care Male and Female  Pre-existing medical conditions  Prescription drug/OTC drug use  Prior pregnancy or delivery problems.  Age  Smoking, alcohol or other drug usage  Diet/ Folic Acid  Family history of genetic disorders

5 Chapter 55 Conception/Fertility  Conception is the fertilization of a women’s egg by a man’s sperm  Fertilized egg is called a zygote  Egg not fertilized disintegrates within 24 hrs  Millions of sperm in ejaculate (Between 120 and 600 million sperm with each ejaculation)  Sperm release an enzyme to soften outer layer of egg  Egg and sperm each carry 23 chromosomes

6 Chapter 56

7 7

8 8 HS 200 Continue with calendar entries  Thurs, Oct. 26- Wellness Worksheet S7  Tues, Nov. 7- Last day to turn in 12-Step Review (may complete 12-step review OR community activity/meeting)  Thurs, Nov. 9- Last day to accept service learning projects (REQUIRED FOR ALL STUDENTS) Are you paying attention to your mind chatter?

9 Chapter 59 Pregnancy and Childbirth

10 Chapter 510 Infertility Affects about 10% of U.S. Couples  Women  Blocked fallopian tubes  Pelvic Inflamm. Disease  Endometriosis  Hormonal imbalance  Uterine Growths  Allergic responses to sperm  Smoking  Alcohol  Toxic chemicals or radiation  Men  Low sperm count  Poor motility  Blocked passageways  Toxic substances  Smoking  Drugs  Testicular injury  Infections  Birth defects  High Temperatures

11 Chapter 511 Not just viewed as the “woman’s problem” anymore…..  35% of cases attributed to the male Most common reason is inability to produce adequate numbers of healthy sperm Chronic alcohol abuse reduces the ability of the male to produce normally formed sperm cells.

12 Chapter 512 The Wives of Henry VIII ( 1491-1547

13 Chapter 513  Catherine of Aragon 1485-1536

14 Chapter 514 Anne Boleyn 1505-1536

15 Chapter 515 Jane Seymour 1509- 1537

16 Chapter 516 The 6 Wives of Henry the VIII  Divorced~ Beheaded~ Died~ Divorced~ Beheaded~ Survived

17 Chapter 517 Protect Your Fertility!

18 Chapter 518 Infertility Treatment Surgery Fertility drugs Sperm donor Assisted Reproduction Surrogate Motherhood

19 Chapter 519 Pregnancy  13 week trimesters  Tests  Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)  Early signs and symptoms  Missed menstrual period  Softening of the uterus

20 Chapter 520 Text p. 90

21 Chapter 521 Changes in the Women’s Body  First 3 months: ◊ Uterus enlarges ◊ By Fourth Month Abdomen protrudes ◊ Breast changes By 8 th week enlarged and sensitive After 10 th week Colostrum ◊ Muscles and Ligaments loosen ◊ Circulatory System becomes more efficient ◊ Increased heart rate/ Increased lung capacity ◊ Weight Gain

22 Chapter 522 Key Terms  Embryo: Weeks 2-8  Fetus: Week 9 - Birth  Placenta: Organ through which fetus receives nourishment  Umbilical cord: Cord connecting placenta and fetus  Amniotic Sac: Pouch enclosing and protecting fetus

23 Chapter 523 Changes During the Later Stages of Pregnancy By end of 6 th month:  Increased needs placed on the mother.  Braxton hicks contractions.  “Lightening”- Baby settles into pelvic bones  Increased urination  Emotional responses to Pregnancy.

24 Chapter 524

25 Chapter 525 p. 92 Text

26 Chapter 526

27 Chapter 527 Diagnosing Fetal Abnormalities UUltrasound AAmniocentesis CChorionic Villus sampling (CVS) TTriple marker screen (TMS)

28 Chapter 528 Basics of Prenatal Care  Regular medical checkups  Blood tests  Nutritious diet /Prenatal Vitamins (folic acid)  Avoidance of alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and any infections that may harm the fetus  Reasonable exercise  Preparation for childbirth Physically / Emotionally

29 Chapter 529 Complications  Ectopic pregnancy  Spontaneous Abortion, or miscarriage  Preeclampsia/eclampsia  Low-birth Weight (LBW)  Infant Mortality  SIDS

30 Chapter 530 Choices in Childbirth  Who is going to assist with delivery? Discuss Birth Plan in advance  Where is the baby going to be delivered?  Who will be present at the birth?

31 Chapter 531 Labor and Delivery 33 Stages of Labor EEntire process 2-36+ hours

32 Chapter 532 Stage 1 ◊ Cervical Effacement and Dilation ◊ Contractions- Every 15-20 minutes for 30 seconds ◊ Mucus plug is expelled and amniotic sac may rupture. ◊ Last part of First Stage: TRANSITION

33 Chapter 533 Stage 2- Expulsion  Baby slowly pushed into birth canal  Baby squeezes through pelvis  Head is usually delivered first  Umbilical cord is cut

34 Chapter 534 Stage 3: Delivery of Placenta 5-20 minutes after birth Apgar Scale of the Baby Cesarean deliveries

35 Chapter 535 P. 98 Text

36 Chapter 536 Postpartum Period  3 months following childbirth.  Critical family adjustment.  Vaginal delivery leave hospital 1-3 days.  Cesarean section 3-5 days.  Breastfeeding.  Postpartum depression.

37 Chapter 537 Postpartum Depression  affects 10-15% of women any time from a month to a year after childbirth. Less than 1% of new mothers—women develop postpartum psychosis. Paranoia~ Irrational Thoughts Hospitalization often indicated National Institute of Mental Health

38 Chapter 538 Causes are thought to be: The dramatic hormonal shifts that occur during pregnancy The Chemical changes in the brain that result The dramatic lifestyle changes and round-the clock- care required after the birth of a baby. Guilt, shame, isolation, and her depressed state often keep her from getting the help needed. Postpartum Depression is common and treatable Call NIH at 1-866-615-6464 for assistance, support, further info.

39 Chapter 539 What might have happened if Andrea Yates had received the medical help and support needed?  Noah- 7, John-5, Luke- 3, and Paul- 2, Mary- 6 months

40 Chapter 540 Support the new moms you know!  Offer to watch the baby or siblings  Help with household chores, shopping,etc.  Check in regularly

41 Chapter 541 Protect your Fertility!

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